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The IT project teams develop the software to cater to the business requirements of client. The requirements of the client include features, data requirements, performance of the software, security, quality standards and so on. The software testers test if the software developed by developers is in compliance with the requirements of the client. The software performance testing is one the major software testing type.

What is Software Performance Testing:

The software performance testing is to test the speed or efficiency of the software. The speed or the efficiency of the software depends on various factors listed below:

the number of active users of the software
the volume of the data in the database
the resources supporting the software
the usage of the software

Types of Software Performance Testing:

Based on the different factors influencing the performance of the software, the types of software performance testing are described below:

Load testing:

In the load testing, the performance testing is done with different number of users. The maximum number of users supported by the software is identified in the load testing. For example: During sales, many users access the shopping site. The shopping site speed reduces.

Volume testing:

In the volume testing, the performance testing is done with different volumes of data to identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software. For example: the bank database is loaded with huge volume of customer data, that affects the efficiency of the system.

Stress testing:

In the stress testing, the performance testing is done with different number of resources to identify the number of resources supported by the software. For example: in the stress testing, the number of servers required is to be identified.

Soak testing:

In the soak testing, the performance testing is done under continuous usage of software. For example, the performance of the software is observed under continuous usage over a period of time.

The performance of the software is critical factor of the software to be analysed. The software performance testing can be conducted by a specialised team of performance testers. Sometimes, the software performance testing is assigned to the software testers in the team.

Check your understanding:

1. Give the examples for different types of software performance testing.

99 Responses

  1. Load testing:-eg. during a huge sale time all users accessing the shopping site which can reduce the speed of site
    Volume testing:- the bank database loaded with huge volumes of customer data that affects the efficiency of the system
    Stress testing:- in stress testing, numbers of servers require to be identified
    Soak testing:- the performance of the software is observed under continuous usage over a period of time.

  2. Give the examples for different types of software performance testing.
    Load testing – testing is done with different/many users. eg -During sales, many users access the shopping site. The shopping site speed reduces.
    Volume testing – Testing is done with different volumes of data to identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software.
    eg- bank database is loaded with huge volume of customer data, that affects the efficiency of the system.
    Stress testing – Testing is done with different number of resources to identify the number of resources supported by the software. eg- in the stress testing, the number of servers required is to be identified.
    Soak Testing – testing is done under continuous usage of software.
    eg – performance of the software is observed under continuous usage over a period of time

  3. Load testing: Here the number of users using the software if found and with that speed reduces and the testers can report to the developers how the speed is affected by many users using. Example is shopping site

    Volume testing:: Here the performance testing is done with different volumes of data to identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software. For Example the bank database

    Stress testing: Here the performance testing is done with different number of resources to identify the number of resources supported by the software. For example, the number of servers required is to be identified.

    Soak testing: Here the performance testing is done under continuous usage of software. For example, the performance of the software is observed under continuous usage over a period of time.

  4. load testing: It determines a system performance under real-life condition.this testing helps how the applicants behave when multiple user access it simultaneously
    volume testing: testing the music site behavior where millions of users are downloading the song.
    stress testing: during this testing system is monitored after the subject of overloading to ensure that system can sustain the stress
    soak testing: a system behave normally when used for 2 hours but, when it used continuously for 10 hours or more it may fail or behave normally to predict such failure soak testing is performed

  5. 1. Give the examples for different types of software performance testing.
    1. Load testing
    Online shopping sites where many users use software during sales which results in reduce of speed
    or system crash.
    2. Volume testing
    Cell phone has too many videos and games application. Sometimes due to different volume of data
    may it happen that cell phone does not respond correctly.
    3. Stress testing
    Hardware: It will ensure stability and reliability in the software.
    4. Soak testing
    In a banking system when there is a large amount of data the tester will test the system continuously
    for 2 to 3 weeks to check how application behaves.

  6. 1. Load Testing: testing done with different and maximum number of users
    eg: during sales, many users access the shopping site, the shopping speed reduces.
    2. Volume testing: testing done with different volumes of data to identify the maximum volume
    of data supported by the software. eg: the bank data
    3. Stress testing: the performance testing is done with different number of resources to identify
    no of resources supported by software.
    4: Soak testing: the performance testing is done under continuous usage of software over an extended
    period of time.

  7. Types of Performance testing:
    1. Load testing – test performance of software with different number of users and identify the maximum number of users supported by software. Ex: downloading a number of large files from the internet
    2. Volume testing – test performance of software with different volumes of data and identify maximum volume of data supported by software. Ex: mobile/PC with many applications and video files, the speed of the system reduces
    3. Stress testing – test performance of the software with different number of resources and identify the number of resources required by the software. Ex: the number of servers required
    4. Soak testing – test performance of the software under continuous usage. Ex: 2 to 3 weeks of continuous observations of the software

  8. Types of Performance testing
    1.Load Testing -eg online shopping site like eBay,Amazon,Walmart
    2.Volume testing – eg Online banking BOA,UMass
    3.Stress testing – eg web server
    4.Soak testing -eg Google,gmail

  9. Give the examples for different types of software performance testing.

    1. Performance Test
    2. VolumeTest
    3. Load Test
    4. Stress Test
    5. Soak Test
    6. Component Test
    7. Smoke Test

  10. 1. Load Testing: testing done with different and maximum number of users
    eg: during sales, many users access the shopping site, the shopping speed reduces.
    2. Volume testing: testing done with different volumes of data to identify the maximum volume
    of data supported by the software. eg: online banking BOA
    3. Stress testing: the performance testing is done with different number of resources to identify
    no of resources supported by software. eg: web server
    4: Soak testing: the performance testing is done under continuous usage of software over an extended
    period of time.

