Pitfalls of Automation Testing in Quality Assurance

Pitfalls of Automation Testing in Quality Assurance

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Are you a tester or a company owner that seems to face a lot of challenges in your testing processes? It’s not new and there are lots of pitfalls you can easily avoid in your testing project. This will help you spend less and achieve more results. Want to know what these are? Get into reading this article right away. 

  1. Jumping right into testing

As an expert, you should understand that automation testing isn’t the first step to take. Rather, you need to have carried out enough foundational steps about the software and what it entails before getting to testing the tool. However, missing out on the first stage is common to many testers due to several reasons, most of which are about trying to meet the deadline. No doubt, deadlines are important and help build brand trust, however before placing the software on a testing journey, ensure your team understands the basic features and reason for testing. Following this will help you avoid any errors from a lack of knowledge about the project. 

  1. Automating the unnecessary things

Another pitfall to avoid as an automation tester is placing all activities on automated testing. It’s a fast way to achieve results, but sometimes these unnecessary things will fall during the testing process. Asides from this, your team will only end up wasting so much time and finances on the wrong things. That brings us to the second stage of automation testing. You need to assign each activity to its place. With that done thoroughly, you’ll avoid making errors with your team. 

  1. Working with the wrong tool

Another common pitfall automation testers experience is working with the wrong tools. There are tons of automation testing tools and these are designed to help in a specific area of testing. With the vast majority, some tools work well for each testing activity. But many testers due for lots of reasons would prefer working with only one throughout the testing phase. This bounces back and leads to a loss of time and resources. 

So, ensure you know your tools well before proceeding. For example, getting started with a QA online course will provide an opportunity to understand the intricacies of the tool

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Pitfalls of Automation Testing in Quality Assurance
  1. Testers not versed with the tool

While considering the options of tools suitable for your project, you need to work with something your testers are versed in. As laughable as it seems, not all testers know how to use specific testing tools. There are lots of them, right? Exactly, you can’t expect them to understand everything. That’s why as a leader of the team or company, you need to effectively communicate with your team what they want. If you want to learn the tools for quality assurance,  consider enrolling in a QA training online right away. 

  1. Choosing the wrong time 

you’ll agree that time is important in any human activity. But as important as it is, you can make the mistake of selecting the perfect timing for a testing project. How? By starting the testing project too early. It’s right that experts advise treating as software development begins to quickly notice and remove bugs. However, it can be too early as well and this only makes you overspend on a project. 

A good way to avoid this pitfall is by working with manual automation initially. By writing the manual test scripts, you’ll have sufficient information to carry out the automation process when it’s time. On the other hand, you may choose to write the automation test scripts before testing commences, however, ensure no further development or altercations in the project will affect what you have.

  1.  Lack of stable testing environments

As much as you want your testers to deliver, do you provide them with a suitable testing environment? Here is one of the most common problems automation testers experience especially when they have to switch between places for writing test scripts and carrying out the testing process. This in turn affects the rate of speed and accuracy of the testing results. 

A good way to avoid this for your future projects is by effectively planning and controlling the testing activities. Also, carrying out timely meetings with the team of experts to hear their problems. 

We have discussed the top problems automation testers face in the course of carrying out their activities and also suggested proven ways to avoid them. Ultimately, learn and provide an avenue for your team to learn as well. This said you can work to register for a QA certification course immediately to get updated knowledge about the tool.

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