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Automation Testing Tools

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Automation Testing ToolsAutomation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software. The organizations look for the automation testing tools that fit the iterative development procedures like agile scrum. They choose the automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention.  The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools.

The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool is a commercial automation testing tool from Micro Focus (has taken over HP). The features like broad technology support, continuous testing in integration with Jenkins, 1-click manual to automation, API & web services testing, mobile first, keyword or script-based testing, collaborative testing, visual test flows, image-based object recognition, simple scripting language like VB (visual basic) makes UFT automation testing tool popular among software testers.

Selenium available since 2004 has increasingly gained its likes in the industry. It is a free and open source. It can test web applications on various browsers and platforms. Selenium is known for its flexibility and extensibility of testing web-based applications. Selenium is composed of many software tools Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) – an easy to use Firefox plugin for generating automated test scripts, Selenium 1(RC or Remote Control) – not actively supported as of now, Selenium 2(Selenium WebDriver) – a merger of Selenium & WebDriver provides the features to test cohesive and object-oriented API, Selenium Grid – allows the software testers to run many tests in parallel on different remote machines. The programming languages like Java, C#, python, ruby, PHP, pearl and JavaScript are supported. [Ref:]

IBM Rational Functional Tester commercialized by IBM is another popular automation testing tool supporting the testing activities of a wide range of applications like web-based, .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder, Ajax, Adobe Flex, etc. [Ref:]

The automation testing tool selected by the Software Development organization is first introduced in a pilot project to evaluate its adaptability in existing testing practices of an organization, estimate the return on investment, and provide detailed learning of the tool. The software testers are to be trained and necessary changes in the organizational testing procedures are to be done on the usage of automation testing tools to drive the utmost benefits.

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This article is written by Priya, Sr. Faculty at H2K Infosys.

142 Responses

  1. Thank you for the article. It was interesting to read importance of automated testing and learn benefits of Selenium and IBM Rational Functional testing tools.

  2. Useful article about automation software testing. Most of the IT company use automation software testing techniques because of efficiency and accurate outcome of the result compare to manual testing.

  3. A very informative article about the types of automation testing tools and their efficiency in testing the software with accuracy and speed . And also this article mentions about the specialized training that software testers should under go in order to use the automation tools for getting the best benefits.

    Thank you for sharing this article .

  4. This Article is all about Automation testing and its importance and types. Good to get some knowledge about Automation Testing.Thank you.

  5. A very useful and well explained article about automation testing.
    It explains how the different software are making it easier and easier to do testing by automation.

  6. Thank you for providing information on the 3 major testing tools used in the industry UFT, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester.

  7. Great,
    It has provided the three types of significant testing that is used in automation testing. Thank you for blogging this information about the UFT (Unified Functional Testing), Selenium, and IBM Rational Functional. And it’s fast and efficient on automotive testing.

  8. This article is very informative and detail. It explains how automation testing tools are effective and important for the testing.

  9. The Article gave me a complete picture of the three main Automation tools used for software testing in the organizations nowadays.Very well written.

  10. This Article explains importance of Automation testing tools in current software environment.
    There are many advantages of using Automation testing tools
    :-Re usability- can be used for retesting without manual intervention.
    :-reliability-less prone to manual errors.
    This article briefly explains about 3 Automation testing tools
    1. UFT
    2. Selenium
    3. IBM Rational Functional Tester

  11. Test Automation, when done correctly can have many advantages and be very beneficial to the project and organization. There are however some pitfalls or disadvantages too.Testing is not just executing a set of pre-defined test steps and comparing the actual results with expected results; that can be the job of automated checks. But to properly test an application, a human intelligence is always required.For a successful delivery of a project you require both automated and manual testing. One is not a replacement for the other; complement automated checks with manual / exploratory testing.
    Thank you for sharing this informative article Priya!

  12. This article mentions some of the more popular automation testing tools used in the market today, such as UFT, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester. It gives the reader a preview of the features and functionalities of these tools and how they make the testing process more efficient.

  13. The differentiation and features of the three automation testing tools named Unified Functional Testing tool,Selenium testing tool and IBM Rational Functional tester tool is well described.
    It is helpful to know about these popularly used Automation testing tools.
    Thank you for the information.

  14. Many sophisticated testing tools are available for software testing. Automation testing makes testing more efficient and effective by providing reliable and consistent results. UFT, Selenium and IBM Rational functional testers are popular. I order to use them the testers have to be trained and changes have to be made in organizational testing process

  15. Automation testing are done to provide more efficient, elaborate,reliable, consistent results and this are used for regression testing and in agile scrum. Most commonly used Automation testing tools are UFT, Selenium, IBM rationals.
    Risks with respect to automation tools are environmental factors, human errors and other factors so manual testing is preferred in some of the cases depending on the requirement.

  16. Automation testing tools are also called playback tools. selenium which is an open source,IBM Functional tester UFT are the popular ones. IBM Rational Functional Tester is commercialized by IBM is one of the most popular automation testing tools that support the testing activities of a wide range of applications like web-based, .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, etc this shows that an automation testing is a powerful and mostly chosen buy a variety of software companies and others as well.

  17. Automation testing tools are also known as capture and reply /playback tools.Makes testing more efficient and effective .
    provides reliable and consistent result.Automation testing tools are chosen for multi-platform,cross browser,distributed
    environment testing with no human intervention .The UFT, Selenium and IBM rational functional tester are popularly used among automation testing tools.

  18. It explains the information about the UFT (Unified Functional Testing), Selenium, and IBM Rational Functional. It is helpful to know that automation testing are more flexible and extensible in testing web based application.

  19. In this article we get to know about the various sophisticated software testing tools available with different feature to test various types of software.

    Automation testing tools are more efficient and effective.examples of Automation testing are the. UFT( unified Functional Testing)tool,Selenium and IBM rational functional tester. The organizations look for automation testing tools which support agile scrum and they choose automation testing tools with multi-platform,cross-browser.
    Selenium was available since 2004 and it is free and open source. The programming languages like Java,C#,Python,ruby,PHP and Java Script are supported by Selenium.

    iBM Rational functional tester commercialized by IBM is another popular automation testing tool

  20. Automated testing provides a more efficient, reliable and consistent method of testing. The most widely used automation testing tools are UFT (Unified Functional testing), IBM Rational Functional Tester and Selenium. Based on the adaptability of existing testing procedures in an organization and maximum return on investment from doing a pilot project, the most suitable automation testing tool is selected.
    UFT is a tool from Micro Focus, can be used for testing web services and uses simple scripting language like visual basic. Selenium is free and open source and can also be used for testing web based applications. It comprises of many software tools like Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment), Selenium 1(Remote Control), Selenium 2(Selenium Web Driver) and Selenium Grid. Rational Functional Tester from IBM is another commonly used automation testing tool which supports a wide range of web based applications as well as, .NET, JAVA , SAP applications testing.