  11. Ans. : The example for different types of software performance testing are:
    – Load Testing: It is done during sales, many users access the shopping site. The shopping site speed reduces.
    – Volume Testing: It is done when the bank database is loaded with huge volume of customer data, that affects the efficiency of the system.
    – Stress Testing: In the stress testing, the number of servers required is to be identified.
    – Soak Testing: In this testing the performance of the software is observed under continuous usage over a period of time

  12. 1) Load testing:-In the load testing, the performance testing is done with different number of users. The maximum number of users supported by the software is identified in the load testing. e.g.-online shopping sites.
    2) Volume testing:- In the volume testing, the performance testing is done with different volumes of data to identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software. e.g.- game application.
    3)Soak testing:-In the soak testing, the performance testing is done under continuous usage of software. e.g.-2 to 3 weeks of continuous performance testing.
    4)Stress testing:-In the stress testing, the performance testing is done with different number of resources to identify the number of resources supported by the software. e.g.-web server.

  13. 1.Load testing: different number of users – online shopping site users logged in during the big sale
    2.Volume testing: different volumes of data – mobile/pc – video files/gaming
    3.Stress testing: different number of resources – goggle back up server
    4.Soak testing: continuous usage of software – 2 to 3 weeks of continuous observation of the performance of the sw

  14. Load Testing: The performance of the software is tested with different number of users to identify the maximum number of users supported by the software. Eg: Online lottery test its software to see the maximum number of users that the software can support when results are being declared.
    Soak testing: In soak testing the performance of the software is tested under continous usage of software. Eg: 2-3 weeks of contionus running of the software to test the speed of the software.
    Volume testing: In Volume Testing, the testing is done with different volumes of data to identify the maximum volume of data is supported by the software. Eg: Mobile app is tested with more and more data to check how much data the app can handle succesfully.
    Stress testing: In stress testing, testing is done to indentify different number of resources supported by the software. Eg: Number of servers required by the software is identified.

  15. 1).Load Testing:
    Load Testing is to verify that the system/application can handle the expected number of transactions and to verify the system/application behaviour under both normal and peak load conditions (no. of users).
    2).Volume Testing:
    Volume Testing is to verify that the system/application can handle a large amount of data. This testing focuses on Data Base.
    3).Stress testing :
    Testing performance of the application by increasing or decreasing the number of resources , and identifying the optimum number of resources.
    4).Soak Testing:
    Running a system at high load for a prolonged period of time to identify the performance problems is called Soak Testing.

  16. 1- Soak testing can be conducted by a spacial team of performance testers
    2- Stress testing is done by many different resources by the software
    3- Volume testing is done by different volume of data to identify the software
    4-Load testing can be done by different users to identify loaf testing

  17. Load Testing–in the load testing, the performance testing is done with different number of users. Ex–During sales, many users access the shopping site. The shopping site speed reduces.
    Volume Testing–In the volume testing, the performance testing is done with different volumes of data to identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software. For example: the bank database is loaded with huge volume of customer data, that affects the efficiency of the system.
    Stress testing–in the stress testing, the performance testing is done with different number of resources to identify the number of resources supported by the software. For example: in the stress testing, the number of servers required is to be identified.
    Soak testing–In the soak testing, the performance testing is done under continuous usage of software. For example, the performance of the software is observed under continuous usage over a period of time.

  18. Types of software performance testing:
    load testing:
    Example of Load testing are Test of a word processor by make change in the large volume of data,
    test a printer by transferring heavy data.
    Check mail server with thousands of concurrent users.
    Volume Testing:
    E.g., if we want to volume test our application with a specific database size, we need to expand our database to that size and then test the application’s performance on it.
    Stress Testing
    Example of Stress testing is casually shut down and restart ports of a large network.
    Soak Testing:
    In the case of Video games, Mobile applications, etc. involve leaving the game or application in a running state for prolonged time period, in various modes of operation- such as idling, paused at the title screen and so on to find out whether an application can handle the continuously expected load.

  19. Load Testing- Testing that identifies how many users can use the system at once. Ex: Online University Class Registration
    Volume Testing – Testing that identifies how much data can be stored in the system. Ex: mobile/ gaming
    Stress Testing- Determines the number of resources ( ex. Servers) can actually support the system. .
    Soak Testing- Continuous testing of the software for 2 to 3 weeks to see if it remains compatible with the clients’ requirements.

  20. 1. Load testing: Test to see the maximum number of user to use the software without slowing down the system. eg. Amazon website, at a time millions of users can access this site to purchase anything.
    2. Volume testing: To test the maximum load of data a system can support. Eg. SSN information for all the citizens needed to be store by the federal govt along with their details .
    3. Stress testing: Testing to see how many resources needed for the system to perform well. eg. Number of servers needed for a application to make all the web service calls.
    4. Soak testing: The software will be used continuously to check whether it is stable or not in the long run. Eg. Any web services

  21. Types of Performance Testing :

    Load testing: shopping web sites : Amazon , , Flipkart etc
    Volume testing: Mobile games and video games – big , games , online
    Stress testing: online – banking .. Bank of America
    Soak testing: email websites … Gmail , Yahoo …

  22. 1.Soak testing : testing the application for continuous usage. eg— Gmail
    2.load testing : testing is perform to make sure that what amount of load can be with stand the application under test.
    3.stress testing: to check the stability of sotware when hardware resources are not sufficient like CPU, memory ,disk space etc.
    4. volume testing: testing a software with large amount of data to be processed to check the efficiency of the application.

  23. Load Testing:
    Testing the maximum numbers of users supported by the software is called load testing. For e.g.During sales, many users access the shopping site. The shopping site speed reduces.
    Volume testing:
    Testing the maximum volume of data supported by the software is called volume testing. For e.g. the bank database is loaded with huge volume of customer data, that affects the efficiency of the system.
    Stress testing:
    Testing the maximum number of resources supported by the software is called stress testing. For e.g.the number of servers required is to be identified.
    Soak testing:
    Testing the continuous usage of software is called soak testing. For e.g. the performance of the software is observed under continuous usage over a period of time.

