The software testing is performed by the different members of IT team. It is important to measure the test efficiency. Test efficiency is to measure the effectiveness and success of the testing process.
Test efficiency
Test efficiency is a type of testing where the amount of resources to perform a testing on certain specifications required by a program is tested. In an organisation how much resources were used and how much resources among them were utilised to be productive is to be checked. It is the work done effectively with minimum effort. This mainly gives importance to the resources, tools, people, and customer requirement and how efficiently the product performs the functions. For example reduction of team size to build a employee management portal for an organisation. Another is a team leader wants to launch the product in time without compromising the quality of the product. In a company the effort is put to develop the software and to reach the user satisfaction. It is important in the organisation to calculate how much resources were consumed and how much resources were utilised.
The test efficiency can be measured using below two techniques:
- Metric based approach
- Expert based approach
Metric based approach:
The common metric used to calculate the software testing efficiency are:
– total number of defects identified in different types of testing.
- (Number of defects resolved)/(Total number of defects submitted)*100
Software test effectiveness covers three aspects:
- user’s requirements satisfied by the system.
- the software specifications are achieved by the system
- effort taken by the developing team to meet the requirements as per client expectation.
Expert based approach:
The test effectiveness is measured by the experts based on their experience of the previous projects. Eg: Wideband Delphi estimation technique.
Test effectiveness is how well the users achieves the goals they set out to using system. When you’re effective you are able to reach the testing goal that is set. The actions are performed quickly as possible. The actions will should help in achieving meaningful goals.
Check your understanding:
1. Identify the different metrics to measure test efficiency.
42 Responses
1. Identify the key software testing processes to be measured. Example: Testing progress tracking process
2. In this Step, the tester uses the data as baseline to define the metrics. Example: The number of test cases planned to be executed per day.
3. Identify the areas of improvement depending on the interpretation of defined metrics. Such as: The Test Case execution falls below the goal set, we need to investigate the reason and suggest the improvement measures.
Different metrics to measure test efficiency are:
1. Process quality metrics: metrics play an important role when it comes to measuring a process from different dimensions, assessing it and target improvements. Process efficiency depicts the ability of a process to produce desired outcome with optimum no of resources. key metrics, which enable to measure various efficiency aspects are :
2. Product quality metrics: It is important to measure the quality of the software throughout the testing life cycle to enable taking any remedial actions well in time. Software metrics play a key role helping teams derive various product quality improvements initiatives.
3. Defect management metrics: The defect metrics are a key parameter for evaluating the health of the product at any stage during test execution.
4. Automated testing metrics: Automated testing metrics enable us to gunge progress against the set goals and strategies during implementation and help bring in continuous improvements.
Testing efficiency is measured in two different ways
1. Metric based: Here it is measured based on the percentage of defects resolved by the testing team
2. Expert based approach: As the name says based on the experience they had in previous projects they measure the efficiency of the testing in this project.
Two different ways to measure Testing Efficiency
1. Metric based approach: in this approach, test efficiency is measured by the number of defects divide by the total # of defects submitted
2. Expert-based approach: measured by the experts based on their experience of the previous projects.
The different metrics used to measure test efficiency are:
Metric based technique:
The most commonly used metric are
– total number of defects identified in different types of testing.
. Total no. Of defects resolved/total no. Of defects submitted *100
Expert based technique:
This type of technique is based on experts past experience and skills.
Process Metrics: It can be used to improve the process efficiency of the SDLC ( Software Development Life Cycle)
Product Metrics: It deals with the quality of the software product
Project Metrics: It can be used to measure the efficiency of a project team or any testing tools being used by the team members
Identification of correct testing metrics is very important.
Few things need to be considered before identifying the test metrics
Fix the target audience for the metric preparation
Define the goal for metrics
Introduce all the relevant metrics based on project needs
Analyze the cost benefits aspect of each metrics and the project lifestyle phase in which it results into the maximum output
The software testing efficiency can be measured by using two techniques:Metric based approach and
Expert based approach. In Metric based approach, we can calculate the testing efficiency by (Number of defects resolved)/(Total number of defects submitted)*100. Total number of defects identified in different types of testing.
And Expert based approach the test efficiency is measured by the experts based on their experience of the previous projects.
