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The Scope of Software Quality Assurance

In today’s IT world, there’s a high demand for quality products in the market. In order to meet such high demands, tech professionals devised a means through the application of “Software Quality Assurance” (SQA) during software development. So, as demand for high-quality products grows, the scope of software QA also increases. Hence, the need for software QA testing in various fields cannot be overlooked. You can imagine launching a product in the market without testing its functionality. This can only lead to unwanted issues or challenges that may occur if the consumers are not satisfied with the quality of the product. 

Software Quality Assurance (QA) as initially discussed is a way by which one can prevent software development issues such as bugs, defects, and glitches while aiming to deliver a project that is error-free in any field of study. 

In this guide, we will have a closer look at the scope of software QA and its importance in software development. It is very essential to carry out proper software quality assurance so as to reduce the chances of mistakes or errors. 

One interesting aspect of software quality assurance is the software QA testing process carried out during the development stages of product design. This stage

Why is Software Quality Assurance Necessary? 

The process of developing software can be very complex and also takes a considerable amount of time. This is because there are several testing stages involved that help to determine if a software is fully functional or not.

A Software can only be launched if it is error-free and fully functional. However, if there’s any error detected during the software QA testing phases, the software can’t be launched. Therefore, to detect these errors quality assurance is introduced.

If a software is launched without adequate QA testing, there’s a high tendency of such software developing issues related to bugs and glitches when running it. As a result, there are constant software updates to get rid of the bugs after launching it. 

You can enroll for a QA testing training course to learn more about Software QA.

What is the Scope of Software Quality Assurance?

As seen from this guide, software quality assurance is very important for the successful development of a software. Now, let’s take a closer look at the scope of software quality assurance in relation to software development.

Here are the scopes of software QA you need to know;

  1. Understanding software features to be tested:

The process of software development can be very tedious and time-consuming, so the need to understand the necessary software features to test is very important. This makes software development much easier for software developers. 

Testing a software feature that is not needed is a waste of time. Hence, it is vital to test useful components of a software which does not just save time but also reduces a developer’s workload. 

  1. Proper time management during software testing stages:

Proper time management cannot be ignored during software QA testing stages. 

It is important to figure out the right time to test certain software features. Every phase of quality assurance testing in software development has to be done in a timely manner. This will ensure a more effective result is achieved in the end. 

For instance, a particular stage of a software development process can be set aside for QA testing. You can learn more about this if you enroll for a quality assurance course certification online. 

  1. Understanding the basic software functionality:

Software quality assurance makes it possible to understand the basic functionality of a software. It makes the requirements crystal clear and easy to understand.

This means hidden errors can be easily detected and rectified during a software development process. Furthermore, software quality assurance gives consumers of such product an idea of what to expect after the official launching

  1. Executing a complete quality assurance process:

This is a QA methodology that involves a process cycle known as “PDCA Cycle”. 

It consists of the following stages;

  • P – Plan: Planning a process that will ensure high quality end product.
  • D – Development: This is the process development and testing phase.
  • C – Check: Checking and modifying the process to ensure objectives is met.
  • A – Act: Implementing necessary actions that will improve the process.

Each of these stages are repeated during a quality assurance process so as to ensure constant improvement on a periodic basis. 

  1. Learning about different roles in software quality assurance:

People assume that software developers are in charge of software quality assurance testing. It is okay to make such assumptions but you need to know that not all developers can be good testers. If developers take over the role of SQA testers, the quality of the software might be affected. This is why QA teams have different roles for different professionals involved in software quality assurance.

These are the basic scopes of software QA but you can learn more about it online.

Activities Involved during Software Quality Assurance

Here are the basic activities that are carried out during software QA;

  • Software QA Process Definition
  • Software QA Process Training
  • Software QA Process Implementation
  • Software QA Process Auditing 

To develop products that meet the required specifications, it is important to follow the right process of quality assurance in software testing. QA testing training course will give you a more detailed breakdown of these activities. 

Software Quality Assurance Processes

Here are the different processes involved during software QA;

  • Software Design
  • Software Testing
  • Project Estimation
  • Project Management
  • Software Deployment
  • Software Development
  • Software Maintenance


Software quality assurance is an integral part of every software development process and every IT company across the world ensures that a software is properly tested during the development phase before it is launched. 

A key importance of this process is to ensure quality in the software development process which guarantees a certain level of confidence in the software product.

This is a major reason why every software developer needs to learn about the scopes of software quality assurance. It is also vital to get certification in this field such as the QA testing training course and quality assurance course certification.

The result of any software quality assurance process is highly dependent on the team handling testing and launching of the software. This makes the process to be clearly defined and implemented which in turn improves the entire process.

I believe this guide has been very helpful in introducing you to software QA.

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