  21. This article have very good information about automation testing and types of tools like selenium, UFT, IBM Rational Functional Tester etc.

  22. This article talks about the automation testing and went in depth about the variety of automation testing tool out there, base of the different systems that we uses.

  23. This article tells in detail about automation testing tool. Automation testing tools shows reliable and consistent result. Many Organizations choose automation testing tool as it provide various features to be tested and can be performed in different platform. There are different automation testing tool like The Unified Functional Testing tool, Selenium and IBM Rational Functional Tester which are popularly used among the automation testing tools.

  24. Article describes how automation tools make the testing more efficient & effective by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software. It also explains different types of automation tools highly used.

  25. In this article ,its a quick reference about automation testing tools how efficient they are!!
    we get to know about tools like UFT,Selenium,IBM Rational Functional Tester etc have their unique importance in different requirements.
    tools which are ideal for retesting ,regression testing,..and importance of automation testing tools too

  26. A very informative article about the types of automation testing tools and their efficiency in testing the software with accuracy and speed. Good artical about tools like UFT,Selenium,IBM Rational Functional Tester etc have their unique importance in different requirements. Thanks for sharing.

  27. This article gives an indepth look at various kinds of automation testing tools like UFT, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester.

  28. Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software. UFT (Unified Functional Testing) by Micro Focus, IBM Rational Functional Tester commercialized by IBM, Selenium Grid are some of Automation testing tools.

  29. 1. Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools.
    2. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool is a commercial automation testing tool from Micro Focus (has taken over HP). The features like broad technology support, continuous testing in integration with Jenkins, 1-click manual to automation, API & web services testing, mobile first, keyword or script-based testing, collaborative testing, visual test flows, image-based object recognition, simple scripting language like VB (visual basic) makes UFT automation testing tool popular among software testers.
    3. Selenium available since 2004 has increasingly gained its likes in the industry. It is a free and open source. It can test web applications on various browsers and platforms. Selenium is known for its flexibility and extensibility of testing web-based applications.
    4. IBM Rational Functional Tester commercialized by IBM is another popular automation testing tool supporting the testing activities of a wide range of applications like web-based, .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder, Ajax, Adobe Flex, etc.
    5. The automation testing tool selected by the Software Development organization is first introduced in a pilot project to evaluate its adaptability in existing testing practices of an organization, estimate the return on investment, and provide detailed learning of the tool.

  30. This article is about different type of automation testing tools and their benefits, it also tells that what type of automation testing tools are widely used like UFT, selenium and java etc.

  31. Automation testing tools are also known as capture, replay, and playback tools. these tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results.
    Eg: UFT, SELENIUM, IBM Rational tools. Selenium is the most popular testing tool and it is the free and open source.

  32. The automation testing tool makes the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results, and it is ideal for retesting & regression testing of software. ex) UFT, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester

  33. Automation Testing tools are substantial ones among the software testing tool and it is also known as Capture & Replay/Playback tools.
    Automation Testing tool are more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate ,reliable ,consistent result.
    Automation testing tool will be chosen by organization with multi-platform, cross browser ,distributed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention .
    Automation Testing tool :
    *IBM- Rational functional tester

  34. The automation testing tools are also known as playback tools. These method make the testing more efficient & effective and by useful and consistent results.
    They choose the automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention.
    The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools.
    The free open source selenium available since 2004 has becoming more valuable in the industry. also. selenium is very flexible in the testing environment.

  35. Brief information about automation testing tools. The automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. These tools are more efficient & effective by providing reliable and consistent results. Preferable tools that fit iterative procedures are UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional tester are described in detail.

  36. This articleis talks about a brief introduction to software automation testing. It helps us to understand the variety of tools that are cost effective in different areas.

  37. Automation testing tools provide elaborate, reliable, fast and consistent results. The reusable test scripts and seperate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting and regression testing. Automation testing tool will be choosen by the organisation with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention.
    Popular automation tools are
    1. UFT (unified functional testing)
    2. Selenium
    3. IBM rational functional tester

  38. – Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools.
    – The reusable test scripts and separate data files make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software.
    – Automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention are:
    1. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool – VB, etc are supported
    2. Selenium – Java, C#, python, ruby, PHP, pearl and JavaScript programming languages are supported
    3. IBM Rational Functional Tester – .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, PowerBuilder, Ajax, Adobe Flex , etc are supported

  39. Automation testing tool are also called replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient and effective and by providing reliable consistent result. These tools are ideal for retesting and regression testing of software. Organization use automation testing for iterative development procedure like agile scrum.

  40. As we all know that software testing can be done either Manually or using Automated tools to find defects and improve the quality of software. These tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software.
    Many organizations use the pilot program (section of organization) to decide which automated testing tool to be used with the existing practices of the organization to monitor necessary changes in organizational testing procedure. Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. They are as follows:
    UFT(Unified Functional Testing)- capable of continuous testing in integration with Jenkins,API & web services testing,mobile first, keyword or script-based testing
    Selenium-capable of testing web applications on various browsers and platforms.
    Selenium IDE(Integrated development Environment)-used as Firefox plugin for generating automated tests.
    Selenium 1(Remote Control)- not supported as of now
    Selenium2(Selenium WebDriver)-capable to test cohesive and object oriented API(Application Programming Interface)
    Selenium Grid-capable of running many tests in parallel on different remote machines.
    IBM Rational Functional tool-capable of testing web based applications like.Net,Java, Siebel, SAP,Ajax,Adobe Flex,Power Builder,emulator based application.
    The above mentioned tools have the capability to perform testing with multi-platform,cross-browser,distributed environment
    test with minimal or no human interaction at all.

  41. In this era of technology, many sophisticated software testing tools are available to test various features of different types of software in variety of ways. Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. One of the tool called selenium available since 2004 has increasingly gained its likes in the industry. It is a free and open source. IBM Rational Functional Tester commercialized by IBM is another popular automation testing tool supporting the testing activities of a wide range of applications like web-based, .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder, Ajax, Adobe Flex, etc. The software testers are to be trained and necessary changes in the organizational testing procedures are to be done on the usage of automation testing tools to drive the utmost benefits.

