Cross browser testing

Cross browser testing

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Cross browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tools. It checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers. Some websites may not be displayed on the certain browsers properly sometimes. We think the system is broken but as soon as we open in different browser the application works just fine. Each browser interprets the information on the website differently but some browser will not have enough features to show the things that your website is trying to show and this makes the website look broken. Generally cross browser testing means by its name, testing the software applications in different browsers. This applies to mobile and web application. The advantage of using the cross browser testing tool is – software compatibility with the different browsers of different versions can be tested on the same system at same time.  Hence the resources and testing effort is saved. Some of the cross browser testing tools allow the compatibility testing with operating systems also.

Which kind of applications may undergo this type of testing?

Customers facing the application can undergo this type of testing. For example an application is developed for the company to keep track on inventory and another application for end users to buy products from this company is developed. The best thing would be having the browser testing for the application with the end user as we cannot control the versions of browser the user is going to use. We have to perform this test:

  • To know what is wrong and should be able to fix it
  • To improve the efficiency and user’s experience with business applications
  • To check for any possible pitfalls.

There is a twofold browser testing is to check the appearance of the application in different browsers for its better look.

How to perform Cross Browser Testing?

There are two ways of testing that is one by manually and other is by using a tool.

Manual Method:

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Here the testers recognise the different browsers for application support. The testers re-run the same tests on different browsers and observe the application behaviour. In this type of testing it is not possible to cover many browsers and the application might not be tested on different versions of the browser.

Automated Method:

The application must be running on the same tests repeated times on multiple browsers. This type repeated task is best suited for automation. There are some standard tools available for testing like Selenium, Browser sterling, Browser stack.

The tools will help us with all depending licensing types like:

  1. They provide a VPN using which you can connect to the remote machine.
  2. Screenshots and links are provided like how they appear in multiple browsers.
  3. Multiple browsers are synchronised with respect to operations performed.
  4. Show the rendition of the page at multiple browsers.
  5. When problem is occurred, screenshots are taken for further analysis
  6. Support is available for webpage and mobile apps
  7. Local, within a private or firewall network can be tested


  1. What is Cross Browser testing?

53 Responses

  1. Cross browser testing: test the compatibility of the software with multiple browsers of different versions and ensures that your application works correctly across different browsers by using cross browser testing tools like browser shots.

  2. Browser compatibility testing is a non-functional testing procedure which ensures the compatibility of web based application with the web browsers. It is one of the type of compatibility testing. It is mainly done to check whether the software has proficiency to run on different browsers, databases and operating systems. Browser compatibility testing helps ensure optimal web performance on multiple platforms.

  3. Cross browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using cross browser testing tools. It checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers.

  4. Cross browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tools. It checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers.This applies to mobile and web application. The advantage of using the cross browser testing tool is – software compatibility with the different browsers of different versions can be tested on the same system at same time.

  5. Cross browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on different browsers of different versions. it can be done in two ways manual testing and automated testing. It will reduces the resources and testing effort.
    Cross Browser Testing check the compatability with different browsers in different versions.

  6. Cross browser testing is non-functional testing in which we ensure that application/website/system is capable of running on various objects like on various Browser, On various Resolution, on various Operating System, with some other application, on network

  7. Cross browser testing is a procedure to test the software application on different browser of different versions using the cross browser testing check the web application compatibility with different browser.

  8. Cross browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tools. It checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers.

  9. Cross browser testing is kind of testing which ensures that the software application runs on different browsers of different versions at the same time on the same system.

  10. Cross browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tools. It checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers. Some websites may not be displayed on the certain browsers properly sometimes. We think the system is broken but as soon as we open in different browser the application works just fine. Each browser interprets the information on the website differently but some browser will not have enough features to show the things that your website is trying to show and this makes the website look broken. Generally cross browser testing means by its name, testing the software applications in different browser The advantage of using the cross browser testing tool is – software compatibility with the different browsers of different versions can be tested on the same system at same time. Some of the cross browser testing tools allow the compatibility testing with operating systems also.

  11. Cross browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tools. It checks the application’s compatibility with different browser

  12. cross browser testing is mainly to test the the compatibility of the software application with different browsers and different versions. It is mainly done by manually and automation tools.

  13. Cross browser ,It checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers. Some websites may not be displayed on the certain browsers properly Cross browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tools.. We think the system is broken but as soon as we open in different browser the application works just fine.

