JUNIT TESTING by h2kinfosys


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Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code. This application is integrated with eclipse, Ant, Maven. The important features of Junit testing are:

  1. Fixtures
  2. Text suits
  3. Test Runners
  4. Junit classes


Fixture is a complete fixed state of set of objects used as a baseline for running tests. The main purpose of test fixtures, is to ensure that there is a well known fixed environment in which we check if the results are repeatable. It has two methods

  1. A setup () method which runs before the test invocation.
  2. A teardown () method which runs after the test method.

Test Suites:

A test suite groups a few test cases and runs them together. The both @Runwith and @suite annotation in Junit are used to run the suite test.

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Test Runners:

It is simply used for executing test cases.

Junit classes:

There are some important classes of Junit

  1. Assert: it contains a group of assert methods.
  2. Test case: it may contain a test case which will define the fixture to perform multiple tests.
  3. Test Result: it contains the method which collects the test result of executing test case.

The Junit provides tool for execution of test cases. Junit core classes are used to run these test cases. A method called runclasses is used, which provides org.Junit.runner.Junitcore is used to run the several test classes. The return type of this method is the Result object (org.Junit.runner.Result) which access information about tests.

What is the necessity of Junit Testing in java?

We need Junit testing for following:

  • Mainly, it finds the bugs early in the code and makes the code reliable.
  • Junit is useful for developers who are in test-driven environment.
  • Junit testing forces the programmer to read code more than just writing it.


  1. What is Junit Testing?


37 Responses

  1. 1. What is Junit Testing?
    Junit testing is a type of unit testing implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code.

  2. Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code. This application is integrated with eclipse, Ant, Maven.

  3. Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code.

  4. Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code. We need Junit testing to finds the bugs early in the code and makes the code reliable.
    Junit is useful for developers who are in test-driven environment.
    Junit testing forces the programmer to read code more than just writing it.

  5. Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code.

  6. Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code. This application is integrated with eclipse, Ant, Maven. The important features of Junit testing are:

    Text suits
    Test Runners
    Junit classes

  7. (1) Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code. This application is integrated with eclipse, Ant, Maven.

  8. A type of unite testing which is implemented in Java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code.

  9. Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code. This application is integrated with eclipse, Ant, Maven. The important features of Junit testing are:

    Text suits
    Test Runners
    Junit classes

    FThe main purpose of test fixtures, is to ensure that there is a well known fixed environment in which we check if the results are repeatable. It has two methods

    A setup () method which runs before the test invocation.
    A teardown () method which runs after the test method.
    Test Suites:

    A test suite groups a few test cases and runs them together. The both @Runwith and @suite annotation in Junit are used to run the suite test.

    Test Runners:

    It is simply used for executing test cases.

    Junit classes:

    There are some important classes of Junit

  10. What is Junit testing?
    Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code.

  11. Junit testing is a type of testing implemented in java to accelerate programming speed and increase the quality of code.

  12. What is Junit Testing?
    Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code. This application is integrated with eclipse, Ant, Maven. The important features of Junit testing are:

    Text suits
    Test Runners
    Junit classes

  13. 1. .Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code

  14. FEATURES OF LUNIT TESTING -open source unit testing tool and used to test small/large units of code. Junit provides assertion library which is used to evaluate the test result. Annotations of JUnit are used to run the test method. JUnit is also used to run the Automation suite having multiple test cases.

    It is used by developers to implement unit testing in Java, and accelerate programming speed and increase the quality of code. JUnit test framework provides the following important features:

    Fixtures: Fixed state of a set of objects used as a baseline for running tests. The purpose of a test fixture is to ensure that there is a well-known and fixed environment in which tests are run so that results are repeatable.
    Test suites: Bundles a few unit test cases and runs them together. Both Suite annotation are used to run the suite test.
    Test runners: Test runner is used for executing the test cases.
    JUnit classes: JUnit classes are important classes, used in writing and testing JUnits. Some of the important classes are Assert, TestCase, TestResult

  15. Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code. This application is integrated with eclipse, Ant, Maven.
    Junit testing is used for finding the codes and its reliable and makes the programmer to read the code more than writing it.

  16. JUnit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code. This application is integrated with eclipse, Ant, Maven. The important features of JUnit testing are:
    Text suits
    Test Runners
    JUnit classes

  17. Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code.

  18. Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code.
    It is simple so its the first option when testing with java application.

  19. Junit testing is used by developers to implement unit testing in java,and accelerate programming speed and increase the quality of code.

  20. What is Junit Testing?
    Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code. This application is integrated with eclipse, Ant, Maven. The important features of Junit testing are:
    Fixtures,Text suits,Test Runners and Junit classes

  21. Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code.

  22. Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and
    increase the quality of code.

  23. 1.Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code. This application is integrated with eclipse, Ant, Maven

  24. Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code. This application is integrated with eclipse, Ant, Maven.

  25. Junit Testing is an open source Unit Testing framework for JAVA. It helps the Java Developers to write and run repeatable tests. As the name suggests it is a unit testing done on small chunks of code. It helps to detect bugs early in the development stage and thereby makes the code more reliable.

  26. Junit testing is a kind of unit testing which is implemented in java to increase the programming speed and improve quality of code. It is integrated with eclipse, Ant, Maven.
    Important features
    2. Test suits
    3. Test runners
    4. Junit classes

  27. What is Junit Testing?
    *Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code. This application is integrated with eclipse, Ant, Maven.

  28. What is Junit Testing?

    Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code. This application is integrated with eclipse, Ant, Maven.

  29. 1. Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code.

  30. What is Junit Testing?
    Junit testing is a type of unit testing. It is implemented in java to increase programming speed and improve the quality of code.

  31. 1. Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code.

  32. 1. What is Junit Testing?
    Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code. This application is integrated with eclipse, Ant, Maven.

  33. 1. What is Junit testing?
    Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to speed up the programming and increase the quality of code. This application is integrated with eclipse, Ant, Maven.

  34. Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code.

  35. What is Junit Testing?
    Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code.

  36. What is Junit Testing?
    Junit testing is a type of unit testing which is implemented in java to accelerate the programming speed and increase the quality of code.

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