  42. -Automation tools also known as capture & replay/playback tools are substantial ones among the testing tools. These tools make the testing more efficient and effective by providing elobrate, reliable and consistent results. These tools are ideal for retesting and regression testing. The organisation chose the tools with multi-platform, croos-browser, disturbed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention.
    – Popular Automation tools are:
    1. UFT(United Functional Testing)
    It is a commercial tool from Micro focus.
    Features which make UFT popular among software testers are:
    – broad technology support
    – Continuous testing in integration with Jerkins
    – 1-click manual to automation
    – API and Web services testing
    – mobile first
    – Keyword or script based testing
    – Collabrative testing
    – Visual test flows
    – image-based object recognition
    – simple scripting language like Visual Basic
    2. Selenium:
    It is a free and open source. It can test web applications on various browsers and platforms. Programming languages like java, C#, python, ruby, PHP, pearl and java script are supported. It is composed of many software tools:
    -Selenium IDE: an easy to use Firefox plugin for generating automated test scripts.
    – Selenium 1(RC or Remote Control): not actively supported as of now.
    – Selenium WebDriver: features to test cohesive & object- oriented API
    – Selenium Grid: allows software testers to run many tests in parallel on different remote machines.
    3. IBM Rational Functional Tester:
    Supports testing activities of a wide range of applications like Web based, .Net, java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder, Ajax, Adobe Flex, etc.

  43. This article throws light on automation testing tools, mainly the UFT, Selenium and IBM Rational Functional Tester and their features.

  44. Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software. The organizations look for the automation testing tools that fit the iterative development procedures like agile scrum. They choose the automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools.

  45. Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software. The organizations look for the automation testing tools that fit the iterative development procedures like agile scrum. They choose the automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools

  46. This article is about automation testing tools .The three main automation tool testing are UFT, Selenium and IBM Rational Functional Tester and also explained about its features.

  47. The above article highlights on the popular tools existing in the current market.
    -UFT : It supports VB scripting
    -RFT: It supports various programming languages like .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder,
    Ajax, Adobe Flex, etc
    -Selenium(Open source):It also supports the programming languages like Java, C#, python, ruby, PHP, pearl and JavaScript.

  48. There are so many testing tools available inthe software testing,in that automation testing tools are substantial one among the software testing tools.Automation testing tools are also known as capture and replay tools.these tools help the testing more efficient and effective in giving consistent results and which are reliable.these are good for the iterative procedures like agile scrum.

    The UFT(Unified Functional Testing)tool,Selenium,IBM Rational functional Tester are popularly used tools.The UFT tool is popular in Technology support,webservice testin,integration with jenkins,VB etc.,
    Selinium is known for flexibility and extensibility,it can be tested on web applications on various browsers.selinium composed many software tools like Selinium 1(RC remote control) Selinium 2(selinium Web Driver).Java,python,ruby,PHP are supported with this.

    IBM Rational Functional tester support wide range of applications like Net,Java,Siebel etc.,

  49. The article above is about software testing tools for automation. There are three types of testing tools, some are free, open source or commercial. One of the popular tools that is free and open source is called Selenium.
    Here are the points why it gains its popularity since 2004.
    -It can test web applications on various browsers and platforms.
    – Selenium is known for its flexibility
    – extensibility of testing web-based applications.
    – Selenium is composed of many software tools Selenium IDE – an easy to use Firefox plugin for generating automated test scripts
    – Selenium 2(Selenium WebDriver) – a merger of Selenium & WebDriver provides the features to test cohesive and object-oriented API
    -Selenium Grid – allows the software testers to run many tests in parallel on different remote machines.
    supports multiple programming languages like Java, C#, python, ruby, PHP, pearl and JavaScript are supported. Ref:

  50. This article is about software automation testing. The study briefly explained us the varieties of tools and how effective it is in different areas.

  51. The article explains the characteristics of software automation tools ; UFT , IBM Rational Functional and Selenium. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool is a commercial automation testing tool from Micro Focus which is very popular among testers due to its features of broad technology support, and continuous testing in . IBM Rational Functional Tester automation testing tool supports the testing activities of a wide range of applications like web-based, .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder, Ajax, Adobe Flex.Selenium is a free and open source. It can test web applications on various browsers and platforms. Selenium is widely used due to its ease in testing web applications.

  52. Automation Testing also known as capture & replay play back tools. The organiztion look for the automation testing tools that fit the heractive development procedures like agile scrum. The choose the automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross browser, distributed environments testing capabities with no human intervention. The UFT (unified functional testing) tool , selenium,IBM rational functional tester are popularrly used among the automation testing tools. The automation testing tool selected by the Software Development organization is first introduced in a pilot project to evaluate its adaptability in existing testing practices of an organization, estimate the return on investment, and provide detailed learning of the tool. The software testers are to be trained and necessary changes in the organizational testing procedures are to be done on the usage of automation testing tools to drive the utmost benefits.

  53. This blog helps in developing our understanding about the effectiveness of automation Testing and various automation testing tools that are used in software industries.
    Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software.
    The organizations look for the automation testing tools that fit the iterative development procedures like agile scrum. They choose the automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools.
    Selenium is known for its flexibility and extensibility of testing web-based applications.
    IBM Rational Functional Tester commercialized by IBM is another popular automation testing tool supporting the testing activities of a wide range of applications like web-based, .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP.
    The automation testing tool selected by the Software Development organization is first introduced in a pilot project to evaluate its adaptability in existing testing practices of an organization, estimate the return on investment, and provide detailed learning of the tool. The software testers are to be trained and necessary changes in the organizational testing procedures are to be done on the usage of automation testing tools to drive the utmost benefits.

  54. There are many automation testing tools but the popular ones are, HP UFT tool, selenium, IBM rational functional tester tool. The VB scripting is used in HP UFT , Selenium a web based testing tool supports Java, c#, python, pearl languages etc. , IBM rational functional tester supports applications like web based, java, SAP, sibel etc. the testing tool is selected based on the estimate the return on investment ( budget) , and knowledge of tool in testers to get the utmost benefits of the automation tool.