  24. Software Performance Testing is a important part of overall software testing usually by QA or performance testers. In this process, it will test for the overall speed and accuracy of the software based on four: # of usersor the max # of users of the software supports which is called the Load testing, 2nd is the volume of the data which uses the volume testing – it tests the max volume of data supported. 3rd is # of resources supporting the software or so called the stress testing – in this type of testing, the aim is to identify the # of servers needed to support the software and lastly the usage of the software or the soak testing . In this testing, the software is being observed with continuous usage of the software over a period of time. It might also called , testing the limits.

  25. 1. Load testing: In the load testing, the performance testing is done with different number of users. Example of this type of testing software is like Facebook, shopping sites.
    2. In the volume testing, the performance testing is done with different volumes of data to identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software. Example of this type of testing is Hospital software where many patience information is stored.
    3. Stress testing:Testing the maximum number of resources supported by the software is called stress testing. For e.g.the number of servers required is to be identified.
    4. In the soak testing, the performance testing is done under continuous usage of software. For example, the performance of the software is observed under continuous usage over a period of time.

  26. The software performance testing is to test the speed or efficiency of the software.The speed or efficiency of the software depends on various factors like the number of users,the volume of the data in software,the resources supporting the software, the usage of the software.Types of software testing are Load testing-the maximum number of users supported by the software is identified here. Volume testing-testing done with the different volumes of the data to identify the maximum volume of the data supported by the software. Stress testing- testing done with different number of resources to identify the number of resources supported by the software.Soak Testing- Testing done under continuous usage of the software.

  27. Load testing – Ex: Amazon is being used by millions of users at a time
    Volume testing – Ex: Hospital Management where lots of medical information of patients is being stored and accessed
    Stress testing – Ex: Google Search engine needs many number of resources to get the information
    Soak testing – Ex: Netflix which is being used continuously by many kids today and Google

  28. Load Testing: Load test is to test the max no of users and to identify the max no users are supported by the software. eg: Millions of Users are using Gmail every min. Their email transacting, downloading an attachment, deleting spam or trash etc. can cause slow speed. So, it is necessary to perform load testing.
    Volume Testing: Volume testing is done to identify the max volume of data is supported by the software. Eg: If in our phone we have stored too many audio, video, photos then it can impact our phone’s speed.
    Stress Testing: Stress testing done to identify the max no of resources are supported by the software.
    Soak Testing: Soak testing is done under continuous usage of the software. Eg: test the software’s continuous usage for 3-4 weeks

  29. LOAD TESTING; If so many users are logging into same site, obviously the system speed will decrease . so the load testing is performed.

    VOLUME TESTING; In health insurance system, there will be lot of customers data. To maintain that data and to retrieve data at any point of time, the system should support. for this volume testing is performed.

    STRESS TESTING; Online swimming registration. During this time so many people used the same site.
    SOAK TESTING; Movie sites. People watch movie like 3hrs.

  30. Different types of software performance testing are
    1. Load Testing : eg Online shopping sites like amazon, ebay
    2. Volume Testing : eg tablets and phones has too many videos and games application.
    3. Stress Testing : banks like bank of America
    4. Soak Testing: gmail, prime

  31. Load Testing: online shopping sites during thanksgiving, speed reduces due to large number of users.
    Volume Testing: A large company need to store all details of their employees, so need a large database.
    Stress testing: Negative testing, overload the software beyond its capacity to check stability of software. Eg: server down because of lot of stress
    Soak testing: Facebook. Online Banking, Banks

  32. This article describes te different aspects of Software Performance testing – Load testing, Volume testing, Stress testing and Soak testing.

  33. Load testing examples: Online shopping sites during Christmas.Sites get too slow due to large number of people using it.
    Volume testing: When too much applications are loaded the cellphone becomes slow.Here maximum volume of data is supported by the software.
    Soak testing.: continuous usage of same software like movie or game sites.
    Stress testing.: overload beyond limits.many resources are used for the same.

  34. Load testing – done with different number of user to check for maximum support by software
    eg-online shopping(during sale)
    Volume testing-done with different volumes of data to identify the maximum volume of data supported.
    eg-bank database
    Stress testing-the number of servers required is identified.
    eg-web server
    soak testing-done under continuous usage of software over an extended period of

  35. . Give the examples for different types of software performance testing.

    Load Testing t the number of active users of the software eg. during online sales event for Shopping sites, the number of active users at a given point of time
    Volume Testing the volume of the data in the database. eg. airline ticketing and reservation volumes
    Stress Testing the resources supporting the software eg. number of servers supporting a system
    Soak Testing the usage of the software. continuous testing of software over a period of time.

  36. 1. Give the examples for different types of software performance testing.
    Load Testing- During sale , number of user increases eg- amazon, ebay
    Stress Testing- Number of servers required is identified- web server
    Volume Testing- Volume occupied by the devices are tested eg- phone, laptop
    Soak testing- Continuous usage of software is tested eg- movie

  37. Load testing: running multiple apps in the background reduces the speed and sometimes it crashes.
    Volume testing: in mobile when video app / gaming app is running this makes the performance of the mobile very low.
    Stress testing: the number of servers required is to be identified.
    Soak testing: the performance of the software is observed under continuous usage over a period of time.

