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There are many categories of tools used for testing. And in each category, wide range of tools are commercialised by the different companies. In the category of automation testing tools, many tools like uft, selenium, rational tools and so on are listed. How to choose an automation testing tool becomes a witty decision to make.

Selection of automation testing tool for organisation:

To introduce the automation testing tools in the organisation, the automation testing tool is first evaluated in a pilot project. During the pilot project, the automation tool is learnt in detail. The guidelines to use the tool are identified. Then the tool is introduced in the organisation incrementally. Each time, after the project the information is gathered from the software testers. This information can be used for improving the usage guidelines for automation  testing tools. The software testers are trained to use the new tools.

How to choose an automation testing tool?

The main criteria to choose the automation testing tool are listed below:

  • the automation testing tool should meet the project requirement
  • the ability of the automation testing tool to test the software developed with a specific technology
  • usability of the automation testing tool by the automation testers
  • compatibility of the automation testing tool with the test environment
  • budget of the project
  • check if the tool is a good fit in the organisational process
  • ability of vendor of the automation testing tool to provide technical support
  • trustworthiness of the vendor
  • training needs within organisation to introduce new tool
  • evaluation of efforts required to store the test assets generated from the tools

The software testers can identify the different tools, evaluate tools and provide the inputs to select the tool. The test manager evaluates and decides the tool to be used for the project.

Check your understanding: 

1. List the popular automation testing tools and name of their companies

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101 Responses

  1. List the popular automation testing tools and name of their companies.
    1.UFT (unified functional testing)
    UFT is a commercial testing tool from micro focus (has taken over HP).
    Selenium is an free and open source.
    3.IBM Rational Functional Testing
    This is commercialized by IBM

  2. Some of the commonly used automation testing tools are:
    1. UFT (Unified Functional Tester) by Micro Focus
    2. Rational Functional Tester by IBM
    3. Selenium by Apache
    4. TestComplete by SmartBear Software
    5. Test Studio by Telerik
    6. Apache JMeter
    7. HP LoadRunner

  3. List of Automation testing tools are
    1. Selenium
    2.TestingWhiz by Cygnet Infotech
    4.IBM Rational Functional Tester
    5.TestComplete by SmartBear software
    6.Ranorex by Ranorex GmbH
    7.Robot framework

  4. Selenium – used to automate web browsers for testing purposes. It is open source software under Apache 2.0 license.
    Telerik Test Studio – a windows based automation testing tool for load testing, performance testing , mobile application testing and functional testing developed by Telerik

  5. The popular automation testing tools and their companies are:
    UFT (Unified functional tester by micro focus
    Rational Functional tester by IBM
    Selenium by Apache

  6. 1.IBM Rational Functional Tester
    Rational Functional Tester is commercial automation testing tool from IBM.
    2.UFT by Micro Focus
    3.Selenium by Apache

  7. Ans. : The popular automation testing tools & name of thier companies:
    – Selenium by Apache
    – UFT by micro focus
    – Rational tools by IBM

  8. Popular Testing tools and their companies:
    1. Rational Functional by IBM
    2. UFT ( Unified Functional testing tools and Load Runner by Micro Focus
    3. Selenium by Apache

  9. 1) UFT -Micro Focus
    2) Selenium- Apache
    3) Rational functional tester- IBM
    4) SOAP UI- SmartBear Software
    5) Load Runner- Micro Focus
    6) QTP- Hewlett Packard (HP)

  10. Rational Functional Tester is commercial automation testing tool from IBM
    Silk Test is a functional and regression automation testing tool from MicroFocus.
    Squish,by froglogic, is a market leading and very popular GUI test tools available for supporting platform-specific GUI technologies and cross-platform GUI technologies on Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X and embedded/mobile platforms.