  55. This article focused on automation testing tools, benefits using automation tools, and overview of UTF (Unified Functional Testing), Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester tools.
    •Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools.
    •Automation tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results.
    •Organizations choose the automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention.
    UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool is a commercial automation testing tool from Micro Focus (has taken over HP).
    Selenium available since 2004 has increasingly gained its likes in the industry. It is a free and open source. It can test web applications on various browsers and platforms. Selenium is known for its flexibility and extensibility of testing web-based applications.
    IBM Rational Functional Tester commercialized by IBM is another popular automation testing tool supporting the testing activities of a wide range of applications.

  56. The article was very educational. It provided the automation tools that are widely used. And also it speaks the importance of automation.

    Automation tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. Organization look for automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention.  Some popular automation tools are: UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester.

  57. Known as capture & replay/playback tools, Automation testing tools played a big role in software testing procedures, gives confidence in the possible positive estimation of a return on investment (RIO) and the opportunity for Testers to learn new skills beneficial to the Software Development organization. Some of the Automation testing tools are known to be the most popular in use now days, such as Unified Functional Testing (UFT), Selenium, and IBM Rational Functional Tester that offered various capabilities.

  58. Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software. The organizations look for the automation testing tools that fit the iterative development procedures like agile scrum. They choose the automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools.

  59. The Automation Testing Tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. These tools are also known as capture& replay/playback tools. The UFT< IBM Rational Functional Tester are popular tools. The Organizations choose automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention. Selenium 2 is a merger of Selenium & Web Driver provides the features to test cohesive and object oriented API, Selenium Grid allows the software testers to run many tests in parallel on different remote machines. The programming languages like Java, C#, python, ruby, PHP, pearl and JavaScript are supported

  60. A very informative article about the types of automation testing tools and their efficiency in testing the software.
    And also this article mentions about the specialized training that software testers should under go in order to use the automation tools for getting the best benefits.

  61. Automation testing tools are more popular among the organizations with development procedures like Agile Scrum, where retesting and regression testing is most. Automation testing tools are more efficient and effective with reliable , elaborate and consistent results. Depending on the nature of these tools they also known as capture and replay/playback tools.
    UFT (unifies Functional Testing): This tool is from Micro Focus(has taken over HP). 1-click manual to automation, web services testing, mobile first, keyword or script based testing, collaborative testing, image based testing, simple scripting language like VB makes UFT popular among software testers.
    Selenium: Available from 2004. It is known for its flexibility and extensibility for testing web-based applications. Supported programming languages: java, pearl, ruby, python PHP and C#
    IBM Rational Functional Tester: This another popular automation tolls supports wide range of applications like web-based, .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP etc
    To evaluate the adaptability of automation testing tool, first Software development organization introduces the tool in a pilot project. Which evaluates its existing testing practices, estimate the return on investment and also provides detail learning of the tool.

  62. This article about automation testing tools and explained clearly about 3 major tools UFT, selenium and IBM Rational Functional Tester! Very good article and thank you for sharing!

  63. With the benefits of automated testing discussed previously, this article gives the overview of the popular automation testing tools like UFT, Selenium and IBM Rational Functional Tester.

    Unified Functional Testing(UFT) – is a commercial automation testing tool from Micro-Focus. UFT is popular with the features like
    – Broad technology support and simple scripting language
    – Continuous testing in integration with Jenkins
    – 1-click manual to automation
    -API and web based testing
    -Key word or script based testing
    -Collaborative testing
    -Visual test flows
    -Image-based object recognition

    Selenium – is a free and open source tool to test web based applications on various browsers and platforms and known for the flexibility and extensibility of testing web-based applications
    They are composed of many Software tools like
    Selenium – IDE
    Selenium 1
    Selenium 2
    Selenium Grid

    IBM Rational Functional Testing – supports the testing activities like web-based applications ex: .NET, Java, SAP, Powerbuilder etc…

  64. Automation testing tools have gained popularity in the software development organization where they were first tested in a pilot project and successfully adapted in testing practices to get a return on investment. Automation testing are done to provide more efficient, elaborate,reliable, consistent results and are used for regression testing and in agile scrum. Most commonly used Automation testing tools are UFT, Selenium, IBM rationals and they all excel in their performances.
    Testers and Developers have to be trained and have to update their skill to adapt to new changes in order to get the maximum results.

  65. Automation Testing tools are also known as capture/re playback tools. These tools make the testing effective and efficient by providing ellaborate, reliable, consistent results. The resuable test scripts and separate data files make it ideal for restesting and regression testing of the software. The organisation chooses testing tools >>
    — that fit the iterative development procedures like agile scrum
    –multi platform, cross browser etc
    Popular testing tools nowadays are UFT, Selenium , IBM Rational Functional Tester
    UFT (Unified functional testing) is a commercial automation testing tool from Micro focus ( taken over HP). Features >>
    broad technology support, continuous testing in integration with Jenkins, 1-click manual to automation, API & web services testing, mobile first, keyword or script-based testing, collaborative testing, visual test flows, image-based object recognition, simple scripting language VB (visual basic) make this tool popular among the software testers.

    Selenium was introduced in 2004 since then it has increased in popularity. It is a free and open source tool. It is used for web based applications. The tools supported by Selenium >>
    –Selenium IDE ( Integrated Development Environment) – easy to use Firefox plugin , generates automated test scripts
    –Selenium 1(RC or Remote Control) – not actively supported
    –Selenium 2 (Selenium Web driver) – merger of Selenium and Web driver – to test cohesive and object oriented API
    –Selenium Grid- testers use this to carry out multiple tests in parallel on remote machines.
    Programming languages supported by Selenium – Java, JavaScript, C#, Python, Ruby ,Pearl

    IBM Rational Functional Tester – by IBM – supported Applications- web based, .NET, Java, Adobe Flex, Power builder, Ajax etc

    The automated testing tools are first introduced as pilot project to evaluate the adaptability in the existing testing practices of the organisation, estimate the return on investment and to have a detailed learning of the tool. To get the benefits of the automated testing tool the software testers have to be trained and necessary changes need to be made in the organisational testing process.