– Passed test cases percentage = (No. of passed tests/total number of tests executed) X 100
– Failed test cases percentage = (No. of failed tests/total number of tests executed) X 100
– Blocked test cases percentage = (No. of blocked tests/total number of tests executed) X 100
– Fixed defects percentage = (Defects fixed/defects reported) X 100
– Accepted defects percentage = (Defects accepted as valid by development team/total defects reported) X 100
– Defects rejected percentage = (Defects rejected as invalid by development team/total defects reported) X 100
– Defects deferred percentage = (Defects deferred for future releases/total defects reported) X 100
– Critical defects percentage = (Critical defects/total defects reported) X 100
– Average time for development team to repair defects = (Total time taken for bug fixes/No. of bugs)
Test efficiency is to measure the effectiveness and success of the testing process following specified requirements. It is important that the Team in the organization has to calculate how much resources were consumed and utilized. The test efficiency can me measured by two technique:
Metric based approach– number of defect resolved/total number of defect submitted)*100
Expert based approach- measured by the experts based on their previous experience.
There are two different way to measure the test efficiency –
1. The common metric used to calculate the software testing efficiency are-
Total number of defects identified in different type of testing-
no.of defects resolved/total no. of defect submitted*100
2.users requirement and software specification satisfied by system.
client expectation meet by the development team.
Some of the metrics used to measure the efficiency of test are as follows:
– total number of defects identified in different types of testing.
-total allocated cost for testing,actual cost of testing, budget variance
-no of bugs found or not found by the team
-no of bugs fixed,closed or reopened
-how much of software was tested
-no of test cases tested
-no of defects rejected
-no of test cases passed, failed, blocked
-no of bugs found after shipping etc.
reference from 64 Essential test metrics
METRIC BASED APPROACH-if we do not have emergency then by testing through metric approach is better way to test the approach.through this method we can go step by step and find out the result as per the client expectation.the chances of error is a big association this method works well.
EXPERT BASED APPROACH-if we have emergency then take this method of testing is needed.through this approach we can save time and money.
Overall as per the time and money and the client requirements, they should have decide which one they need and according to that they can choose to use any one of the above approach.
Matrics Testing
user’s requirements satisfied by the system.
•the software specifications are achieved by the system
•effort taken by the developing team to meet the requirements as per client expectation
Total number of defects found in different type of testing
Expert Based Approach
Test effectiveness is how well the users achieves the goals they set out to using system. When you’re effective you are able to reach the testing goal that is set. The actions are performed quickly as possible. The actions will should help in achieving meaningful goals.
The common metric used to calculate the software testing efficiency are:
total number of defects identified in different types of testing.
Software test effectiveness covers three aspects:
user’s requirements satisfied by the system.
the software specifications are achieved by the system
effort taken by the developing team to meet the requirements as per client expectation.
Software Metrics are used to measure the quality of the project. Simply,
Metric is a unit used for describing an attribute. Metric is a scale for measurement.
Depending on the project or business model some of the important metrics are:
Test case execution productivity metrics
Test case preparation productivity metrics
Defect metrics
Defects by priority
Defects by severity
Defect slippage ratio
The two different test efficiency methods are
1. The metric based approach where the total no of defects are identified and tested .
user’s requirements satisfied by the system.
the software specifications are achieved by the system
effort taken by the developing team to meet the requirements as per client expectation.
2. Expert based approach Test effectiveness is where the test effectiveness is done by experts with more experience from previous projects. how well the users achieves the goals they set out to using system. When you’re effective you are able to reach the testing goal that is set. The actions are performed quickly as possible. The actions will should help in achieving meaningful goals.
Test Efficiency
Test efficiency is to measure the effectiveness and success of the testing process.
Its measured in two techniques
1.metric based approach:check how many defects are fix
2.Expert based approach:measured by the experts based on their experience of the previous projects.
Metrics that are used to Measure Test Efficiency are:
1. Total number of defects identified in different types of testing.
2. Users requirement satisfied by the system
3.Software specification achieved by the system
4. Effort taken by the developing team to meet the requirement according to the client requirement.
It is also measured by the experts based on their previous experience with the projects through expert based approach.
-Test efficiency measures the effectiveness and success of the testing process.
– Its a type of testing where amount of resources to perform testing on certain specifications required by a program is tested.
-can be measured using two techniques.
1. Metric based approach
The most common metric used for calculating test efficiency is Total number of defects identified during various testing process.
2. Expert based approach
Here, The experience of expert on their previous projects is used to calculate the efficiency of the testing
There are two methods to measure test efficiency:
1- Metric based approach: total number of defects identify in different type of testing. ( number of defects resolved) (total number of defects sutbmitted)*100.
2- Exper based approach: measured by the experts based on their experience of the other projets.