  38. Give the examples for different types of software performance testing.
    Load Testing-Test the performance of the software with different number of users and identify the maximum number users supported by the software
    Eg – Running multiple applications simultaneously on server.
    Volume Testing- Test the performance of the software with different volume of data and identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software
    Eg -opening multiple applications or videos in a mobile or PC
    Stress Testing- Test the performance of the software with different number of resources and identify the maximum number of resources supported by the software
    Eg- identify the maximum number of servers required by the software
    Soak Testing- Test the performance of the software under continuous usage
    Eg.- 2 or 3 weeks continuous observation of the software performance

  39. The performance of Software developed is measured by number of users it takes at a time,
    how much data it identities, how many resources it needs and how much time it can be used
    continuously. To evaluate all the measures software testers will perform different
    tests and validate the software. Load Testing for maximum number of users. Volume testing
    for maximum amount of data, Stress testing for maximum number of resources
    and Soak testing for amount of time continuously used.

  40. The different types of Performance Testings are as follows:
    1.Load Testing:Test the performance of the software with different number of users and identify the maximum number of users supported by the software.Eg:shopping sites like Ebay,Amazon etc, many users use at the same times the speed reduces and the system crash.
    2. Volume Testing:Test the performance of the software with different volume of data and identify maximum volume of data supported by the software.Eg:mobile phone,gaming apps/video files etc requires huge data, speed reduces and the system crash.
    3.Stress Testing:Test the performance of the software with different numbers of resources and identify the number of resources required by the software.Eg:Identify the number of servers required.
    4.Soak Testing:Test the performance of the software under continuous usage.Eg: email

  41. The focus of Performance Testing is checking a software program’s
    • Speed – Determines whether the application responds quickly
    • Scalability – Determines maximum user load the software application can handle.
    • Stability – Determines if the application is stable under varying loads

    Types of Performance Testing
    • Load testing – checks the application’s ability to perform under anticipated user loads. The objective is to identify performance bottlenecks before the software application goes live.
    • Stress testing – involves testing an application under extreme workloads to see how it handles high traffic or data processing. The objective is to identify the breaking point of an application.
    • Endurance testing – is done to make sure the software can handle the expected load over a long period of time.
    • Spike testing – tests the software’s reaction to sudden large spikes in the load generated by users.
    • Volume testing – Under Volume Testing large no. of. Data is populated in a database and the overall software system’s behavior is monitored. The objective is to check software application’s performance under varying database volumes.
    • Scalability testing – The objective of scalability testing is to determine the software application’s effectiveness in “scaling up” to support an increase in user load. It helps plan capacity addition to your software system.

  42. 1. Load Testing:
    Social networking site. ex. Facebook,twitter
    2. Volume Testing:
    email websites, uploads or downloads
    3.Stress testing:
    Aircraft, satellite programs,bank applications/websites
    4. Soak testing:
    google, banking domain

  43. – Capacity testing: How many users the system/application can handle successfully before performance goals become unacceptable.
    – Spike testing: determine the behavior of the system under sudden increase of load (a large number of users) on the system.
    – Load testing: to verify that system/application can handle the expected number of transactions and to verify the system/application behavior under both normal and peak load conditions.
    – Volume testing: to verify that they system/application can handle a large number of data and it focuses on database.
    – Stress testing: to verify the behavior of the system once the load increases more than the system’s design expectations. This will identify which components fail first.
    6. Soak testing: Also called Endurance testing is to run a system at high load for a prolonged period of time to identify the performance problems.

  44. 1. Give the examples for different types of software performance testing.
    * Checking the speed and efficiency of the software is called performance Testing.
    Based on the factors influencing the performance testing there are 4 different types of testing.
    1. Load Testing – Testing the performance of the software with different number of users and find out the maximum number of users supported by the software. Eg: Online shopping sites – more number of users – speed of the software reduces – crash.
    2. Volume Testing – Testing the performance of the software with different volumes of Data and find out the maximum volume of Data supported by the software. Eg: Mobile/PC apps and pics – reduce the speed, Net banking – more customers info – reduce speed
    3. Stress Testing – Test the performance of the software with different number of resources and find out the maximum number of resources required for the software. Eg: identify the max number of servers required for the software.
    4. Soak Testing – Test the performance of the software under continuous usage. Eg: 2-3 days continuous observation of the software performance.

  45. Load testing: the number of active users of the software
    Volume testing: the volume of the data in the database
    Stress testing: the resources supporting the software
    Soak testing: the usage of the software

  46. Give the examples for different types of software performance testing.
    The examples of different types of Performance Testing are:
    Load Testing: Online shopping
    Volume testing:Mobile and PC ,data base of the bank
    Stress testing: Identify the maximum number of servers or resources required by the software.
    Soak testing: 2 to 3 days of continuous performance testing which includes the load, volume and stress testing altogether.

  47. Pingback: What is SOAK TESTING? – Site Title
  48. 1. Give the examples for different types of software performance testing.
    Examples of the different Types of Performance Testing
    1)Load Testing –
    ~During Black Friday when online sales are high, many users will be using the website, we might find the application to slow down , page not load etc.
    2) Volumne Testing –
    ~Take any mobile try downloading audio files , video files, gaming applications etc
    ~To Test the application’s database size , the database will be expanded to that size and then performance testing is done.
    ~If the requirement is that the application should interact with the interface file then the database is extended to its maximum threshold and large amount of data is added and then system’s performance is tested.
    3)Stress Testing –
    ~How Many network components are required? How many hardware components are required?
    4) Soak Testing –
    ~ A mobile gaming application is left in the running mode for a longer period of time

  49. load testing- In flight ticket reservation system on festive season more number of people will use the system for booking tickets.So by adding the no. of users the testers can check how much load the system can support.
    stress testing-in the mobile game system open more apps at the same time and check the break down point of the system by adding the stress .Add more servers ,network components ,h/w component that support the correct functioning of the system.
    soak testing-testing the system for a longer period of; running the mobile app for a longer period of time.
    volume testig-test the stability of the system by increasing the volume of data eg;in mobile app try to down load audio file ,video file and game file at the same time.

