How to use Radio Button in Selenium Webdriver

How to use Radio Button in Selenium Webdriver

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One option from a list of mutually exclusive alternatives can be chosen by users via radio buttons, a sort of HTML form element. Testing radio button functionality is crucial to ensuring that web applications function as intended. We will look at handling radio buttons with Selenium WebDriver in this article. Check out the automation testing online course to learn more.

What is Selenium WebDriver?

A well-liked open-source tool for automated web application testing is Selenium WebDriver. It offers a collection of APIs for interacting with web page elements. For instance, typing text, selecting pages, and clicking buttons. Numerous programming languages, including Java, Python, C#, and Ruby, are supported by Selenium WebDriver. This feature makes it an adaptable tool for testing web apps on various browsers and operating systems.

Handling Radio Button using Selenium WebDriver

Using Selenium WebDriver, radio button handling entails the following steps:

  • Locating the radio button element
  • Selecting the radio button
  • Verifying the selection

Let’s explore each of these steps in more detail.

1.Locating the Radio Button Element in Selenium

We must utilise one of the locators provided by Selenium WebDriver in order to find a radio button element. XPath, ID, name, and class name are a few examples. After locating the radio button element, we can assign a WebElement object to it by creating one first.

2.Selecting the selenium Radio Button

Using Selenium WebDriver, we must invoke the click() function on the WebElement object that represents the radio button in order to pick it. This will mimic the action of a user picking the radio button by clicking on it.

3.Verifying the Selection

We must look at the value of the checked attribute on the radio button element to confirm that a button has been selected. The radio button is selected if the checked property is set to true. The radio button is not selected if the checked attribute is set to false.

Handling Radio Button Groups in Selenium

When users can choose one option from a set of mutually exclusive possibilities, radio buttons are frequently utilised in groups. We must locate each radio button element in the group in order to use Selenium WebDriver to handle radio button groups. Next, we must choose the preferred radio button element.

Best Practices to Handle Selenium Radio Button

Here are some best practices to adhere to when managing radio buttons in order to maximise the performance of Selenium WebDriver:

  1. Use distinct and informative locators to locate radio buttons: Use distinct and informative locators, like names, IDs, or XPath expressions, to locate radio buttons. Your test scripts will become easier to read and maintain as a result.
How to use Radio Button in Selenium Webdriver
  1. Take care when managing radio button groups: Testing frequently occurs when the incorrect radio button is chosen. When working with radio button groups, be sure to pick the appropriate radio button element and double-check your choice.
  1. Use explicit waits: When working with radio buttons, make sure the element is present and clickable before trying to pick it by using explicit waits. This will assist in keeping your test scripts free of mistakes and timeouts.
  1. Confirm radio button selection: After choosing a radio button, make sure it’s the right one by making sure the checked attribute’s value is correct.
  1. Make Use of Page Object Model: You can more effectively organise and manage your test scripts by utilising the Page Object Model design pattern. You may manage and reuse the web page elements across several test cases more easily if you put them into their own class.

How to Handle Radio Buttons in Selenium?

In web applications, radio buttons are a kind of input element that lets users choose one choice from a list of possibilities. Several locators, including the ID, name, XPath, and CSS selector locators, can be used with Selenium to handle radio buttons.

Here’s how to use each of these locators to find radio buttons:

  1. ID Locator: We can locate and interact with a radio button using the ID locator if it has a unique identification. In Selenium, we may use the findElement( method to find a radio button using the ID locator.
  1. Name Locator: We can locate and interact with a set of radio buttons by using the name locator if they have the same name property. We may use Selenium’s findElement( method to find a radio button using the name locator.
  1. XPath Locator: Radio buttons can be found using XPath locators based on their characteristics or placement within an HTML text. We can use Selenium’s findElement(By.xpath()) method to find a radio button using XPath.
  1. CSS Selector Locator: Radio buttons can be found in an HTML document by using CSS Selector Locators depending on their characteristics or position. We may use Selenium’s findElement(By.cssSelector()) method to find a radio button using CSS Selector.
How to use Radio Button in Selenium Webdriver

In summary, we may utilise a variety of locators, including the ID, name, XPath, and CSS selector locators, in Selenium to find and pick radio buttons. The particular HTML structure and properties of the radio button element determine which locator to use. After locating the radio button, we can use the click() method to pick it and interact with it.


An essential component of testing web applications is handling radio buttons. Radio buttons may be handled simply and effectively with Selenium WebDriver’s APIs. You can work with the radio button by following the instructions provided on this page. Always make sure your test cases are functioning as intended, and don’t forget to update and improve your test suite as necessary. You may write dependable and strong automated tests for your online application, even ones that include radio buttons, with Selenium WebDriver. Check out the Selenium training online to learn more.

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