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There is a lot of demand in the current IT world for talented software developers. The demand has increased in the last year because the unpredicted events that quickened the phase of adopting the online platform of almost all businesses. So, dot net is one of the platforms to develop windows applications. You are probably here because after looking at the demand and your interest in developing software, you completed dot net online training and unsure of the next steps. So, let us look at the future of the dot net framework. 

What is the future of .Net?

The demand for .net experts is huge, and it is predicted that the future is great. The dot net core’s community is growing rapidly, and the main reason for this is the availability of open source. Today more and more organizations are using dot net and joining its community. It can be used to create AR/VR apps using Unity. Numerous AR/VR headphone manufacturers use Unity as their platform to develop applications. 

Already big companies such as Samsung, Google, and others have already joined the .Net platform. The cross-platform feature of .Net is key for the success of this platform. It was introduced to the world y Microsoft in 2002, and since then, it has seen several updates and improvements. Today, it is one of the popular platforms when it comes to developing and running windows applications. Hence there is a lot of demand for dot net experts, and it is creating a great demand for dot net training online free with certification.

Dot Net is still evolving.

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There is no doubt that it is gaining the top spot in the current IT industry. But the great news is, it has just started the evolution phase, and the best features yet to come. When this platform was initially introduced, it was supporting minimal applications. In those days, it began its journey by supporting managed & unmanaged apps. However, the managed area focused on ASP.NET and Win Forms. But today, many other elements are added to this framework. The inclusion of JavaScript and other libraries is the best example of that. 

Application types of the dot net framework

As we mentioned before, when it was introduced in 2002, and it’s early days, it was supporting minimal applications. But things have dramatically changed during the last few years. At this juncture,  a developer can develop almost all kinds of software. The below list contains some of the applications of the dot net framework. 

  • Windows Store Applications
  • Windows Forms, Windows client apps (WPF, and windows forms).
  • Web apps by using HTML 5 or JavaScript/CSS3/HTML, and/or ASP.Net
  • Apple applications
  • Android apps
  • Cross-platform web applications with HTML 5/CSS/JavaScript
  • Enterprise applications
  • 2D & 3D games
  • Web API and WCF services
  • Components & libraries
  • Office, SQL Server, SharePoint & cloud apps
  • Azure microservices and their applications
  • And many more. 

Languages used in Dot Net

To build dot net applications C++, C#, F#, and VB.NET are the most supported languages in this framework. However, it supports over 50 programming languages. Many of these are developed by Microsoft; other languages are developed by different companies. The other languages supported by dot net are COBOL, APL, AsmL, LOGO, Ada, Boo, BETA, Caml, C, CULE, CAT, Eiffel, Haskell, FORTRAN, IL/MSIL, Java, LISP, Lexico, JavaScript, Mixal assembly languages, Lua, Oberon, Modula-2, Pan, Perl, Mondrian, PHP, Pascal, Python, Ruby, Processing, Scala, Prolog, RPG, Synergy, Tcl/Tk, XAML, Scheme, SML, Smalltalk, and visual basic. 

Dot Net Eco System

Today, the dot net ecosystem has five major components. Dot Net Standard, Common Infrastructure, Dot Net Core, Dot Net framework, and Xamarin.

What is the best way to learn the dot net framework? In today’s world, everything is happening remotely. Learning through online platforms is not a new thing—many learners enrolling in .net course online courses and reaping the benefits out of it. You can get several top-rated courses on our website and enroll in the best courses will help you take a big step in your career path. If you become an expert in the dot net ecosystem, there are plenty of opportunities in big enterprises and also small organizations.

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