  50. Load Testing: The number of users the system can handle without affecting its performance. For example: The number of users on Walmart website on Black Friday sale day
    Volume Testing: The testing done to identify the amount of data the system can handle without crashing. For example: Weather related data in a metrological prediction software.
    Stress Testing: The testing to identify the resource requirements of a system. For example: number of servers required to maintain high performance of youtube application.
    Soak Testing: Testing the continuous performance of the software over a period of time. For example: testing the data analysis software of meteorological department for performance over period f several days.

  51. Types Of Testing:
    Load Testing: the performance testing is done with different number of users. The maximum number of users supported by the software is identified in the load testing. For example: During sales, many users access the shopping site. The shopping site speed reduces. Eg: downloading number of files at one time. system crashes.
    Volume Testing: identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software. For example: the bank database is loaded with huge volume of customer data, that affects the efficiency of the system. Testing the music site wher there are numers of users to download rhe song.
    Stress Testing:identify the number of resources supported by the software. For example: in the stress testing, the number of servers required is to be During festival time, an online shopping site may witness a spike in traffic, or when it announces a sale.
    Soak Testing: continuous usage of software. For example, the performance of the software is observed under continuous usage over a period of time In the case of Video games, Mobile applications, etc. involve leaving the game or application in a running state for a prolonged time period will not handle continuous load

  52. Load Testing – evaluate retail website for thanksgiving offer and expect 10000 customers use the website at the same time
    Volume Testing – Testing the caller tunes, where thousands of songs are available for an user to download.
    Stress Testing – flood a web application with data, connections
    Soak Testing – system application capacity is 6 hours and testing the same application if used for 9 hours.

  53. 1. Give the examples for different types of software performance testing.
    Load testing:
    example: testing to see if a shopping website can handle a lot of customers and maintain the speed,especially during peak shopping seasons.
    Volume testing:
    For example: testing the bank database with huge volume of customer data and understanding its effects the efficiency of the system.
    Stress testing:
    example: testing to make sure the website can perform at max server capacity and based on the results,a decision is made on having back up servers.
    Soak testing:
    For example: testing gaming apps with lot of players logged in and using the system for a extended period of time and its effect on the efficiency of the system.

  54. Load testing:- Test performance of the software with the different number of users and identify the maximum users supported
    by the software.
    Eg. Online shopping sites. If many users server will be slow.
    Volume testing:- Similarly testing performance of the software with different volumes of data and identify the maximum data
    supported by the software.
    Eg. Testing capacity of a computer by uploading too much data.
    Stress testing:- Test performance of the software with the different number of resources and identify the number of resources
    supported by the software.
    Eg. Servers or net works devices. when 5GB data is copied from the website and pasted in notepad. Notepad is under stress and
    gives ‘Not Responded’ error message.
    Soak testing:- Test performance of the software with the different number of users, resources, data and observe performance of
    software under continuous usage.
    Eg. Testing a computer under so many usages: opening many pages, different servers, uploading many data and observing if it
    stands up for long time like 2-3 weeks.

  55. Types of performance testing
    load testing:
    The performance testing is done with different number of users supported by the software Eg: Amazon,walmart, eBay shopping sites where speed reduces during sale.

    Volume testing:
    The volumes testing is done with different volumes of data supported by the software Eg: banking application Bank of America, penfed ,where huge volumes of data affects efficiency.

    Stress testing:
    This type of performance testing done with different number of users to identify resources supported by software. Eg: When a blog is mentioned in a leading newspaper, it experiences a sudden surge in traffic.

    Soak testing:
    In this type of testing , performance is tested under continuous usage over a period of time.
    Eg:testing gaming apps with lot of players logged in and using the system for a extended period of time and its effect on the efficiency of the system.

  56. Performance testing is to test the speed or efficiency of the software.

    Load Testing is the performance testing done with different number of users.
    eg;- online shopping sites.

    volume Testing, the test performance of the software with different volumes of data identify the maximum volume of data that supported by software.
    eg;- mobile phone and gaming sites.

    stress Testing, the test performance of the software with different number of recourses to identify the number of resources required by the software.
    eg;- identify the number of servers required by the software.

    soak Testing, the test performance of the software under continuous usage
    eg;- 2 to 3 weeks of continuous usage.

  57. Load testing: Testing by numbers of users. Eg: running same application by multiple user at once and if application runs without any problem.
    Volume testing: Testing with different volumes of data and identify maximum volume of data supported. Eg: hospital database is loaded with huge number of patients condition.
    Stress testing: Testing with different number of resource. Eg: Testing number of servers required to run software
    Soak testing: Testing by continuous use of software. Eg: Running an application for long period of time and test if it works properly.

  58. Load testing: is done to identify the peak performance of the system within specifications. It must be able to handle the maximum number of users, simultaneous access for peak conditions example number of users in shopping at sale events. The number of users or their activities should not slow the system down.

    Volume testing:Here the system is tested with a large volume of data. example in a banking system, if we search by a single letter for name, several results may load. the system should be able to handle specified volume of data.

    Stress testing: is also called negative testing because it is used to find the breaking point of the system by taking away resources like servers. This tests system behavior under extreme condtions, way beyond peak specifications.

    Soak testing: here the applications endurance over a long period of time is tested. the system is allowed to run over long periods of time like several weeks and should not affect the response time.