  66. Automation testing tools:

    Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software. The organizations look for the automation testing tools that fit the iterative development procedures e.g. agile scrum. They choose the automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention.
    The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are among the popular automation testing tools.
    The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool is a commercial automation testing tool from Micro Focus (has taken over HP). The features like broad technology support, continuous testing in integration with Jenkins, 1-click manual to automation, API & web services testing, mobile first, keyword or script-based testing, collaborative testing, visual test flows, image-based object recognition, simple scripting language like VB (visual basic) makes UFT automation testing tool popular among software testers.
    Selenium available since 2004 has increasingly gained popularity in the industry. It is a free and open source. It can test web applications on various browsers and platforms. Selenium is known for its flexibility and extensibility of testing web-based applications. Selenium is composed of many software tools:
    Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) – an easy to use Firefox plugin for generating automated test scripts,
    Selenium 1(RC or Remote Control) – not actively supported as of now,
    Selenium 2(Selenium WebDriver) – a merger of Selenium & WebDriver provides the features to test cohesive and object-oriented API,
    Selenium Grid – allows the software testers to run many tests in parallel on different remote machines. The programming languages like Java, C#, python, ruby, PHP, pearl and JavaScript are supported.
    IBM Rational Functional Tester commercialized by IBM is another popular automation testing tool supporting the testing activities of a wide range of applications like web-based, .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder, Ajax, Adobe Flex, etc.
    Introduction of Automation testing tool in an organization:
    The automation testing tool selected by the Software Development organization is first introduced in a pilot project to evaluate its adaptability in existing testing practices of an organization, the return on investment is estimated, and a detailed learning of the tool is provided. The software testers are trained and necessary changes in the organizational testing procedures are done to drive maximum benefits from the automation testing tools.

  67. This article about how the automation testing tools are useful in testing the software. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software.The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools.the detailed description of UFT, SELENIUM and IBM rational functional tester given in this article.

  68. Automation Testing tools are also known as capture and replay/playback tools. It is first introduced in a Pilot Project.. It is suitable for retesting and regression testing of software. It fits more to iterative development procedure like Agile Scrum. Most Popular tools used in Automation Testing Tools are the following:-
    UFT( United Functional Testing):
    This tool is a Commercial testing tool from Micro Focus It makes manual testing ore efficient and let developers and testers collaborate. UFT supports cross browser testing. It provides functional and regression test automation for every major software application and environment including advance Web 2.0 toolkit, leading development technologies, Web, REST and SOA services, ERP and CRM.
    It is an open source software testing program that can run tests in a variety of popular software languages such as C#, Java, and python. This popular testing program is available since 2004, it is known for its flexibility, extensibility of testing web based applications.
    IBM Rational Functional tools:
    This software provides automated testing capabilities for functional, regression, GUI and data driven testing. It supports the following application such as web based, .NET, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator based applications: Power builder, Ajax, Adobe Flex, Dojo Toolkit, GEF, Adobe PDF document, Z series, i Series, and p Series.

  69. Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software.
    Many automation tools are available in the market such as selenium, UFT, IBM Rational functional tester etc.
    First automation tools were introduced on a pilot project to evaluate its adaptability in existing testing practices of an organization, estimate the return on investment, and provide detailed learning of the tool

  70. very useful article fo automation testing tools information
    -Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. the UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools.
    -The organizations look for the automation testing tools that fit the iterative development procedures like agile scrum.
    –Selenium available since 2004 has increasingly gained its likes in the industry. It is a free and open source. It can test web applications on various browsers and platforms. Selenium is known for its flexibility and extensibility of testing web-based applications. Selenium is composed of many software tools Selenium IDE , Selenium 1(RC or Remote Control) , Selenium 2(Selenium WebDriver)

  71. This article describes the importance of automation testing tools. These tools are also called replay/playback tools mostly used to retesting, regression testing for efficient and consistent results.
    These tools are the best choice for incremental/ agile methodologies.
    Most popular testing tools are UFT, Selenium, IBM rational functional test
    UFT is a commercial automation tool. It has many features like 1 click manual to automation, API & web service testing and many more.
    Selenium is an open source can test web applications on multiple browsers and platforms.
    IBM Rational Functional Tester is a commercial tool supports to test web-based applications, Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder, Ajax, Adobe Flex, etc.

  72. Automation testing tools=capture&replay/playback tools.
    These tools make the testing more efficient&effective and by providing elaborate,reliable,consistent results.
    The UFT Tool,selenium,IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools.
    The UFT tasting tool is a commercial automation testing tool from micro focus.
    Selenium is a free and open source.It can test web applications on various browsers and platforms.
    IBM Rational Functional Tester commercialized by IBM is another popular automation testing tool.

  73. This article gives us an insight into automation testing tools also called capture and replay / playback tools. Automation tools are more efficient and effective and are ideal for retesting and regression testing as they have reusable test scripts and separate data files. Organizations choose automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention. Some popular automation tools are UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester.
    The UFT by Microfocus company features broad technology support, continuous testing in integration with Jenkins, 1-click manual to automation, API & web services testing, mobile first, keyword or script-based testing, collaborative testing, visual test flows, image-based object recognition and simple scripting language like VB (visual basic).
    Selenium is a free and open source. It can test web applications on various browsers and platforms. Selenium is known for its flexibility and extensibility generating automated test scripts of testing web-based applications. It is composed of many software tools that allow testers to generating automated test scripts, run many tests in parallel on different remote machines and support programming languages like Java, C++, python, etc.
    IBM Rational Functional Tester is another popular automation testing tool supporting the testing activities of a wide range of applications like web-based, .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder, Ajax, Adobe Flex, etc.

  74. Usage of automation tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results.

  75. 1. Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools.
    2. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool is a commercial automation testing tool from Micro Focus (has taken over HP). The features like broad technology support, continuous testing in integration with Jenkins, 1-click manual to automation, API & web services testing, mobile first, keyword or script-based testing, collaborative testing, visual test flows, image-based object recognition, simple scripting language like VB (visual basic) makes UFT automation testing tool popular among software testers.
    3. Selenium available since 2004 has increasingly gained its likes in the industry. It is a free and open source. It can test web applications on various browsers and platforms. Selenium is known for its flexibility and extensibility of testing web-based applications.
    4. IBM Rational Functional Tester commercialized by IBM is another popular automation testing tool supporting the testing activities of a wide range of applications like web-based, .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder, Ajax, Adobe Flex, etc.
    5. The automation testing tool selected by the Software Development organization is first introduced in a pilot project to evaluate its adaptability in existing testing practices of an organization, estimate the return on investment, and provide detailed learning of the tool.

  76. The article indicates that automation testing makes the testing procedure more efficient and effective. It benefits the stakeholders by providing elaborate, reliable, and consistent results and is suitable retesting and regression software testing. The three main automation tools –UFT, Selenium, and IBM Rational Functional Tester seem to provide excellent alternatives for automation, each with unique applicability, advantages, strengths.

