HTTP Request Methods

HTTP Request Methods: DELETE, PATCH

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DELETE method:

This HTTP Request methods is used to delete a resource which is present in the server. Sending the message body on a delete request will have because servers reject the request. But the data can be sent by using URL parameters to server. The delete method is called idempotent, that is if multiple delete requests can have the same effect on a single request. 

Consider an example for sending a delete request to the server.

The result is shown as

HTTP Request Methods

The server response is:

HTTP Request Methods

HTTP Request Methods: DELETE, PATCH

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The sample example with respect to the database for delete request is

$servername = "localhost";
$username = "username";
$password = "password";
$dbname = "myDB";

// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
// Check connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
  die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

// sql to delete a record
$sql = "DELETE FROM My Guests WHERE id=3";

if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
  echo "Record deleted successfully";
} else {
  echo "Error deleting record: " . $conn->error;


PATCH Method:

A PATCH is considered as analogous to the update. A patch request will be considered a group of instructions on how to modify a resource. A patch need not be idempotent that is always any number need not be repeated. Identical requests will leave the resource in the same state. PATCH like PUT has some side-effects on other resources. 

Consider an example of patch request

HTTP Request Methods

HTTP Request Methods: DELETE, PATCH

A response will be indicated by any 2XX status code. An example of 204 response is considered as

HTTP Request Methods

HTTP Request Methods: DELETE, PATCH

16 Responses

  1. DELETE method:
    This HTTP Request methods is used to delete a resource which is present in the server. Sending the message body on a delete request will have because servers reject the request. But the data can be sent by using URL parameters to server. The delete method is called idempotent, that is if multiple delete requests can have the same effect on a single request.

    PATCH Method:
    A PATCH is considered as analogous to the update. A patch request will be considered a group of instructions on how to modify a resource. A patch need not be idempotent that is always any number need not be repeated. Identical requests will leave the resource in the same state. PATCH like PUT has some side-effects on other resources.

  2. DELETE method:
    This HTTP Request methods is used to delete a resource which is present in the server. Sending the message body on a delete request will have because servers reject the request. But the data can be sent by using URL parameters to server. The delete method is called idempotent, that is if multiple delete requests can have the same effect on a single request.

    PATCH Method:
    A PATCH is considered as analogous to the update. A patch request will be considered a group of instructions on how to modify a resource. A patch need not be idempotent that is always any number need not be repeated. Identical requests will leave the resource in the same state. PATCH like PUT has some side-effects on other resources.

  3. DELETE method:
    This HTTP Request methods is used to delete a resource which is present in the server. Sending the message body on a delete request will have because servers reject the request. But the data can be sent by using URL parameters to server. The delete method is called idempotent, that is if multiple delete requests can have the same effect on a single request.

    Consider an example for sending a delete request to the server.
    PATCH Method:
    A PATCH is considered as analogous to the update. A patch request will be considered a group of instructions on how to modify a resource. A patch need not be idempotent that is always any number need not be repeated. Identical requests will leave the resource in the same state. PATCH like PUT has some side-effects on other resources.

    Consider an example of patch request

  4. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer protocol
    . DELETE method: This HTTP request method is used to delete a resource which is present in the server. The data can be sent by URL parameters to server. The delete method is called idempotent ,if multiple delete requests can have the same effect on a single request.

    . PATCH Method: A PATCH is considered as analogous to update. A Patch request consists of a group of instructions on how to modify a resource.

  5. DELETE method:
    These HTTP Request methods are used to delete a resource that is present in the server. Sending the message body on a delete request will have because servers reject the request. But the data can be sent by using URL parameters to the server. The delete method is called idempotent, that is if multiple delete requests can have the same effect on a single request.

    PATCH Method:
    A PATCH is considered as analogous to the update. A patch request will be considered a group of instructions on how to modify a resource. A patch need not be idempotent that is always any number need not be repeated. Identical requests will leave the resource in the same state. PATCH like PUT has some side-effects on other resources

  6. DELETE method:
    This HTTP Request methods is used to delete a resource which is present in the server. Sending the message body on a delete request will have because servers reject the request. But the data can be sent by using URL parameters to server. The delete method is called idempotent, that is if multiple delete requests can have the same effect on a single request.

    PATCH Method:
    A PATCH is considered as analogous to the update. A patch request will be considered a group of instructions on how to modify a resource. A patch need not be idempotent that is always any number need not be repeated. Identical requests will leave the resource in the same state. PATCH like PUT has some side-effects on other resources.

  7. HTTP Request Methods: DELETE, PATCH
    DELETE method:
    This HTTP Request method is used to delete a resource which is present in the server. Sending the message body on a delete request will not work, because servers reject the request. But the data can be sent by using URL parameters to the server. The delete method is called idempotent, that is if multiple delete requests are made, they will have the same effect on a single request.
    Consider an example for sending a delete request to the server.
    The result is shown as
    HTTP Request Methods
    The server response is:
    HTTP Request Methods
    HTTP Request Methods: DELETE, PATCH
    This sample example with respect to the database for delete request is
    connect_error) {
    die(“Connection failed: ” . $conn->connect_error);
    // sql to delete a record
    $sql = “DELETE FROM My Guests WHERE id=3”;
    if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
    echo “Record deleted successfully”;
    } else {
    echo “Error deleting record: ” . $conn->error;
    PATCH Method:
    A PATCH is considered as analogous to the update. A patch request will be considered a group of instructions on how to modify a resource. A patch need not be idempotent, that is a number need not be repeated. Identical requests will leave the resource in the same state. PATCH like PUT has some side-effects on other resources.
    Consider an example of patch request
    HTTP Request Methods
    HTTP Request Methods: DELETE, PATCH
    A response will be indicated by any 2XX status code. An example of 204 response is considered as
    HTTP Request Methods
    HTTP Request Methods: DELETE, PATCH