Question 2. Identify Different metrics to measure test efficiency:
1. Metric Based
2. Expert Based
1.Metric based software testing efficiency is measured as a percentage of defects resolved with respect to defects submitted.
2.Expert based test efficiency- is efficiency measured by the experts, using techniques like Wideband Delphi estimation technique, based on the expert’s experience of previous projects.
It is a measure of goal achievement by user and quickness of actions performed.
1. Identify the different metrics to measure test efficiency.
The test efficiency can be measured using below two techniques:
-Metric based approach-
The common metric used to calculate the software testing efficiency are:
– total number of defects identified in different types of testing.
(Number of defects resolved)/(Total number of defects submitted)*100
-Expert based approach:
The test effectiveness is measured by the experts based on their experience of the previous projects.
Test tracking and efficiency metrics: This is a combination of absolute and derivative metrics that can help us to solve issues in testing. Example:
Failed test cases % = (Number of failed tests / total number of test executed) x 100
Critical defects % = (Critical defects / total defects reported ) x 100
Test effort metrics: will answer ‘how long, how many, how much’ questions about test effort. These are great to establish baselines for future test planning. These metrics are average. Example:
Number of tests run per time period = Number of tests run / total time
Test review efficiency = number of test reviewed / total time
Test effectiveness metrics: measures the bug finding ability and quality of a test set and answers ‘How good were the tests?” or “Are we running high values test cases?”. These usually show a percentage value of the difference between the number of defects fund by the test team and the overall defects found for the software. The higher the test effectiveness percentage, the better the test set is and the lesser the test case maintenance effort will be in the long term.
Test coverage metrics measure the test effort and help answer “How much of the application was tested?”. Example:
Requirements coverage=(Number of requirements covered/Total number of requirements)x 100
Test team metrics: these can be used to understand if work allocation is uniform for each test team member and to see if any team member needs more process/project knowledge clarification.
1. Identify the different metrics to measure test efficiency.
Test efficiency is an important measure. It is the work done efficiently without much effort. Example: A team leader wants to deliver the software on time without compromising the quality . In an organization we need to calculate how much resources are utilized and how much resources are consumed. Test efficiency can be measured by 2 approaches –
Metric based approach-
total number of defects identified in different types of testing =( number of defects resolved/ total number of defects submitted)* 100
Expert based Approach-
It is done by experts based on the past experiences on previous projects. An example is wideband Delphi estimation technique
The software testing efficiency can be measured using 2 techniques –
Metric based approach
Expert based approach
In Metric approach it is the total number of defects identified in different types of testing –
• (Number of defects resolved)/(Total number of defects submitted)*100
Software testing efficiency covers 3 aspects –
* User requirements satisfied by system
* Software specifications achieved by System
* Efforts taken by the IT Team to meet the requirements as per client’s expectation
Expert based approach:
The test effectiveness is measured by the experts based on their vast experience in their projects. Test effectiveness is how well the user achieves/receives the Goals in the system as per their expectations.
The software testing is performed by the different members of IT team. It is important to measure the test efficiency. Test efficiency is to measure the effectiveness and success of the testing process.
The test efficiency can be measured using below two techniques:
Metric based approach
Expert based approach
The common metric used to calculate the software testing efficiency are:
– total number of defects identified in different types of testing.
(Number of defects resolved)/(Total number of defects submitted)*100
Software test effectiveness covers three aspects:
>user’s requirements satisfied by the system.
>the software specifications are achieved by the system
>effort taken by the developing team to meet the requirements as per client expectation.
Expert based approach:
The test effectiveness is measured by the experts based on their experience of the previous projects. Eg: Wideband Delphi estimation technique.
Test effectiveness is how well the users achieves the goals they set out to using system. When you’re effective you are able to reach the testing goal that is set. The actions are performed quickly as possible. The actions will should help in achieving meaningful goals.
Test efficiency is to measure the effectiveness and success of the testing process.
The test efficiency can be measured using below two techniques:
A) Metric based approach-
1. Total number of defects identified in different types of testing.
2. Users requirement satisfied by the system.
3.Software specification achieved by the system.
4. Effort taken by the developing team to meet the requirement according to the client requirement.
B) Expert based approach:
The test effectiveness is measured by the experts based on their experience of the previous projects.
-The test effectiveness is measured by the experts based on their experience of the previous projects. Eg: Wideband Delphi estimation technique.
-Total number of defects identified in different types of testing.
(Number of defects resolved)/(Total number of defects submitted)*100
-user’s requirements satisfied by the system.
-the software specifications are achieved by the system
-effort taken by the developing team to meet the requirements as per client expectation.
metric based approach:
Number of defects identified in different types of testing.