  77. Automation testing tools are also known as capture and replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient and effective and by providing elaborate ,reliable ,consistent results.
    The UFT( Unified functional testing) tool, selenium, IBM Rational functional tester are the more popular testing tools.
    Selenium is a free, opensource web automation tool. It saves time and money. It has many advantages.
    Selenium has 4 components:
    1.Selenium IDE( Integrated development environment) It is a record and playback tool. It is a firefox plugin which is easily installable along with other plugins.
    2.Selenium RC(Remote control)
    3.Selenium webdriver
    4.Selenium grid

  78. This article is about automation testing tools, how they are useful and effective in the software organization and types of tools like selenium, UFT, etc. This article gives a very nice and clear explanation of all these details. More and more companies are utilizing automation testing tools now days and it is very useful to learn them.

  79. Automation testing tools make the testing
    More effective,efficient and reliable.The
    Reusable test scripts and separate data files
    Of automation tools make them ideal for
    Retesting and regression testing of a software.
    UFT,IBM Rational functional tool and selinium
    Are popular automation tools.Each has unique efficiency .

  80. This article focuses on automation testing tools. It also gives overview of UFT, Selenium and IBM.
    1.Automation testing tools are also known as capture and replay tools.
    2.Automation tools make testing tools more efficient and by providing elaborate,reliable,consistent results.
    3.UFT(Unified functional testing) tool is a commercial automation testing tool from micro focus.
    4.Selenium tool is free and open source.It can test web applications on various browsers and platforms.
    5.IBM(Rational functional tester) commercialized by IBM is another popular automation testing tool.

  81. This Article is all about the Automation Testing. It explains different software’s are making easier to do Automation testing.

  82. Very informative article about automation testing and auttomation tools. Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results.

  83. Automation testing tools are also known as capture and replay/playback tools. these tools make the testing more efficient and effective and by providing elaborate, reliable and consistent results. the popular tools are selenium, UFT, and IBM.

  84. Automation testing tools are used as capture and replay/playback tools.They make the testing experience more reliable and consistent. The reusable test scripts make them ideal for regression testing and retesting.
    The automation testing tools are used on various cross-browser, multi-platform systems.
    UFT by Microfocus uses various keyword based , script based , web services testing by the use of simple scripting languages like VB script.
    Selenium is an open source and free automation testing tool. It can test various web browsers on various browsers and platforms.
    various programming languages such as Java, C#, Python etc are used for generating automated test cases.

  85. Automation testing tools make the testing process more efficient & effective by providing reliable and consistent results, and the reusable test scripts and separate data files make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software.

    The organizations seek the automation testing tools to fit the iterative development models like agile scrum and choose the best suited automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities such as UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester automation testing tools.

    The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool is a commercial automation testing tool and provides broad based features that work with many platforms, technologies and services, and is a popular automation testing tool among software testers.

    Selenium is a free and open source tool that can test web applications on various browsers and platforms, and is composed of Selenium IDE, Selenium 1(RC or Remote Control), Selenium 2(Selenium WebDriver), and Selenium Grid.

    IBM Rational Functional Tester is another popular automation testing tool supporting the testing activities of a wide range of applications and technologies.

    The automation testing tool is selected by the organization and introduced as a pilot project, to evaluate its adaptability in the organization’s existing testing practices, estimate the ROI, and gather detailed learning of the tool.

  86. I think automated testing is very important tool in Software testing, A very informative article about the types of automation testing tools and their efficiency in testing the software. IBM Rational Functional Tester is another popular automation testing tool supporting the testing activities of a wide range of applications like web-based, . Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder, Ajax, Adobe Flex, etc. And also this article mentions about the specialized training that software testers should under go in order to use the automation tools for getting the best benefits. Selenium is a free and open source. It can test web applications on various browsers and platforms. Selenium is known for its flexibility and extensibility generating automated test scripts of testing web-based applications. It is composed of many software tools that allow testers to generating automated test scripts, run many tests in parallel on different remote machines and support programming languages like Java, C++, python, etc.
    Thank you

  87. .Automation testing tool are also called replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient and effective and by providing reliable consistent result. These tools are ideal for retesting and regression testing of software. Organization use automation testing for iterative development procedure like agile scrum.
    This article explain the popular tools existing in the current market.
    -UFT : It supports VB scripting
    -RFT: It supports various programming languages like .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder,
    Ajax, Adobe Flex, etc
    -Selenium(Open source):It also supports the programming languages like Java, C#, python, ruby, PHP, pearl and JavaScript.

  88. This article tess us about various automation tools used for testing. There are three tools that are most commonly used for automation testing. They are selenium, UFT and IBM.

  89. Good information about automation testing tools. It Is nice to learn more about selenium and IBM, automation makes the difference.

  90. Automation testing tools are becoming popular testing tools. Selenium and IBM Rational Functional testing are some of testing tools which are popular. Selenium is getting more popularity being open source and its compatibility to various platform, and for its efficiency and effectiveness. Whatever the testing tools chosen by the organization or developer needs to undergo pilot testing and also requires training for testers before implementing to a organization or project as such.

  91. This article enlightens about the various automation testing tools, also known as capture and replay tools; Selenium, UFT and IBM being most popularly used. Testing tools for any given project is selected by the nature of the project by testers with ample knowledge on testing tools for maximum results.

  92. This article describes the various tools (and their benefits) used for automation testing.
    They are:
    -UFT : It supports VB scripting
    -RFT: It supports various programming languages like .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder,
    Ajax, Adobe Flex, etc
    -Selenium(Open source):It also supports the programming languages like Java, C#, python, ruby, PHP, pearl and JavaScript.
    These tools make the testing process more efficient and effective by providing reliable consistent results.

  93. Automation Testing Tools:
    Automation testing tools also known as capture & replay/playback tools.The most commonly used automation testing tools are UFT(Unified Functional Testing),Selenium,IBM rational functional tester.These tools make the testing more efficient , effective and by producing elaborate,reliable and consistent results.The UFT is a automation testing tool from micro focus(has taken over HP) .The features like broad technology support,continuous testing in integration with Jenkins,collaborative testing,visual test flows,API&web service testing service .

