Cross Platform Mobile Development Tools

Cross Platform Mobile Development Tools

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Cross Platform Development

When we are creating any app for business, separate apps are made using tools and languages specific to the operating system for each mobile platform. It has several disadvantages such as increased development cost, increased time, a requirement for a highly skilled developers in different languages etc.

Cross platform development gives technology that overcomes all these disadvantages. It is based on developing a single app that works on different mobile platforms. This aims by building an app using a universal programming language, such as JavaScript, and Dart for Flutter.

Best Cross Platform App Development Tools are:

1. Phone Gap(Apache Cordova)

phonegap framework logo

Apache Cordova primary in the list as it highlights the build process of most free cross platform app development tools. Phone Gap offers a Foss environment that allows cross platform mobile application development and is created by the team behind Apache Cordova.

It consists compiler, debugger and a couple of tools for testing purposes. The critical web technologies included are HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Phone Gap has got the back-up of different several of plugins like Image Capture Plugin, Media Recorder Plugin, Push Plugin and many more. The plugins in Phone Gap has triggering keys smartphone functionalities like GPS, accelerometer, camera etc.

Some Features

  • A Sturdy backend will assists beginners
  • Open Source hence easy to share
  • Immensely flexible for developers

2. Appcelerator:

appcelerator logo

Appcelerator is one more cross-platform development tool that can be used to develop, deploy and test the functionality of a mobile application. It makes use of JavaScript as a universal code mechanism.It implies that the same code can be used to create applications for various platforms like ios,Android and Blackberry. It is best choice for brisk development of an app along with an experienced developer of javascript.

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Remarkable Features:

  • Titanium framework makes it really cost-effective
  • There are cloud services to pack, distribute and examine
  • Fundamental source code is accessible to the user at any time.

3. React Native:

an iphone with react native logo

React Native is considered as open source, cross-platform application development tool developed by Facebook. It follows “learn once, write everywhere” protocol. JavaScript is the base language and offers a chance for native functionality. Once it is coded we can port our application to both Android and ios using the same base code.

The functionality that helps React Native to stand apart is that even though they are cross-platform, apps built in this platform will look and feel of a native application thereby offering an interactive user experience.

It is an evolving framework that will enable quick prototyping and offers high initial velocity.It is easy to learn the basics and get started if we are talented in JS. While this sounds incredible, the codes JavaScript uses a lot of memory for calculation-intensive tasks.It is brilliant choice for agile development and turns out be more effective in many cases.

Features of React Native:

  • Makes our app reach faster in apps stores
  • It has modular and intuitive architecture using advanced web
  • It is community driven hence fantastic support.

4. Appcelerator Titanium:

Appcelerator is one of many cross platform app development tools designed to assist in smoother and easier mobile app development. It is a best way to create cross-platform apps using a single code base. Its primary focus will be on streamlining the app development process with the help of native components present in JavaScript code.


  • Appcelerator offers various tools for rapid application development. It indicates that a prototype that will be created as less time and effort to verify user interaction with UI.
  • It has ArrowDB a scheme less data store that allows developers to deploy data models with no additional efforts for setup.
  • It highlights the integration of existing continuous delivery system such a SCM solutions and more.


  1. What is cross platform tools?
  2. Explain Appcelerator?

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