Expert based approach:
The test effectiveness is measured by the experts based on their experience . The actions are performed as quick as possible.
The common metric used to calculate the software testing efficiency are:
– total number of defects identified in different types of testing.
Software test effectiveness covers three aspects:
user’s requirements satisfied by the system.
the software specifications are achieved by the system
effort taken by the developing team to meet the requirements as per client expectation.
Different metrics to measure test efficiency are:
1. Process quality metrics: metrics play an important role when it comes to measuring a process from different dimensions, assessing it and target improvements. Process efficiency depicts the ability of a process to produce desired outcome with optimum no of resources. key metrics, which enable to measure various efficiency aspects are :
2. Product quality metrics: It is important to measure the quality of the software throughout the testing life cycle to enable taking any remedial actions well in time. Software metrics play a key role helping teams derive various product quality improvements initiatives.
3. Defect management metrics: The defect metrics are a key parameter for evaluating the health of the product at any stage during test execution.
4. Automated testing metrics: Automated testing metrics enable us to gunge progress against the set goals and strategies during implementation and help bring in continuous improvements.
There are two methods used to calculate the software testing efficiency. These are :
Metric based approach and Expert based approach.
The common metric used is :
– total number of defects identified in different types of testing.
(Number of defects resolved)/(Total number of defects submitted)*100
The expert based approach: here the effectiveness is measured by experts based on their previous experience of their projects.
Test efficiency is the measure of how well the testing resources were used to test the system.
Metric Based : Formula: Total defects resolved/Total defects found * 100
Expert based:
Test Effectiveness : is how well the customer requirement is met, or the specifications are covered.
The different metrics to measure test efficiency are
1) Metric based efficiency: Total number of defects identified in different types of testing.Which means number of defects resolve and number of defects submitted.
(number of defects identified in different types of testing)/(total number of defects submitted)*100
2) Expert based approach:The test effectiveness is measured by the experts based on their experience of the previous project.
2)Software testing is performed by different IT members.And is important to measure the test efficiency for the effectiveness of the success of the Testing Process.
Test efficiency can be measured by using these 2 techniques:
Metric Based approach: Here it identifies the total number of defects resolved and submitted to resolve
and checks if the user is satisfied by the system and specifications achieved on time and effort taken by the team to satisfy the client requirements.
Expert Based Approach: It is measured by experts with their previous projects. Actions are performed as quickly as possible with meaningful goals.
Some of testing metric are
total number of test cases written per requirement
total number of test cases executed
number of test case passed, failed , blocked
total number of defects identified,
defect counts
1. Identify the different metrics to measure test efficiency.
– taking decisions, process, or technology change
-understanding the type of improvement required.
Total number of defects identified in different types of testing.
-Number of defects resolved/Total number of defects submitted
User’s requirements satisfied by the system.
The software specifications are achieved by the system
Effort taken by the developing team to meet the requirements as per client expectation.
A contrast to test efficiency, test effectiveness measures and evaluates the bugs and defect ability as well as the quality of a test set. It finds defects and isolates them from the software product and its deliverables. Moreover, the test effectiveness metrics offer the percentage of the difference between the total number of defects found by the software testing and the number of defects found in the software. This is mainly calculated with the assistance of the following formula:
Test Effectiveness (TEF) = (Total number of defects injected + Total number of defects found / Total number of defect escaped) x 100
Metrics Based: Test Effectiveness Using Defect Containment efficiency.
Context Based: Test Effectiveness Using Team Assessment.
Test Cases by Requirement.
Defects per Requirement (Requirement Defect Density)
Actual Cost of Testing.
Budget Variance.
Schedule Variance.
Cost Per Bug Fix.
it can be measured in two ways:
metric based approach – number of defects resolved /number of defects submitted
expert based approach- this test effectiveness is measured by the experience of the previous projects of the experts.
The test efficiency can be measured using two techniques:
1.Metric based approach
2.Expert based approach
Metric based approach is calculating the total used resources on the project to the resources productively.
Metric based testing is the total number of defects identified in different type of testing that is ( number of defects resolved) /(total number of defects submitted)*100.
Expert based approach is measured by testing the project by experts in the team as their experiences are used to detect defects in early stage and resolve based on their experience.
The test efficiency can be measured in two ways.
1. Metric-based approach: The common metric used to calculate the software testing efficiency is the total number of defects identified in different types of testing.
2.Expert-based approach: The test effectiveness is measured by the experts based on their experience with the previous projects