  59. Give the examples for different types of software performance testing.
    Load testing – testing is done with different/many users. eg -During sales, many users access the shopping site. The shopping site speed reduces.
    Volume testing – Testing is done with different volumes of data to identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software.
    eg- bank database is loaded with huge volume of customer data, that affects the efficiency of the system.
    Stress testing – Testing is done with different number of resources to identify the number of resources supported by the software. eg- in the stress testing, the number of servers required is to be identified.
    Soak Testing – testing is done under continuous usage of software.
    eg – performance of the software is observed under continuous usage over a period of time

  60. Load testing:Online shopping sites
    Volume testing:Database of an organisation
    Stress testing:Identify the number of servers required by software
    Soak testing:2 to 3 weeks of continuous performance testing

  61. Load testing: is used with a certain amount of testers.

    Stress testing: the test is done with different types of resources

    Volume testing: the test is done with different amount of data to identify how much the software can support.

    Soak testing is done continuously and is done over a period of time to check its performance.

  62. Examples for different types of software performance testing are:
    1) Load testing: Before Black Friday sales, a shopping site’s software would be tested to find out the maximum number of users that can be supported at any given time.
    2) Volume Testing: A mobile shopping app may be loaded with huge volume of customer data during Christmas sales. So volume testing finds the maximum volume of data that is supported by the software.
    3) Stress testing: Again a huge e commerce company like Amazon will need to stress test its software to find out the number of servers it will require to handle customer data..
    4) Soak testing: It tests the performance of the software under continuous usage like 2 to 3 weeks. For example, in software testing, a system may behave exactly as expected when tested for one hour. However, when it is tested for three hours, problems such as memory leaks cause the system to fail or behave unexpectedly.

  63. 1. Load Testing: testing done with different and maximum number of users
    eg: during sales, many users access the shopping site, the shopping speed reduces.
    2. Volume testing: testing done with different volumes of data to identify the maximum volume
    of data supported by the software. eg: the bank data
    3. Stress testing: the performance testing is done with different number of resources to identify
    no of resources supported by software.
    4: Soak testing: the performance testing is done under continuous usage of software over an extended
    period of time.

  64. 1.Load testing:
    Testing is done with different number of users.
    For example: During sales, many users access the shopping site. The shopping site speed reduces.
    2.Volume testing:
    Testing is done with different volumes of data to identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software.
    For example: the bank database is loaded with huge volume of customer data, that affects the efficiency of the system.
    3.Stress testing:
    The stress testing is done with different number of resources to identify the number of resources supported by the software.
    For example: in the stress testing, the number of servers required is to be identified.
    4.Soak testing:
    In the soak testing,software is observed under continuous usage over a period of time.

  65. Examples of different types of testing
    1.Load testing:During sales , many user access the shopping site. The shopping site speed reduces.
    2.Volume testing: The bank database is loaded with huge volume of data supported by the huge volume of customer data, that affects the efficiency of the system.
    3.Stress testing: In the stress testing , the number of servers required is to be identified.
    4.Soak testing: The performance of the software is observed under continuous usage over a period of time.

  66. The different types of software testing examples are
    Volume testing – identifies the maximum volume of data that the software can support
    Load testing – identifies the maximum number of users that could be supported
    Stress testing – tests the resources such as the numbers of server required
    Soak testing – test performance over time to see what the limit is.

  67. The Software performance testing is to test the speed and efficiency of the software.
    Types of software performance testing:
    1)Load Testing:In load testing the performance testing is done with number of users and identify the maximum number of users supported by the software.Eg:online shopping sites-sales-many users:speed is low.
    2)Volume Testing:Here the Performance of software is done with different volumes of data and identify the maximum volume of data supported by software.Eg:Mobile/pc-gaming/video-low,data base of the bank-huge number of customers.
    3)Stress Testing:The performance testing is done with different number of resources and identify the number of resources required by the software.Eg:identify the number of servesrs(resources) required by the software.
    4)soak Testing:Test the performance of the software with different number of users and resources and volumes of data and observe software performance under continuous usage.Eg:2 to 3 weeks of continuous performance testing.

  68. The different types of software testing examples are
    Volume testing – identifies the maximum volume of data that the software can support.
    Load Testing: testing done with different and maximum number of users
    eg: during sales, many users access the shopping site, the shopping speed reduces.
    Stress testing: Again a huge e commerce company like Amazon will need to stress test its software to find out the number of servers it will require to handle customer data.
    Soak testing: the performance testing is done under continuous usage of software over an extended
    period of time.

  69. Load testing- Test the performance of the software with numbers of users and identify the maximum numbers of users supported by the applications.
    Volume testing- Test the performance of the software with different volume of data and identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software.
    Stress testing- Test the performance of the software with the different number of resources and identify the resources required by the software .
    Soak testing-Test the performance of the software under continuos usage.

  70. performance testing is to test the speed or efficiency of the software. Different type of the performance tastings is
    1.Load testing –To test the performance the Software with different number of users and identify the maximum user required by the software Ex- Online shopping sites.
    2.Volume testing—Test the Performance of the software with different volume of data and identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software Ex Data base of the bank.
    3. stress testing –Test the performance of the software with different number of the resources and identify the resource required by the software. Ex- Identify the number of servers
    4.Soak testing – Test the performance of the software with different number of usages. Ex– 2-3 weeks continuous performance testing.

  71. Types of Software Performance Testing:
    Load testing: testing is done with different number of users. Example: During sales, many users access the shopping site. The shopping site speed reduces.
    Volume testing: testing is done with different volumes of data to identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software. For example: the bank database is loaded with huge volume of customer data, that affects the efficiency of the system.
    Stress testing: the performance testing is done with different number of resources to identify the number of resources supported by the software. For example: in the stress testing, the number of servers required is to be identified.
    Soak testing: testing is done under continuous usage of software. For example, the performance of the software is observed under continuous usage over a period of time.