  8. DELETE method:
    This HTTP Request methods is used to delete a resource which is present in the server. Sending the message body on a delete request will have because servers reject the request. But the data can be sent by using URL parameters to server. The delete method is called idempotent, that is if multiple delete requests can have the same effect on a single request.
    PATCH Method:
    A PATCH is considered as analogous to the update. A patch request will be considered a group of instructions on how to modify a resource. A patch need not be idempotent that is always any number need not be repeated. Identical requests will leave the resource in the same state. PATCH like PUT has some side-effects on other resources.

  9. HTTP Request Methods: DELETE, PATCH
    DELETE method:
    This HTTP Request methods is used to delete a resource which is present in the server. Sending the message body on a delete request will have because servers reject the request. But the data can be sent by using URL parameters to server. The delete method is called idempotent, that is if multiple delete requests can have the same effect on a single request.
    PATCH Method:
    A PATCH is considered as analogous to the update. A patch request will be considered a group of instructions on how to modify a resource. A patch need not be idempotent that is always any number need not be repeated. Identical requests will leave the resource in the same state. PATCH like PUT has some side-effects on other resources.

  10. 1. DELETE Method: This HTTP Request methods is used to delete a resources which is present in the server. Sending the message body on a delete request will have because servers reject the request. But the data can be sent b y using URL parameters to server. The delete method is called idempotent, that is if multiple delete requests can have the same effect on a single request.

    2. PATCH Method: A PATCH is considered as analogous to the update. A patch request wil be considered a group of instructions on how to modify a resource. A patch need not be idempotent that is always any number need not be repeated. Identical requested will leave the resources in the same state. PATCH like PUT has some side effects on other resources.

  11. DELETE method:
    This HTTP Request methods is used to delete a resource which is present in the server. Sending the message body on a delete request will have because servers reject the request. But the data can be sent by using URL parameters to server. The delete method is called idempotent, that is if multiple delete requests can have the same effect on a single request.
    Consider an example for sending a delete request to the server.
    The result is shown as
    The server response is:
    The sample example with respect to the database for delete request is
    PATCH Method:
    A PATCH is considered as analogous to the update. A patch request will be considered a group of instructions on how to modify a resource. A patch need not be idempotent that is always any number need not be repeated. Identical requests will leave the resource in the same state. PATCH like PUT has some side-effects on other resources.
    Consider an example of patch request
    A response will be indicated by any 2XX status code. An example of 204 response is considered as

  12. This article discussed two methods: Delete and Patch method.
    DELETE method:
    This HTTP Request methods is used to delete a resource which is present in the server. Sending the message body on a delete request will have because servers reject the request. But the data can be sent by using URL parameters to server. The delete method is called idempotent, that is if multiple delete requests can have the same effect on a single request.

    PATCH Method:
    A PATCH is considered as analogous to the update. A patch request will be considered a group of instructions on how to modify a resource. A patch need not be idempotent that is always any number need not be repeated. Identical requests will leave the resource in the same state. PATCH like PUT has some side-effects on other resources.

  13. This HTTP requests method is used to delete a resource which is present in the server.
    The data can be sent by using URL parameters to server. The delete method is called idempotent that is if multiple delete requests can have the same effect on a single request.
    A PATCH is considered as analogous to the update. A patch request will be considered a group of instructions on how to modify a resource. A patch need not be idempotent that is always any number need not be repeated. Identical requests will leave the resource in the same state. PATCH like PUT has some side-effects on other resources.

  14. DELETE method:
    This HTTP Request methods is used to delete a resource which is present in the server. Sending the message body on a delete request will have because servers reject the request. But the data can be sent by using URL parameters to server. The delete method is called idempotent, that is if multiple delete requests can have the same effect on a single request.
    PATCH Method:
    A PATCH is considered as analogous to the update. A patch request will be considered a group of instructions on how to modify a resource. A patch need not be idempotent that is always any number need not be repeated. Identical requests will leave the resource in the same state. PATCH like PUT has some side-effects on other resources.

  15. DELETE method:
    This HTTP Request methods is used to delete a resource which is present in the server. Sending the message body on a delete request will have because servers reject the request. But the data can be sent by using URL parameters to server. The delete method is called idempotent, that is if multiple delete requests can have the same effect on a single request. 
    PATCH Method:
    A PATCH is considered as analogous to the update. A patch request will be considered a group of instructions on how to modify a resource. A patch need not be idempotent that is always any number need not be repeated. Identical requests will leave the resource in the same state. PATCH like PUT has some side-effects on other resources. 

  16. A PATCH is considered as analogous to the update. A patch request will be considered a group of instructions on how to modify a resource. A patch need not be idempotent that is always any number need not be repeated. Identical requests will leave the resource in the same state. PATCH like PUT has some side-effects on other resources.

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