  11. There are many categories of tools used for testing.Some of the popular testing tools are:
    1) Selenium- Apache -: Selenium is popular automated web testing tool and helps you automate web browsers across different platforms.
    2)Ranorex – Ranorex GmbH -: Ranorex is one of the more popular commercial tool to build and run automated web and GUI test.
    3) SOAP UI- SmartBear Software -: SoapUI is cross- platform functional testing tool.
    4) UFT -Micro Focus
    5) Rational functional tester- IBM
    6) Load Runner- Micro Focus
    7) QTP- Hewlett Packard (HP)

  12. UFT by Micro Focus
    Selinium by Apache
    Rational functional tester by IBM
    Test Studio by Telerik
    Test complete by SmartBear

  13. 1. Ranorex -by Ranorex
    2. Selenium – Open Source
    3. UFT ( Unified Functionality Testing ) – by Micro Focus
    4. Test Complete – by Smart Bear

  14. There are many automation testing tools existing in the market.Among which the popular tools along with their company names are as follows:
    1) UFT (Unified Function Testing) by Micro Focus.
    2)Rational Functional tester by IBM.
    3)Selenium by Apache..
    4)TestComplete by Smartbear software.
    5)Soap UI by Smartbear software.
    6))SilkTest by Micro Focus.

  15. There are many categories of testing tools and these tools are available in the market through different

    1. Selinium by Apache
    2. UFT (Unified Functional testing) by HP
    3. Rational Functional tester by IBM etc.

  16. Test Automation is being considered as the most effective way to enhance coverage, efficiency and effectiveness of any software application.Many companies are using automation tools like uft, selenium, rational etc . criteria to choose the automation testing tool are : the automation testing tool should meet the project requirement ,project cost estimates, ability of vendor of the automation testing tool to provide technical support ,training needs within organisation to introduce new tool .. etc .

  17. UFT (Unified Functional Testing) originally from HP but now owned by Micro Focus
    RFT (Rational Functional Tester) by IBM
    Selenium an open source automation testing Firefox plugin by Apache.
    Watir by BSD
    TestComplete by SmartBear
    Ranorex by Ranorex studio
    TestingWhiz by Cygnet Infotech
    WatiN by Apache

  18. There are many more automatic tool testers but these are the famous one among them.
    Automation Testing Company
    UFT ( unified Functionally Testing ) : HP
    Selenium Fire FOX
    IBM Power Builder , Ajax, Adobe Flex etc.

  19. Automation testing tools: UFT by Microfocus, Selenium by Apache and Rational Tools by IBM
    In order to select the right automation tools, an organization takes the ff into consideration:ability, usability, compatibility, budget of the project, should be a good fit for the organization and that should meet the project requirements, trustworthiness of the vendor, tech support, training needs and evaluation of training efforts.
    Software testers helps with the identification/evaluation of different tools so they have a lot of inputs in selection process of the right automation tools for the project.The test managers however, will have the last say on the final decision.

  20. Automation Testing tools -UFT(Unified functional testing) By HP,Selenium by Apache,Rational Functional tester by IBM.The software testers can identify the different tools, evaluate tools and provide the inputs to select the tool. The test manager evaluates and decides the tool to be used for the project.

  21. Automation tools:
    Ranorex by Ranorex GmbH
    Selenium by Apache
    HP-UFT by HP
    TestingWhiz by Cygnet Infotech
    Test complete by Smart Bear

  22. Different types of testing tools
    – Selenium by Apache
    -quality center by HP
    -microsoft test manager by microsoft
    unified functional testing(UFT)

  23. – Selenium by Apache
    – QTP/UFT by HP
    – Loadrunner by HP
    – Rational Functional Tester by IBM
    – Zephyr by Nortek, NTK Holdings Inc

  24. Automation Testing tools
    UFT(Unified functional testing) By HP,
    Selenium(open source tool) by Apache,
    Rational Functional tester by IBM

  25. This article chalks down the criteria used to decide which automation testing tool should be used by an Organization for a current project.

  26. Different types of automation testing tools are
    1.UFT (Unified Functional Testing) by HP .
    2. Selenium by Apache
    3. Rational tools by IBM

  27. Selenium Apache
    QMetry Automation Studio
    HP Quality Center (HP ALM)
    IBM Rational Functional Tester by IBM

  28. Introducing Automation testing tool in an organization is carried incrementally by considering compatible software environment in terms of testing, technology and requirement, project budget and training testers. To evaluate all these first the organization introduces the Automation tool on Pilot project where it is learnt slowly, identify the issues and improve. There verity of Automation tools available like seleniium, UFT, Rational tool etc.

