Design Thinking

Design Thinking

Table of Contents

Design thinking mainly considers the designers these will use an unconventional reasoning in the business world of abstract thinking that is to

  • Mainly formulate questions through the assumptions or understanding of the present situation.
  • To elaborate questions from any information that is collected during the observation that is universe that surrounds a problem.
  • It always create solutions that derived from the problem.

There are many design thinking tools

  1. Immersion: Research to contextualise the problem.
  2. Analysis and Synthesis: By grouping the collected the data and reframing the initial situation based on transforming data into insights.
  3. Ideation: This collaborative brainstorming sessions with the help of tools to create innovative solutions.
  4. Prototyping: This testing is validated for the effectiveness of the solutions that is bringing value to the end-user.

Immersion tools

1. Exploratory Research

It is a preliminary field research for the team to understand to context by surrounding the problem.

2. Desk Research

It is a search for information on the project’s theme from the different sources- websites, books, magazines, blogs.

3. In-depth Interviews

By obtaining information through dialogue, its mainly with the users or developers about the product or services and process.

4. Awareness Notebooks

Instruments used to obtain data,when the user is physically distant.

Analysis and synthesis tools:

1. Insight Cards

The reflections that are based on the real data which are from exploratory,desk, and in-depth surveys which are transferred into the cards that facilitate the visualisation of information.

2. Guiding Criteria

Here the guidelines which must be followed continuously the development of a project that determines the limit of tasks,maintaining the proposed focus.

Ideation tools:

1. Brainstorming and Brain:

It will be a creative process to encourage those will be involved in the project to generate many ideas. Brainstorming meetings where before the creative discussion starts,everyone will writes their ideas anonymously on pieces of paper that will be shuffled afterward.

2. Co-creation workshop:

It is a collaborative meeting held by the design team, that brings together individuals from the different areas to foster innovative solutions.

Prototyping tools:

1. Proof of concept

This is proof of concept will be a realisation of certain method or idea in order to demonstrate its feasibility.It will be how to determine whether will be an idea into reality. Where we discover what actually works about. Developing a proof of concept generally require some investment time and resources.

2. Minimum viable product

This is probably aware will be the simplest version of a product, service or functionality to obtain to value proposition’s market validation. 

Design thinking is often called as outside the box thinking where the designers will be attempting to develop a new ways of thinking which will not be abided by the dominant or may be common problem solving methods. At the heart of the Design thinking where the purpose to improve products by analysing and understanding how the users will interact with the products and also by verifying  the conditions where they operate. At the heart of design thinking that lies also an interest and ability to ask the significant questions and challenging assumptions. Here one element of outside the box thinking to make the previous assumptions wrong. Once when we have questioned and also investigated the conditions of a problem the solution generation process that will help to get the ideas that reflect the genuine constraints and also facets of a particular problem.

Design thinking is an essential tool as the design process will include many number of process in a different groups of people in a different departments and for this reason,developing, categorising and also organising the ideas an also problem solutions that can be difficult.We have a way to keep the design project on track and organising the core ideas by using the design thinking approach.


  1. What is design thinking?
  2. What are the benefits if design thinking?

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