  72. Load testing: the number of active users of the software
    Volume testing: the volume of the data in the database
    Stress testing: the resources supporting the software
    Soak testing: the usage of the software

  73. Load testing: its a performance testing done with different number of users to identify the maximum number of users supported by the software. e. g peak sales period
    Volume testing: Its performance testing done with the volume of data in the database to identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software. e.g financial institutions, telecomms
    Stress testing: Its performance testing done with with different number of resources to identify the number of resources supported by the software.
    Soak testing: Its performance testing done under continuous usage of software over a period of time.

  74. Give the examples for different types of software performance testing.
    Load testing- in this testing we have to check the performance of the software with the deferent number group of user .
    Volume testing – in this testing we have to check the performance of the software with the deferent sets of data.
    Stress testing – in this testing we have to check the performance of the software with the deferent sets of resources .
    Soak testing – in this testing we have to check the performance of the software under the continuous uses for 3 to 4 days .

  75. Loading Testing: The performance testing is done with large number of users. exp- people do shopping when deals come mainly on holidays.
    Volume testing: volumes of data to identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software. college database is loaded with huge volume of student data.
    Stress testing : testing is done with different number of resources to identify the number of resources supported by the software.
    For example, we might flood a web application with data, connections, and so on until it finally crashes.
    Soak testing : the performance testing is done under continuous usage of software over a period of time.for e.g.When a bank announces that it will be closing, its system is expected to handle a large number of transactions during the closing days of the bank. This event is rare and unexpected, but your system has to handle this unlikely situation anyway.

  76. Performance testing is the process of determining the speed, responsiveness and stability of a computer, network, software program or device under a workload. … Typical parameters include processing speed, data transfer rate, network bandwidth and throughput, workload efficiency and reliability.

  77. performance of the software is tested using different test methods; such as load testing (used to check Maximun numbers of users), volume testing (used to check maximum volume of data supported by the software), stress testing (used to check number of resources supported by the software.), soak testing (used to check continuous usage of software).

  78. 1. Load Testing – example – if there’s a Breaking News on a News app/site, there will be multiple users going to check the news at the same time. The testing done to replicate that is Load Testing.

    2. Stress Testing – example – if a huge file is being uploaded to website and it is well beyond the accepted file size, it might stress the system and give the error message ‘Not Responding’.

    3. Volume Testing – example. if there are too many users connected to a movie streaming app/site – the application should be able to deal with the volume or give an effective error message.

    4. Soak Testing – example – a banking website stores huge amounts of data of many users – the soak test will continuously test the application for many many hours to see how to behaves when being accessed for more than normal usage pattern.

  79. load testing: performance of software load testing is done with maximum number of online shopping during sales.
    volume testing: volume testing is done with huge volume of data. eg: banking software with huge customer data.
    stress testing: this test the performance of software with different number of resources and identify the number of users required by the software. eg: identify the no.of servers required by the software.
    soak testing: test the performance of the software under continuous usage of the software over a period of time.

  80. Examples for different types of software performance testing are as follows,

    Load testing – ex: testing a maximum number of users supported by the software like in a a government website during the filing income tax returns when the user traffic is high.

    Volume testing – ex: testing the maximum volume of the data is supported by the software like the huge number of emails loading in a gmail account.

    Stresss testing – ex: During the holiday promotions like Thanksgiving holidays,an ecommerce website may have a sudden increase in the number of visitors.Stress testing is important to handle these sudden increase of visitors.That is to identify the number of resources supported by the software.

    Soak testing – ex: Social media experience heavy loads for a long period of time.Here soak testing is done to observe the performance of the software under heavy loads for a long duration of time.

  81. Examples for different types of software performance testing are as follows,

    Load testing – ex: testing a maximum number of users supported by the software like in a a government website during the filing income tax returns when the user traffic is high.

    Volume testing – ex: testing the maximum volume of the data is supported by the software like the huge number of emails loading in a gmail account.

    Stresss testing – ex: During the holiday promotions like Thanksgiving holidays,an ecommerce website may have a sudden increase in the number of visitors.Stress testing is important to handle these sudden increase of visitors.That is to identify the number of resources supported by the software.

    Soak testing – ex: Social media experience heavy loads for a long period of time.Here soak testing is done to observe the performance of the software under heavy loads for a long duration of time.

  82. Software Performance Testing is to test the Speed or efficiency of the software. The different types of Software Performance Testing are Load Testing, Volume Testing, Stress Testing & Soak Testing.
    1. Load Testing: Test performance of the software with different number of users and identify the maximum number of users supported by the software. Example: website. During sale on Prime days, many users will be using the site at the same time. This will reduce the speed/efficiency or site may crash.
    2. Volume Testing: Test performance of software with different volumes of data and identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software. Example: Take your PC. If many applications are opened like many websites on the browser, several gaming apps, Word documents, Excel sheets, pdfs &presentations. This will reduce the speed/efficiency of the PC or PC may crash.
    3. Stress Testing: Test performance of software with different number of resources and identify the maximum number of resources supported by the software. Example: Chase Banking website, many customers are accessing the site at the same time and if the server crashes, a backup server will run. Identifying how many servers(resources) are required is done in Stress Testing.
    4. Soak Testing: Test performance of software under continuous usage of software. Example: Checking the performance/usage of a software for 2 to 3 weeks of continuous usage.

  83. Assignment No: 1
    1. Give the examples for different types of software performance testing.
    a) Load Testing: This performance is done based on the number of users and the maximum number of users supported on the software. Like how much load the software can handle.
    b) Volume Testing: This testing based on the maximum volume of data supported by the software. When there is huge of number of customer data in the banks the efficiency may effect the software. This can be tested using volume testing.
    c) Stress Testing: This testing is based on the resources to check the number of resources can be supported by the software. For this kind of testing, number of servers are required to be identified.
    d) Soak Testing: This type of testing is done based on the continuous usage of the software without interruption. This kind of testing can be done for many days or weeks.