  29. For the automaton testing tool, which software testing tool to be used is determine based on project requirement
    technology on which the software is developed.The different automation testing tools and their companies are as follows:
    1.Selenium by Apache
    2.UFT:{unified functional testing} by HP now taken by micro focus.
    3.Rational Functional Test by IBM

  30. Selenium: developed by Apache. it is the #1 automation testing tool for all web application testing tools. Selenium can be executed in multiple browsers and Operating systems.
    UFT/QTP: developed by HP but now owned by Micro focus. It is an automation testing software for functional testing.
    Rational Functional tool: developed by IBM. This tool is designed for doing automated performance testing over web and server based apps.
    Cucumber: It is an open-source tool that is designed over the concept of BDD (Behavior-driven development). It is used to perform the automated acceptance testing.
    Silk test: a licensed product of Microfocus aims at automated functional and regression testing.
    eggPlant: built by test plant. which is primarily aimed for application testing and GUI testing.
    Jmeter: Built by Apache. This is an open source Java desktop application designed for load testing. It mainly focuses on web applications. This tool can also be employed for unit testing and limited functional testing.
    Load runner: Built by HP automated load and performance testing tool.
    Visual Studio Test Professional: Built by Microsoft. This tool provides exploratory browser-based testing.
    SoapUI: developed by Smartbear is an open source functional testing tool.
    Katalon Studio : is a powerful test automation solution for mobile, Web, and API testing. And it is completely FREE!

  31. Selenium. Selenium is a testing framework to perform web application testing across various browsers and platforms like Windows, Mac, and Linux. …
    TestingWhiz. …
    HPE Unified Functional Testing (HP – UFT formerly QTP)
    Tosca Testsuite.

  32. List the popular automation testing tools and name of their companies
    • Selenium-Apache
    • UFT (Unified Functional Testing) -Micro Focus (has taken over HP).
    • IBM Rational Functional Tester -IBM

  33. 3. Selenium by Apache
    1. UFT (Unified Functional Tester) by Micro Focus
    2. Rational Functional Tester by IBM
    3. Test Studio by Telerik
    4. TestComplete by SmartBear Software
    5. Apache JMeter
    6. HP LoadRunner

  34. Selenium: Used for web application testing across various browsers and platforms and is the base for most of the other software testing tools.
    TestingWhiz: is code-less scripting by Cygnet Infotech (CMMi Level 3 IT solution provider). It is used for web, software, database, API, mobile, regression test, optimization, and cross-browser testing.
    HPE UFT: offers testing automation for functional and regression testing. It is made by HP
    TestComplete: is a functional testing platform for testing desktop, web, and mobile application. It is made by SmartBear Software.
    Ranorex: It covers testing all desktop, web and mobile applications. Made by An Idera Inc. company.
    Tosca Testsuite: It uses model-based test automation. It is made by Tricentis.

  35. 1. List the popular automation testing tools and name of their companies
    1. Selenium – Apache
    2. Cucumber – MIT
    3. test Studio – Proprietary software
    4. HP win runner – Proprietary
    5. SOAP UI
    6. SOA Test

  36. 1. Selenium – Apache
    2. TestingWhiz – Cygnet Infotech
    3. TestComplete – SmartBear Software.
    4.QTP-Micro Focus
    5. IBM Rational Functional Tester -IBM

  37. 1. List the popular automation testing tools and name of their companies
    Function and Regression Tools
    IBM Rational Functional Tester – IBM
    Selenium- thoughtworks
    UFT (Unified functional Tester) – HP
    Test Complete – SmartBear
    Silk Test – Seague

    Web services Testing Tool
    SOAPUI – Smart Bear

    Performance Testing Tools
    HP load runner -HP
    J Meter – Apache

  38. Some of the popular automation testing tools are:
    – Selenium by Thoughtworks
    – TestComplete by SmartBear Software
    – Ranorex Studios by Ranorex GmbH
    – Rational Functional Tester by IBM
    – Katalon Studio by Katalon LLC
    – SoapUI by SmartBear Software
    – Squish by Froglogic
    – Apache JMeter by Apache Software Foundation
    – HP Quick Test Professional by Micro Focus

  39. List the popular automation testing tools and name of their companies
    • Selenium-Apache
    • UFT (Unified Functional Testing) -Micro Focus
    • IBM Rational Functional Tester -IBM

  40. Appium – Sauce Labs
    Test complete – Smart Bear
    Load Runner – Micro Focus
    Selenium – Apache
    UFT – Micro Focus
    Silk Test – Proprietry

