Akamai Cloud Test

Akamai Cloud Test

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Cloud testing from the Akami is one of the most important scalable load testing platforms tests which assists us to validate our business which is prepared for success on a massive day.

This Akamai portfolio edge security web and mobile performance enterprise access and video delivery solution that is supported by unmatched client service analytics and 247365 monitoring. This CloudTest provides many methods to form Test Compositions which has by using the open in Test composition command from within the clip editor.

Akamai keeps the choice apps and experiences closer to the users than anyone and attacks and also distant threats. Akamai’s portfolio of edge security web and mobile performance enterprise access and video delivery solutions is supported by unmatched client service analytics and also 247365 monitoring.

Akamai’s portfolio of edge security web and mobile performance enterprise access and also video delivery solutions will be supported by unmatched client service analytics and 247365 monitoring. It is split by HTTP protocol for target tests. There is an option to view target data for both HTTP and HTTP2 independently


The Features are

  1. It is used to optimize website performance by load-testing websites and applications.
  2. Test web and mobile apps. APIs, databases, and Web services.
  3. It has full support for continuous integration.
  4. It is real-time analytics and also customizable dashboards which will provide actionable intelligence.


Speed: It always tests quickly and efficiently with real user scenarios.

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Scale: It spins up the larger with a broad geographic reach.

Control: It has been tested in production safely in real-time.

If we have been looking for an alternative to cloudTest from Akamai, we take some time to read about the benefits of Loadview from the Dotcom-Monitor. Loadview is a flexible, on-demand platform that is used for load testing websites, web apps, mobile, and APIs all from a single interface. This Loadview platform will be completely cloud-based so there is no need to create additional cloud accounts or maybe set up separate infrastructure.

CloudTest from Akamai will be a great enterprise-level product and offers some features which are similar to the functionality of a Loadview. The goal of Dotcom-monitor professional services is to have us run performance tests, analyze our data, and adjust our system without any engagement. This methodology will be tested, proven, and offered uniquely.

Akamai has a series of acquisitions to expand its footprint and also has a scope of offerings in the early 2000s. In 2017 Akamai acquired SOASTA. This SOASTA operates as a subsidiary of Akamai.

Scripting and Recording with cloudTest

Here a test clip will be a script that consists of a series of events, like an HTTP/s script or a series of actions within the browser recording. They have essential blocks which will make up a cloudTest. Here the user will create multiple test clips with very different actions. If we wanted to create separate actions like a user landing on the homepage, a user shopping for a specific item, or maybe a user browsing site we can create individual Test clips for all the actions.

A group of test clips is called a composition. It tests compositions that are uploaded into their platform and then will be utilized for load testing. A target is specified before creating the test clips and also a script. This target contains much valid information to format and sends messages to the web service, app, or protocol.

Here the users have the choice of manually or automatically creating the test clips by using one of the methods like the item to note cloud test scripts that are written in Javascript, so if we do the manual route we have to have expertise in the javascript programming language. Cloudtest is capable of importing existing JMeter scripts or maybe configuring, editing, and running new JMeter scripts.


  1. What is Akamai?
  2. What are the features of Akamai?

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