How to Explain Selenium Automation Project in an Interview

How to Explain Selenium Automation Project in an Interview

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The proper functioning of software products and web applications has become an evident need in our world today. The introduction of automation testing tools has been beneficial for Selenium projects because the tools make the projection execution faster and highly efficient. 

Manual testing is not as effective as automation testing because manual testing can be very tedious, time-consuming, and even prone to human errors. So, applying Selenium automation testing skills from a Selenium testing course is highly essential in the grand scheme of things. 

During an interview, questions will be asked to know your experience with test automation tools used for Selenium automation projects. You are expected to explain the architecture of the framework to generate reports on the Selenium automation project execution process. 

This article will guide you on how to explain the Selenium Automation Project in an interview.  

Here is a breakdown of how to explain the Selenium Automation Project in an interview;

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Stage 1: Define Selenium Automation Testing

Selenium is an automation testing framework that consists of tools used for automation testing of software and web browsers. Enrolling in Selenium automation training online will give you a better understanding of how this framework works. So, whenever you’re presenting a Selenium Automation Project, it is important to first explain the meaning of Selenium automation. You can check out the Selenium interview questions and answers to get more in-depth information

This will give the interviewer insights into the framework used for developing the project. 

Stage 2: Specify the Programming Language Used

Once Selenium automation has been explained, it is necessary to specify the programming language used. Selenium supports multiple programming languages for automating test scripts. 

Some of these programming languages include; 

  • C#
  • Java
  • Ruby
  • Python 

How to Explain Selenium Automation Project in an InterviewYou need to also point out why you chose a particular programming language. For instance; Selenium software testers write selenium test cases using Java because it is a high-level programming language that offers multiple benefits. 

Stage 3: Mention the Selenium Framework Applied 

Mentioning the type of Selenium framework is as important as specifying the programming language used. The Selenium framework is a code structure that allows the maintenance of codes easily and efficiently. Software testers use these frameworks to create a different location for data and code in order to improve code readability, increase code reusability, and reduce the cost of script maintenance. According to teachings from Selenium online classes, there are three main types of frameworks used for the Selenium Automation Project. They include;

  • Hybrid Test Framework 
  • Data-Driven Test Framework
  • Keyword Driven Test Framework 

In addition, show test packages by explaining them based on the structure of the framework. 

Stage 4: Explain All the Components 

Some of the components of the Selenium Automation Project have to be explained;

  • TestData: it shows how data for automation testing are maintained 
  • Test Cases: it shows the main script that performs a test on web apps 
  • Log and Report: it shows how the logs and reports for the test are generated 
  • Utility Class: it shows the common utility associated with the project 
  • Pages: it shows the design patterns to test automation i.e., Page Object Model 
  • Source Control: it shows the components that run the test scripts 

Selenium online classes will help you explain each of these components in detail. 

Stage 5: Discuss the Test Base Class 

Since every framework has a Base Class, you need to explain the Test Base Class. This deals with the common function used by the various Pages under the Selenium framework. This is the class where WebDriver is initialized and configurations are loaded from properties files. The Selenium testing course will give you more insight on how to discuss the Test Base Class. 

Stage 6: Specify Model Design 

This stage involves specifying where all the elements of the project are stored. You need to explain the model design you are using to separate element locators with tests. In this case, the Page Object Model is mostly used to run the test cases. Specifying this is very important. 

Stage 7: Analyze the Functions Library

Every Selenium automation project has a functions library. You need to analyze all the functions involved such as Generic Functions and Business Functions. Selenium automation training online is needed to know the difference between these functions so as not to mix them up during an interview. 

Stage 8: Show Properties File Location 

At this point, you need to show the interviewers the file that stores information that remains static throughout the selenium automation project. This includes browser-specific information, screenshot paths, and web application URL. You should also show the file location of details that change based on authorization such as Login Credentials. This helps with file maintenance. 

Furthermore, you need to show the separate folder where captured screenshots are stored. This will be needed for reports on the Selenium automation project later. 

Stage 9: Historic Test Data Analysis 

You will have to explain how all the historic Test Data is stored during the project. They are mostly kept in an excel sheet to make the data-driven test easy. For instance; Apache POI is used to handle the excel sheet. TestNG is also used for grouping, assertions, and parallel execution. 

To find out more about the TestNG tutorial, you should check out selenium automation training online. This will make your Test Data Analysis effective. It is also important to show how the TestNG dependency is integrated into your Selenium automation project. 

Stage 10: Test Scripts and Extent Report 

Finally, you are expected to show the interviewer your project test scripts and extent report. Explain the tools used for storing the test scripts and project reporting purposes.

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