  14. Cross browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using cross browser testing tool. This applies to mobile and web application. The advantage if using cross browser testing tool is software compatibility with different browsers of different version can be tested on the same system at same time. Hence resources and testing effort saved.

    There are two ways of testing one is manual and automated.
    Manual method: Testers re run the same test on different browsers to observe the application behaviour. Here the application might not be tested on different versions of the browser.

    Automated method: Application must be running on the same test repeated times on multiple browsers. This type of repeated task is best suit for automation. Some tools are available for automation testing to run repeated tests.

  15. What is Cross Browser testing?
    Cross browser testing(CBT) is testing of software over different browsers. It checks compatibility of software across different browsers. It is done with help of cross browser testing tools. It can be done either manually or through automated testing. In manual CBT , the tester has to test the software on different browsers manually.It is a time consuming and repetitive process. Automated CBT on the other hand is done in a shorter time and many different browsers can be tested at the same time.

  16. What is Cross Browser testing?
    Cross Browser testing is to test the compatibility of the software with different
    browsers of different versions using cross browser testing tools like browser shots .
    for eg. IE, Firefox, safari, chrome etc. It applies on mobile and web application.

  17. Cross browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tools. It checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers.The advantage of using the cross browser testing tool is – software compatibility with the different browsers of different versions can be tested on the same system at same time.

  18. Cross browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tools. cross browser testing can be done manually or by using tools.

  19. Generally cross browser testing means by its name, testing the software applications in different browsers. This applies to mobile and web application. The advantage of using the cross browser testing tool is – software compatibility with the different browsers of different versions can be tested on the same system at same time. It checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers.Hence the resources and testing effort is saved. Some of the cross browser testing tools allow the compatibility testing with operating systems also.

  20. cross browser testing is testing the software applications in different browsers of different versions using cross browser testing tools.

  21. Cross browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tools. It checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers.

  22. cross browser testing means, testing the software applications in different browsers with different versions, different operating system, either manually or automatically. To ensure application is working as expected in different environment.

  23. Cross Browser Testing is a procedure to test whether the software works on different browsers of different versions. It applies to both mobile and web applications.

  24. Cross browser testing means to run the software application on different browsers of different versions with the help of cross browsing testing tools. Eg.Selenium. there are two type of Cross browser testing manual and automatic. This applies on mobile and web applications. In the manual testing we cannot cover so many browsers and in the automatic testing we can repeatedly run the test on application on multiple browsers of different versions.

  25. cross-browser testing is to test the software working on different versions of different browsers. testing ensures that it works properly in different versions. testing make sure it works in mobile and web application also. cross browsing testing is 2 types manual and automation.

  26. To test performance of the software with many browsers of different versions by using cross browser procedure.

  27. Cross browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tools. It checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers.

  28. Cross Browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tools. There are two ways that the browser can be tested : manually and using a tool.

  29. What is cross browser testing?
    Cross browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tools. It checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers.Generally cross browser testing means by its name, testing the software applications in different browsers. This applies to mobile and web application. The advantage of using the cross browser testing tool is – software compatibility with the different browsers of different versions can be tested on the same system at same time. Hence the resources and testing effort is saved. Some of the cross browser testing tools allow the compatibility testing with operating systems also.

  30. Cross Browser Testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different
    versions using the cross browser checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers.

  31. Cross browser testing involves comparing and analyzing the behavior of your website in different browser environments. It helps ensure that your website delivers an optimal user experience, independent of the browser used to access it.

  32. Cross browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tools. It checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers since each browser interprets the information on the website differently

  33. Cross browser testing is to test compatibility of the software different browser of different versions using cross browser testing tools.

  34. Cross browser is a testing of the software applications in different browsers . It checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers. It is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tools. The advantage of using the cross browser testing tool is – software compatibility with the different browsers of different versions can be tested on the same system at same time. Hence the resources and testing effort is saved.

  35. Cross Browser testing tests if the software application works on different browsers and different versions using cross-browser testing tools.

  36. Cross browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tools. It checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers. & We have to perform this test:
    To know what is wrong and should be able to fix it
    To improve the efficiency and user’s experience with business applications
    To check for any possible pitfalls.
    cross browser testing are two types manual & Automation

  37. Cross browser testing is a process of testing the software application’s compatibility with different browsers of different versions using the cross borwser testing tools.
    There are two ways in Cross browser testing:
    1. Manual Testing
    2. Automated Testing

  38. Cross browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using cross browser testing tools. It checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers. There are two versions of cross browser testing: manual and automated.