  41. List the popular automation testing tools and name of their companies
    1. Selenium (Apache)
    2. Katalon Studio (Katalon LLC)
    3. UFT (Microfocus)
    4. Test Complete (smart bear)
    5. Soap UI (smart bear)
    6. Rational Functional Tester RFT (IBM)
    7. Tricentis Tosca (Tricenties)
    8. Ranorex (Ranorex GmbH)
    9. Silk Test (Microfocus)
    10. Apache JMeter (Apache)

  42. UFT by HP
    Loadrunner by HP
    selenium by Apache
    rational functional tester by IBM
    Soap IU by smartbear software

  43. Some of the commonly used automation testing tools are:
    1. UFT (Unified Functional Tester) by Micro Focus
    2. Rational Functional Tester by IBM
    3. Selenium by Apache
    4. TestComplete by SmartBear Software
    5. Test Studio by Telerik
    6. Apache JMeter
    7. HP LoadRunner

  44. The following are some open source automation testing tools:
    1. Selenium (Apache)
    2. Katalon
    3. Watir
    4. Robot Framework

    The following are some popular commercial automation tools
    1. UFT By Microfocus (Previously QTP by HP)
    2. Rational Functional Tester By IBM
    3. TestComplete by SmartBear
    4. EggPalnt Functional by EggPlant
    5. Ranorex Studio by Ranorex

  45. There are several automation tools in the market,some of the popular tools are
    1)selenium by BCBS, Statefarm insurance
    2)katalon by vergent

  46. Popular automation testing tools :
    1. Rational Functional Tester by IBM.
    2. Selenium by Apache
    3. TestComplete by SmartBear Software.
    4. Ranorex Studio by Ranorex GmbH.
    5. Watir by Bret Pettichord and Paul Rogers.
    6. Katalon Studio by Katalon LLC.
    7. Test Studio by Telerik.
    8. HPE UFT (aka QTP) designed by Mercury Interactive and later on acquired by HP.
    9. SilkTest developed by Segue Software and owned by Micro Focus International .

  47. The most popular automated testing tools in trend are
    Selenium by Apache
    Testing Whiz by Cygnet Infotech
    HP UFT – hp
    Test Complete by Smart Bear software
    Tosca Testsuite by Tricentis
    Telerik TestStudio by Telerik

  48. The most popular automated testing tools that are trending

    Selenium – Apache
    TestingWhiz – Cygnet Infotech
    TestComplete – Smart Bear Software
    Ranorex Studio – Ranorex
    Tosca Testsuite – Tricentis
    Telerik TestStudio – Telerik

  49. List of automation tools:
    HP-UTF by HP
    Selenium by Apache
    TestingWhiz by Cygnet Infotech
    TestComplete by Smart Bear Software
    WaitN by Apache

  50. Most popular automation testing tools and their companies
    UFT (unified functional testing):- by HP
    JIRA:- by Atlantis
    SELENIUM:- by Appache
    BUGZILLA:- by Mozilla public
    SOAP UI:- by smart bear
    SILK TEST:- by Segue

  51. Selenium, UFT and Rational tools are few of the automation tools listed. Other automation tools are Appium, Test Studio, and Cucumber.

    Selenium- Apache
    Rational Function tester- Proprietary
    Tricentis Tosca- Proprietary
    RSpec- MIT

  52. UFT by HP
    Loadrunner by HP
    selenium by Apache
    rational functional tester by IBM
    Soap IU by smartbear software

  53. List of Automation tools:
    1. Selenium
    3.IBM Rational Functional Tester
    4.Selenium by Apache
    5.Robot framework
    6. Loadrunner by HP

  54. Popular automation testing tools and their companies
    Selenium- Apache
    Test Studio: Proprietary
    SoapUI:Smartbear software
    Watir: MIT
    Robotium: Apache

  55. There are many categories of tools used for testing which can help to meet the testing objectives perfectly like:
    SilkTest is a functional and regression automation testing tool from Micro Focus
    Selenium by Apache
    Test Complete by SmartBear
    Rational Functional Tester and Rational performance tester by IBM
    Test Studio by Terelik
    QTP/UFT by HP
    Watir by MIT
    Robotium by Apache
    Cucumber by MIT
    LoadRunner from Micro Focus

  56. The automation testing tool is first evaluated in a pilot project and learnt in detail the guidelines to use the tool are identified.
    -The Automation testing tool should meet the project requirement
    -budjet of the project
    -and should be compatible in test environment.
    -should be easy to automation testers.