  84. Examples for different types of performance testing
    1. load testing:
    Testing a printer by transferring a large number of documents for printing
    Testing a mail server with thousands of users
    Testing a word processor by making a change in the large volume of data.
    2. volume testing:
    Volume Testing is a type of Software Testing, where the software is subjected to a huge volume of data. For example, testing the music site behavior when there are millions of user to download the song
    3. soak testing: Soak testing is a type of performance testing that validate that software can tolerate heavy loads continuously for long durations. Examples are Search engines, banking sites, gaming sites these are the sites that are used by millions of peoples often.
    4. stress testing: With Stress testing, we aim to find a breaking point of the application.
    examples are Anna University websites during result time, E-commerce website during the sales time.

  85. Examples of different types of testing :

    1. Load testing : Consider an example of a Hotel in a prime location. In summer more people will try to book the rooms. So the load testing will see when a large no. of user will access the website, how much load it can take. How many users can access it at same time before the performance of the website starts going down.

    2. Volume testing : Consider an example of hospital. Volume testing is done to see how much data related to patients and employees can be stored before it starts effecting the efficiency of the software.

    3. Stress testing : Consider an example of School Board website . On result day, a large number of users students will login to the application to check their results. This peak load happens in a short duration. Stress testing can help in finding the breakpoint of the application and analyzing the behavior of the application and recoverability in case of a crash.

    4. Soak testing : Consider an example of search engines like Google or Yahoo. it runs all the time and accessed by user day and night. also consider an example of a number of business transactions running in a bank website for long hours. There can be lots of load on the system/database server which can result in crashing of the server.

  86. Examples of different types of software performance testing.
    Load Testing: testing the effects of having maximum users,
    Ex; Instagram, Facebook with its many users using the platform at one

    Volume Testing: testing a systems efficiency when having lots of data
    Ex; Paypal, PNC bank, Uber, any platform that has the function of collection of collecting lots of data and storing information

    Stress Testing:testing the number of resources used to support the software
    Ex; Google, Internet Explorer, Facebook

    Soak Testing: testing and observing a software under continuous usage over a certain period of time
    Ex; any website and or application that is used multiple times.

  87. Load Testing: Testing the performance of the software with different number of users and identifying the maximum number of users supported by the software.
    Volume Testing: Testing the performance of the software with different volumes of data and identifying the maximum number of data supported by the software.
    Stress Testing: Testing the performance of the software with different number of resources and identify the number of resources required by the software.
    Soak Testing: Testing the performance of the software under continuous usage.

  88. 1. Give the examples for different types of software performance testing.
    Load testing: Testing the performance of a software in regards to maximum number of users it can handle at the same time.
    eg: Airline reservation system for booking flights.
    Volume Testing: Testing the software when there is lot of data
    eg: Patients records in Hospital portals
    Stress Testing: Testing the resources supporting the software
    Soak testing: Testing the maximum logevity of a software to find when it breaks apart
    eg: Online video games.

  89. Load testing: The performance of testing is done with different number of users
    ex: shopping site speed will reduce during sale when lot of users are trying that website
    Volume testing: The performance of testing is done with different volumes of data
    ex: Wells Fargo, CFCU banking websites maintaining lots of customers database
    Stress testing: The performance of testing done with different number of resources
    Soak testing: The performance of testing is done by continuous usage of software over a period of time

  90. In the load testing, the performance testing is done with different number of users. For example: During black Friday sale, how many users access the Walmart site at the same time before the website crashes.
    In the volume testing, the performance testing is done with different volumes of data to identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software. For example: The T-Mobile mobile company database is loaded with huge volume of customer data, when Sprint was merged with T-Mobile, the additional volume of customer data had to add to in one database.
    Under Stress Testing, AUT is be stressed for a short period of time to know its withstanding capacity. A most prominent use of stress testing is to determine the limit, at which the system or software or hardware breaks. The application under testing will be stressed when 5GB data is copied from the website and pasted in notepad. Notepad is under stress and gives ‘Not Responded’ error message.
    In the soak testing, the performance testing is done under continuous usage of software. A simple example is where the user stays logged into a system for many hours executing a number of business transactions. In this way, a lot of data gets created. There can be lots of load on the system/database server which can result in stalling/crashing of the system/database server.

  91. Performance testing tests the speed and efficiency of software which depends on the number of users of software, volume of data in database, resources supporting software, and usage of software. In load testing, they identify what the maximum number of users the software supports. With more people using the software, the speed reduces. Volume testing tests what the maximum volume of data the software supports. Stress testing tests the number of resources/servers supported by the software. Soak testing checks the performance of software under continuous usage over time.

  92. 1. Give the examples for different types of software performance testing.
    Volume testing is done to make sure the system behaves expectedly when it is exposed to a large volume of data.
    Example: Increase the number of products on an e-commerce website.

    Load testing is done to check the system performance by gradually increasing the load until it reaches its threshold limit.
    Example: Government Web Portal. Evaluating a website of government agencies, particularly during the filing date of income tax returns when traffic will spike.

    Stress testing is done to check the system’s robustness by feeding it the maximum number of users and data which surpasses the threshold limit.
    Example: News website at the time of some major/viral event
    Just to give an example, the day when Michael Jackson passed away, most of the news websites not only slowed down but also some of them also crashed. A careful stress-tested application would have been prepared to be more robust and even in case of imminent crash or failure, it should have recovered quickly.

    Soak testing: Soak Testing is a type of performance testing where the software under load is tested to validate that it can endure heavy loads for the extended period.
    Example: Heavy transactions − Soak testing is ideal for websites or applications facing huge transaction rates, let’s say 1000 transactions in an hour.

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