Agile Frameworks

Agile Frameworks

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An Agile framework will be considered for planning, managing and also executing work. Agile frameworks have two categories that are frameworks designed for teams and also frameworks designed to assist organizations that practice Agile at scale.

Agile is released by Agile manifesto. The Agile manifesto will be formally introduced as Agile to the world of software development although there will be many ideas that are contained within the iterations of the ideas that have been practised in software development at that time.

Agile frameworks have guidance for non-agile functions that are finance and HR. As the agile movement proceeds to expand and new applications of Agile continue to emerge, Agile frameworks continue to evolve.

Team-level Agile Approaches

  1. Scrum

This is one of the well-known agile frameworks for teams. The defined scrum as a framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems when productively and creatively delivering the products which have the highest possible values.

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Scrum will be intended to be lightweight and easy to understand and it will be difficult to master. The most recognisable element of scrum is the use of the time-boxed iterations.

  1. XP

Extreme Programming will be another team-level Agile framework with all the roots in software development. Like all most Agile approaches, XP allows for frequent releases in short development sprints that will encourage change as per the requirement. The core values will have



Consistent feedback


Extreme programming requires developers to have the first plan and understand the customer’s user stories and their informal descriptions of features and feature requirements.

  1. Kanban

Kanban is derived from the Japanese word for “visual signal” or “card”. Kanban’s roots are in manufacturing, this Agile framework has been applied broadly to software development. There are essential elements of Kanban. Work items will be represented by cards on a kanban board, like sticky notes on a whiteboard.

Every step will be a process that is shown by the vertical lane.

The cards will be moved from left to right across the board to show where each item will be in process. Kanban is often used as a tool by lean and Agile teams and can also be incorporated into Agile frameworks.

  1. Scrumban

Scrumban is an Agile framework that is a hybrid of scrum and kanban that is shown to meet the requirements of teams wanting to minimize the batching of work and also adopt a pull-based system. Scrumban is a stepping stone for teams that prefer to transition from scrum to kanban. It provides teams with a way of learning how to practice continuous improvement in kanban without abandoning the familiar structure of scrum.

  1. Scrums of scrums

Scrums of scrums that has the intention to build upon the team-level principles of scrum as well as activate organizations to connect multiple scrum teams which require collaboration to deliver complex solutions. Scrums of scrum will allow organizations to build upon the success of their existing scrum teams at scale with drastic changes in the practices.

The four values of the Agile manifesto are

  1. Individuals and interactions- There are a lot of software team connections that will focus on having the good tools or maybe processes with which they build their software. The best possible tools in the wrong hands are worthless. The interactions between team members are what help them to collaborate and solve any problems that will arise.
  2. Working software- Software developers would spend ages creating detailed documentation. That was before they started writing a single line of code. Their Agile manifesto places shipping software to our customers as one of the highest priorities.
  3. Customer collaboration- These contracts will be king as we would draw up contracts with the customer who would then detail the finished product.
  4. Responding to change- The agile manifesto gives advice to software teams should have the ability to pivot and change direction whenever they need a flexible roadmap that reflects.


  1. What are the Agile Frameworks?
  2. How do Agile Frameworks work?

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