Super Keywords in Java

Super Keywords in Java

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The lingo can be intimidating if you’re just starting out with Java programming. There are numerous phrases, including constructor, method, class, and “super keywords.” But there’s no reason to be concerned. With some practice, this lingo quickly becomes second nature.

Consider learning super keywords to be like assembling a massive puzzle. Every component is significant and has a unique function. Check our Java course to learn more about Super keywords.

What is a super keyword in Java?

In Java, a super keyword is a keyword that grants access to an object’s parent class or superclass. In addition, it has access to superclass variables and can call superclass functions. Because they let developers access capabilities from a superclass and use those features as building blocks for new class creation, super keywords are very useful tools.

To further understand Java’s super keywords, let’s utilise a house as an example. The massive slab of concrete that serves as the basis for all of a house’s walls and other structural elements may be considered the superclass of building materials. Structural integrity and stability, two qualities essential to any home’s success, are included in this superclass.

All of the components of the superclass are accessible when the super keyword is applied. In this instance, the super keyword would enable a developer to create new classes such as walls, windows, and doors by utilising the structural integrity and stability properties of the superclass (the foundation).

Characteristics of Super Keywords in Java

The parent class of a subclass is referred to using the super keyword in Java. Here are a few of its attributes:

Super Keywords in Java
  • A subclass’s constructor needs to call the parent class’s constructor when it is created, which is why super is used to call a superclass constructor. Using the super() keyword, which invokes the parent class’ constructor, this is accomplished.
  • A subclass can utilise the super keyword to invoke a method specified in its parent class, which is what superclass methods are called. This comes in handy when the subclass wishes to call the method’s implementation from the parent class in addition to its own.
  • To access a superclass field, use the super keyword: The super keyword allows a subclass to access a field declared in its parent class. When a subclass wishes to use the parent class’s version of a field, this is helpful.
  • A constructor’s super statement needs to come first: The super() declaration needs to come first in the subclass constructor when calling a superclass constructor.
  • super cannot be used in a static context: Static methods and static variable initializers are two examples of static contexts where the super keyword cannot be used.
  • A superclass method can be called without super: Although it is not necessary, using the super keyword to invoke a parent class method is an option. Calling a method without the super keyword will invoke the parent class’s implementation if it isn’t overridden in the subclass.

All things considered, Java’s super keyword is an effective subclassing tool that lets subclasses inherit and expand upon the features of their parent classes.

The Benefits of Using a Super Keyword in Java

When developing new classes, developers can save time by using super keywords to quickly access superclass elements. This gives developers a method to cut down on repetition in their projects while reusing code.

You can write powerful software faster and with fewer mistakes and defects if you use super keywords. These four advantages come with using super keywords.

  1. Super keywords improve code readability.

You can quickly identify which variables and methods in your code are inherited from the parent class by using super keywords. This facilitates code documentation and makes it clearer where particular properties originate from.

Additionally, using “super” facilitates reading and comprehending your code. This can be especially useful when collaborating with others on a project as a team.

  1. You will avoid variable name conflicts.

You can use “super” to refer to the parent class variable if you have a variable with the same name as an instance variable in the parent class. This improves the readability of your code and helps prevent naming conflicts.

  1. Polymorphism is something you can use.

Even though two objects have the same underlying features or methods, polymorphism enables them to be treated as though they are of many distinct kinds. After that, you can create reusable code that functions with various kinds of objects.

Super keywords make it possible to treat a subclass object like a parent class object, which aids in the implementation of polymorphism. This comes in handy when you need to give a subclass instance to a method that requires a parent class instance.

Super Keywords in Java
  1. Super keywords allow you to invoke parent class constructors.

The constructor of the parent class can be called when constructing an instance of a subclass using the “super” keyword. This improves code usability and reduces code duplication.

As required by many Java constructors, calling the parent constructor with the prefix “super” also guarantees that the superclass properties are populated before the subclass properties.

Leveraging the Power of Super Keywords

Java super keywords provide developers access to superclass components and methods, making them immensely potent tools. You can reduce repetition in your projects and save time while building new classes by utilising the power of super keywords.

Because superclass components are used, super keywords aid in the creation of more reliable programs with fewer defects and errors. You can now securely use super keyword strategies in your own programming projects with this understanding.


To learn more about Super keywords in Java, you can check our Java online training.

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