5 Reasons Python is Best Suited for Competitive Coding

5 Reasons Python is Best Suited for Competitive Coding

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Good coders are required for Product Based Companies, and in order to advance to the interview stages, one must pass the competitive coding round. One such platform that will simultaneously test your speed and memory is competitive coding.

Python is unparalleled in terms of speed. Compared to traditional programming languages like C, C++, and Java, the amount of code that must be typed is far less. The fact that Python provides its users with a wide range of functionality, packages, and libraries that serve as a supplement to the programmer’s mental capacity is another crucial factor.

The fact that Python is so simple to use and requires little time to learn makes it the finest programming language overall. It aids in refocusing our attention on the current issue.

Check out our online Python certification course if you’re a Python programmer to learn more about competitive coding. But here are a few Python features that hopefully will inspire you to start using it for competitive coding.

1.Variable Independence.

Before utilising variables, Python does not require us to specify their Data-Types. Additionally, this offers us first-order range flexibility as long as it stays within the hardware’s practical bounds, so we don’t have to worry about integers and large integers. Internal type conversion is managed by flawless results. The same variable name can be used in both the inner and outer for variables of nested loops in Python without causing any issues or inconsistent data.

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2.Common functions like max, min, and count.

You can use the min/max function to locate the minimum/maximum entry in a list. You can sort a list using the Sorted function, and you can count the number of instances of a specific element in a list using the count function.

5 Reasons Python is Best Suited for Competitive Coding

The nicest part is that you can be confident that each of the aforementioned processes is being carried out by the Python libraries using the best available algorithms. For instance, the sorted function uses a very unique sorting algorithm called TIMSORT, which has the best possible worst-case temporal complexity of O(n log n).

3.Lists in python combine the best aspects of arrays and linked lists. 

Python lists offer the special ability to remove particular elements while maintaining the memory locations in a continuous manner. Due to this fact, the idea of linked lists is useless and meaningless. On steroids, it’s like a linked list! Additionally, Insertions can be carried out wherever you like.

4.Unique list operations- Backtracking, Sub-Lists. 

If you are unsure of the size of the list, you can reach the final member by using the index position of -1. The second-to-last element can also be expressed as -2, and so on. Thus, a list can be retraced. Additionally, since you do not need to define a specific list size, it can be used as a dynamic allocation array.

As demonstrated in the example above, a specific section of a list can be extracted without having to traverse the entire list. Lists’ ability to store many data kinds is a pretty astounding truth. Lists are no longer a uniform collection of data pieces as they formerly were.

Multiple values may be returned by a function.

Typically functions in other programming languages can return only one value but in python, we can return more than one value.

5 Reasons Python is Best Suited for Competitive Coding

5.A flexible number of arguments to a function. 

A list that might have a different size each time the function is called can be used to send arguments to a function. In the aforementioned example, we called the function twice, once with two arguments and once with five arguments.

  • For loops and if-else statements are far more user-friendly.

Python’s if-else statement makes it possible to search for a certain element in a list without having to go through the full list and double-check each element.

For each loop, which is slightly distinct from for loops in some programming languages, is also known as for loop. It enables us to traverse a list by having the loop variable take on each value in the list one at a time. Python uses each loop idea in the for loop itself.

  • Robust input statements. 

We are frequently asked in competitive coding to accept ‘n’ space-separated integers as input and, ideally, save them in a list or array. Python has the ability to accomplish everything with a single line of code.

  • Code indentations.

The indentation of Python code chunks is used to identify them. As a result, the code is easier to read and we develop the positive habit of indenting our code.

  • Sets and dictionaries as a concept

A Set is an iterable, changeable, and duplicate-free unordered collection data type. It resembles a list that forbids duplicate elements.

A dictionary is similar to a list where the values are accessible using user-defined keys as opposed to standard numeric index values


You can enroll in a good online Python training program to learn more about Competitive programming and Python.

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