  39. What is Cross Browser Testing?

    Answer: Cross browser testing is a procedure to test weather the software application works on different browsers of different versions. Sometimes some browser don’t have enough functionality to show the features that the particular website is trying to show and this makes the website look broken. Testers can test the same application on different browsers to check the behavior of software is working as expected.
    In two ways, this test can be done
    Manually -> Testers re run the same tests on different browsers and observe the software behavior.
    Automation ->The application will be run on the same tests repeatedly on multiple browsers. There are some standard tools for automatically testing such as Selenium, Browser sterling, Browser stack etc.

  40. Cross browser testing is a procedure to check the compatibility of software application on the different browsers of different versions at the same time using the cross browser testing tools.

  41. Cross browser testing:- is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tools. It checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers. Some websites may not be displayed on the certain browsers properly sometimes. We think the system is broken but as soon as we open in different browser the application works just fine. Each browser interprets the information on the website differently but some browser will not have enough features to show the things that your website is trying to show and this makes the website look broken. Generally cross browser testing means by its name, testing the software applications in different browsers. This applies to mobile and web application.
    The advantage of using the cross browser testing tool is –
    *software compatibility with the different browsers of different versions can be tested on the same system at same time.
    There are two ways in Cross browser testing:
    1. Manual Testing
    2. Automated Testing

  42. Cross browser testing is a procedure to test the software application compatibility with the different browsers of different versions on the same system at same time. This applies to mobile and web application.

  43. Cross browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tools. It checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers. Some websites may not be displayed on the certain browsers properly sometimes. We think the system is broken but as soon as we open in different browser the application works just fine. Each browser interprets the information on the website differently but some browser will not have enough features to show the things that your website is trying to show and this makes the website look broken. Generally cross browser testing means by its name, testing the software applications in different browsers. This applies to mobile and web application. The advantage of using the cross browser testing tool is – software compatibility with the different browsers of different versions can be tested on the same system at same time. Hence the resources and testing effort is saved. Some of the cross browser testing tools allow the compatibility testing with operating systems also.

    1. Cross browset testing is a procedure where software applications are working in different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tool. The advantage of using the cross browser testing tool is software compatibility with the different browsers of different versions can be tested on the same system at same time.

  44. 1. What is Cross Browser testing?
    Cross browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tools. It checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers. Some websites may not be displayed on the certain browsers properly sometimes. We think the system is broken but as soon as we open in different browser the application works just fine. Each browser interprets the information on the website differently but some browser will not have enough features to show the things that your website is trying to show and this makes the website look broken. Generally cross browser testing means by its name, testing the software applications in different browsers. This applies to mobile and web application. The advantage of using the cross browser testing tool is – software compatibility with the different browsers of different versions can be tested on the same system at same time. Hence the resources and testing effort is saved. Some of the cross browser testing tools allow the compatibility testing with operating systems also.

  45. What is Cross Browser testing?
    Cross-browser testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using the cross-browser testing tools. It checks the application’s compatibility with different browsers.

  46. What is Cross Browser testing?

    Cross browser testing means we are testing the software with different browsers of different versions at same time, and we test it by using the cross-browser tool like browsers shots. The advantage of using the cross-browser tool is it checks the compatibility of software with different browsers. Cross browser testing is important for any software or app because you never know which browser users are going to use. Each browser interprets the information differently some browser will not have enough features to show that your website it trying to show and this will make the website look broken, so we must do the testing to see the software works efficiently on each browser.
    There are two ways of testing:
    Manual: the tester re-run the tests on different browsers & observe the app behavior.
    Automated: the app keeps running on same tests repeated times on multiple browsers

  47. What is Cross Browser testing?

    Cross browser testing means we are testing the software with different browsers of different versions at same time, and we test it by using the cross-browser tool like browsers shots. The advantage of using the cross-browser tool is it checks the compatibility of software with different browsers. Cross browser testing is important for any software or app because you never know which browser users are going to use. Each browser interprets the information differently some browser will not have enough features to show that your website it trying to show and this will make the website look broken, so we must do the testing to see the software works efficiently on each browser.
    There are two ways of testing:

  48. —Cross Browser Testing is a procedure to test whether the software application works on the different browsers of different versions using the cross browser testing tools.
    —Cross Browser Testing tools helps in saving time and resources.

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