  94. This post is about automation testing tools. Testing becomes more efficient and effective because of the automation testing tools. In the iterative development procedures like agile scrum, agile automation tools have been the preferred choice. Popularly used automation testing tools are the Unified Functional Testing tool, Selenium, and IBM Rational Functional Tester.
    UFT: It is a commercial automation tool from Micro Focus.
    Selenium: It is available since 2004 and it is free and open-source.
    IBM Rational Function Tester: This tool is commercialized by IBM.
    When a Software development organization selects an automation tool, it is first introduced in a pilot project to evaluate its adaptability in the existing practices of an organization

  95. Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools.The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools.
    Selenium is known for its flexibility and extensibility of testing web-based applications.

  96. These article tells us about automation testing.Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools.These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software. The organizations look for the automation testing tools that fit the iterative development procedures like agile scrum. They choose the automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools.

  97. There are so many testing tools available in the software testing, in that automation testing tools are substantial one among the software testing tools. Automation testing tools are also known as capture and replay tools. These tools help the testing more efficient and effective in giving consistent results and which are reliable. These are good for the iterative procedures like agile scrum.
    The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational functional Tester are popularly used tools. The UFT tool is popular in Technology support, web service testing, integration with Jenkins, VB etc.,
    Selenium is known for flexibility and extensibility, it can be tested on web applications on various browsers. Selenium composed many software tools like Selenium 1(RC remote control) Selenium 2(selenium Web Driver). Java, python, ruby, PHP are supported with this.
    IBM Rational Functional tester support wide range of applications like .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP etc.

  98. Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective.these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popular automation testing tools.The automation testing tool selected by the Software Development organization is first introduced in a pilot project to evaluate its adaptability in existing testing practices of an organization

  99. A useful article on automation testing tools information
    -Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. the UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools.
    -The organizations look for the automation testing tools that fit the iterative development procedures like agile scrum.
    –Selenium available since 2004 has increasingly gained its likes in the industry. It is a free and open source. It can test web applications on various browsers and platforms. Selenium is known for its flexibility and extensibility of testing web-based applications. Selenium is composed of many software tools Selenium IDE , Selenium 1(RC or Remote Control) , Selenium 2(Selenium WebDriver)

  100. Automation testing tools (capture & replay/playback tools)
    These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software.

    – The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool: a commercial automation testing tool from Micro Focus (has taken over HP).
    – Selenium: a free and open source which can test web applications on various browsers and platforms.
    – IBM Rational Functional Tester: automation testing tool supporting the testing activities of a wide range of applications like web-based, .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, etc.

  101. Automation testing tools make testing more efficient & effective and they are providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. UFT tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popular automation testing tools.
    1.UFT-This tool is HP’s automation testing tool. this tool is popular because of their features like broad technology support, continuous testing in integration, support VB scripting language, etc.
    2.Selenium- Selenium is known for its flexibility and extensibility of testing web-based applications. It is composed of many software tools Selenium IDE, Selenium 1,2, Selenium grid. Programming languages like Java, C#, python, ruby, PHP, pearl, JavaScript are supported by Selenium.
    3.IBM- Rational Functional testing tool supporting the testing activities of a wide range of applications like web-based, .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder, Ajax, Adobe Flex, etc.

  102. Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software. They choose the automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools.
    The UFT is a commercial automation tool from micro focus. it has many features and its a popular tool in software testing.
    Selenium is also one of the most popular software tool, its free and open source. selenium has many versions selenium IDE its easy to use for generating automated test scripts, selenium1(rc)-not active, selenium2(merger of selenium and web driver).
    IBM rational functional is also another popular automation tool supporting the test activities.

  103. Automation testing tools are also called as capture and replay/playback tools. The reusable test scripts and separate date files of these tools make them ideal for retesting and regression testing of software. The organization looks for the automation testing tools for iterative development procedure like agile scrum. They choose automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capability with no human intervention. The UFT tool, Selenium, IBM Rational functional tester are popular for automation testing tools.
    The UFT is commercial automation testing tool from micro focus.
    Selenium is extremely used for web based application. Selenium is composed of many software tools selenium IDE, selenium 1, selenium 2, selenium grid. The programming language like c, c++, java are supported.
    IBM Rational Functional tester by IBM supporting the testing activities of a wide range of application like web based, .Net, java etc

  104. Assignment No: 3
    This article talks about different kinds of automation tools available in the market and how automation tools saves the repetitive tasks. Automation tools are chosen based on multi platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities without human intervention. The article also talks about different tools like UFT, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester. Before the tools are used extensively into the project, the testers are trained on the usage of automation testing tools and also pilot project is introduced to evaluate its adaptability to estimate the return on investment.

  105. A very useful and well explained article about automation testing.
    It explains how the different software are making it easier and easier to do testing by automation.
    UFT tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popular automation testing tools.

  106. A test automation tool is a piece of software that enables people to define software testing tasks, that are afterwards run with as little human interaction as possible. Again, it’s important to understand that there are a plethora of different types of test automation tools available. IBM Rational Functional Tester commercialized by IBM is another popular automation testing tool supporting the testing activities of a wide range of applications like web-based, .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder, Ajax, Adobe Flex, QTP, Selenium etc…..

  107. 1. Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools.
    2. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool is a commercial automation testing tool from Micro Focus (has taken over HP). The features like broad technology support, continuous testing in integration with Jenkins, 1-click manual to automation, API & web services testing, mobile first, keyword or script-based testing, collaborative testing, visual test flows, image-based object recognition, simple scripting language like VB (visual basic) makes UFT automation testing tool popular among software testers.
    3. Selenium available since 2004 has increasingly gained its likes in the industry. It is a free and open source. It can test web applications on various browsers and platforms. Selenium is known for its flexibility and extensibility of testing web-based applications.
    4. IBM Rational Functional Tester commercialized by IBM is another popular automation testing tool supporting the testing activities of a wide range of applications like web-based, .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder, Ajax, Adobe Flex, etc.
    5. The automation testing tool selected by the Software Development organization is first introduced in a pilot project to evaluate its adaptability in existing testing practices of an organization, estimate the return on investment, and provide detailed learning of the tool.

    Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software. The organizations look for the automation testing tools that fit the iterative development procedures like agile scrum. They choose the automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention.
    UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool – Automation is a branch of Software Testing QA projects that is highly technical, needs great levels of problem solving and analytical skills. It is more than just a programming language expertise or tool familiarity. It is an entirely different thought process altogether. It is to think like a developer, tester, and designer/architect all at the same time. Quick Test Professional is a functional test automation tool.
    SELENIUM – The Test Automation Engineer designs, builds, tests, and deploys effective test automation solutions. The Selenium Test Automation Engineer generates test cases using Selenium, enhances the test cases, debugs test cases and does defect tracking and reporting. It can test web applications on various browsers and platforms. Selenium is known for its flexibility and extensibility of testing web-based applications. Selenium is composed of many software tools Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) – an easy-to-use Firefox plugin for generating automated test scripts.
    IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools. IBM Rational Functional Tester commercialized by IBM is another popular automation testing tool supporting the testing activities of a wide range of applications like web-based, .NET, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder, Ajax, Adobe Flex, etc.
    The automation testing tool selected by the Software Development organization is first introduced in a pilot project to evaluate its adaptability in existing testing practices of an organization, estimate the return on investment, and provide detailed learning of the tool. The software testers are to be trained and necessary changes in the organizational testing procedures are to be done on the usage of automation testing tools to drive the utmost benefits.

  109. Automation testing is a Software testing technique. This technique uses a software tool to test other software, which is why it is referred to as Automation Testing, instead of manual testing performed by humans. The Automation Testing technique typically includes comparing the obtained outcomes of test cases with the predicted outcomes and further controls the tests’ execution. Test automation supports functional and non-functional testing.

  110. Automation Testing tools are implemented without the use of human intervention. It has the capability of testing web applications in a much faster speed with efficiency. They’re are several different kinds of automation testings and it is important for the testers to be trained and have a clear understanding of what automation testing is to be testing for. Not every automation testings supports the same code.

  111. Automation Testing Tools
    This article is about automation testing tools how they are useful and effective in the software organization. It describes the type of testing tools that are used for automation testing as well as their importance. The UFT tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software.

  112. This article gives you an insight in the Automation Testing tools also known as capture and replay or playback tools and also their importance in testing. It also explains about the popularly used automation testing tools like UFT, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester.

  113. Automation testing tools are also known as capture, replay, and playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results.
    There are different types of testing tools like UFT, SELENIUM, IBM Rational tools. Selenium is the most popular testing tool and it is free and open source.

  114. Automation testing tools makes the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software.
    1. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool is a commercial automation testing tool from Micro Focus (has taken over HP). The features like broad technology support, continuous testing in integration with Jenkins, 1-click manual to automation, API & web services testing, mobile first, keyword or script-based testing, collaborative testing, visual test flows, image-based object recognition, simple scripting language like VB (visual basic) makes UFT automation testing tool popular among software testers.
    2. Selenium available since 2004 and is a free and open source. It can test web applications on various browsers and platforms. Selenium is known for its flexibility and extensibility of testing web-based applications. Selenium is composed of many software tools that allows the software testers to run many tests in parallel on different remote machines. The programming languages like Java, C#, python, ruby, PHP, pearl and JavaScript are supported.
    3. IBM Rational Functional Tester commercialized by IBM is another popular automation testing tool supporting the testing activities of a wide range of applications like web-based, .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder, Ajax, Adobe Flex, etc
    The automation testing tool selected by the Software Development organization is first introduced in a pilot project to evaluate its adaptability in existing testing practices of an organization, estimate the return on investment, and provide detailed learning of the tool.

  115. automation testing tools.: this article explained about how automation testing tool came in and making it easier and faster, more effective way to do testing. It explains different types of tools to perform automation testing and various company has different type of version and model. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool is a commercial automation testing tool from Micro Focus (has taken over HP). The features like broad technology support, continuous testing in integration with Jenkins, 1-click manual to automation, API & web services testing, mobile first, keyword or script-based testing, collaborative testing, visual test flows, image-based object recognition, simple scripting language like VB (visual basic) makes UFT automation testing tool popular among software testers.

  116. Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software. The organizations look for the automation testing tools that fit the iterative development procedures like agile scrum. They choose the automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools.

  117. This article explains the benefits of Automation tools used in software testing to attain its maximum potential. It describes about the three popular Automation tools 1. UFT 2.Selenium and 3. IBM Rational functional tester and also mentions where and how these tools are used in wide range applications.

  118. The automation testing tools plays major role in software testing while developing the software. There are many number of testing tools are available for various applications and also for various platforms.

  119. This article explains well about the Automation testing Tools. An automation testing tool is a piece of software that lets you define testing tasks and then takes over to perform the tests for you. Ideally, this happens with minimal human oversight.
    There is a wide range of automation testing tools to test across multiple platforms, including smartphones, mobile devices, and desktop computers. Through testing automation, performance testing can run without human intervention, which provides the ability to test code 24 hours a day if needed, speeding up the test execution process.

    Unit testing, smoke testing,integretion testing, Regression testing, API testing, Security testing, performance testing, Acceptance testing, UI testing so these are all the most common testing done by Automation tools.

    The organizations look for the automation testing tools that fit the iterative development procedures like agile scrum. They choose the automation testing tools with multi-platform, cross-browser, distributed environment testing capabilities with no human intervention. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools.

    And some other tools that used for Automations are

    1. Mabl — Best for integrating testing with existing workflows
    2. Avo Assure — Best for no-code test automation
    3. Testing Whiz — Best for codeless automation testing
    4. Squish — Best for testing graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and human-machine interfaces (HMIs)
    5. Testim — Best for automated testing with artificial intelligence
    6.Katalon Studio — Best for integrating tests into CI/CD pipelines

  120. Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The reusable test scripts and separate data files of these tools make them ideal for retesting & regression testing of software. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are some of the popular automation testing tools.

  121. This article mentions what automation testing tools are used for. They are made to make testing more efficient and effective and provide elaborate, reliable, and consistent results. UFT, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are the main automation testing tools being used. They are used for retesting and regression testing. If the steps can be repeated then you can use automation testing.

  122. Automation testing tools are also known as capture & replay/playback tools. These tools make the testing more efficient & effective and by providing elaborate, reliable, consistent results. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool, Selenium, IBM Rational Functional Tester are popularly used among the automation testing tools.
    1. The UFT (Unified Functional Testing) tool is a commercial automation testing tool from Micro Focus (has taken over HP).
    2. Selenium It is a free and open source. It can test web applications on various browsers and platforms. Selenium is known for its flexibility and extensibility of testing web-based applications. The programming languages like Java, C#, python, ruby, PHP, pearl and JavaScript are supported.
    3. IBM Rational Functional Tester commercialized by IBM is another popular automation testing tool supporting the testing activities of a wide range of applications like web-based, .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder, Ajax, Adobe Flex, etc.

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