  57. There are many automation testing tools.. some examples of poplular tools are-
    UFT by HP
    Loadrunner by HP
    Selenium by Apache
    IBM Rational Functional Tester.
    RSpec- MIT

  58. Selenium — Apache
    UFT(Unified functional testing), Known as Quick test Professional or QTP – Developed — by Micro Focus
    Appium –-Open source tools like selenium
    Watir — MIT License
    Cucumber –- MIT
    Rational Functional tester — IBM RFT
    Load Runner –- Micro Focus

  59. • Selenium-Apache
    • UFT (Unified Functional Testing) -Micro Focus
    • IBM Rational Functional Tester -IBM

  60. Selenium : Apache
    silk test: Micro focus
    Cucumber: MIT
    Watir :BSD
    Appium: open source(Apache)
    Test complete: SmartBear software
    Microfocus: Micro focus

  61. Selenium – Apache Software Foundation, Cucumber – MIT, HPE Unified Functional Testing (UFT) – Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, Appium – Free, Open source, Katalon Studio – Free, Open Source

  62. IBM Rational Functional Tester (RFT) – IBM, Selenium – Apache Software Foundation, Cucumber – MIT, Appium -Free, Open Source, HPE Unified Functional Testing (UFT) – Hewlett-Packard Enterprise,

  63. 1.List the popular automation testing tools and name of their companies.
    Automation tools:
    * Ranorex by Ranorex GmbH
    * Selenium by Apache
    * HP-UFT by HP
    * TestingWhiz by Cygnet Infotech
    * Test complete by Smart Bear
    * Selenium- is an free and open source.
    * IBM Rational Functional Testing IBM
    * Loadrunner by HP
    * Cucumber by MIT
    *Appium – Free, Open source
    *Katalon Studio – Free, Open Source

  64. Assignment No: 2
    1. List the popular automation testing tools and name of their companies
    • Selenium – ThoughtWorks.
    • Robotium – Blue Prism Group
    • TestComplete – SmartBear Software
    • Jira – Atlassian
    • QTP (UFT) – MicroFocus
    • SoapUI – SmartBear Software
    • Loadrunner – Mercury
    • Jtest – Parasoft
    • Rational Functional Tester – IBM
    • Quality center – Micro Focus / Hewlett Packard Enterprise Software / Mercury Interactive
    • Appium – Dan Cuellar

  65. Selenium- a free (open source) testing tool licensed under Apache
    Katalon Studio-testing tool for Web, Mobile and API testing created by Katalon, Inc
    Cucumber- testing tool that supports behavior-driven development(BDD) created by Aslak Hellesoy under MIT license

  66. List the popular automation testing tools and name of their companies.
    1. Selenium : Apache
    2. Unified Functional Testing : Micro Focus
    3. Rational Functional Tester : IBM

  67. 1.Selenium-Apache
    2.Unified Functional Testing-Micro Focus
    3.Rational Functional Testing-IBM
    4.Ranorex-Ranorex Studio
    5.Katalon Studio- Katalon LLC
    6.Load Runner-Micro Focus
    7.Test Complete-Smart Bear

  68. List the popular automation testing tools and name of their companies
    Popular Automation Testing tools are
    1.Selenium – Apache
    2.UFT- Micro Focus
    3. Cucumber – MIT
    4. Worksoft- Marlin Equity
    5. RFT- IBM

  69. 1. Selenium – The best free automation testing tool to test the web based applications
    2. Appium – It is an open source framework that allows QA to conduct the app testing on different platforms like iOS, Android
    3. Cucumber – It is an open source for Behavior Driven Development
    4. Katalon Studio – Combine with Selenium and Appium also works with JIRA
    5. HPE – Unified Functional Testing

  70. 1. UFT (Unified Functional Tester) by Micro Focus
    2. Rational Functional Tester by IBM
    3. Selenium by Apache
    4. Test Studio by Telerik
    5. Apache JMeter
    6. HP LoadRunner

  71. List the popular automation testing tools and name of their companies
    1. Selenium – Apache
    2. Appium – Apache
    3. Katalon Studio – Katalon, Inc
    4. Cucumber – MIT
    5. HPE Unified Functional Testing (UFT) – Micro Focus
    6. Tosca – Tricentis Technology & Consulting GmbH
    7. TestComplete – SmartBear Software
    8. Cypress – MIT
    9. IBM Rational Functional Tester (RFT) – IBM
    10. Karate – MIT

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