Python Classes and Objects

Python Classes and Objects

Table of Contents

Any class will be considered as a user-defined prototype from the objects which are created. The classes will provide the piling of information and functionality together. Creating a new class creates a replacement of objects and also allows the advanced instances which are of that type to be made. Each class instance and attribute that’s attached to maintaining its state. The class instances may have methods for changing their state. When we understand the need for creating a class let’s consider the example as we wanted to quantify the number of dogs that can have various attributes like breed while the second element may show the age. It’s an inventory that used the first element that will be the dog’s breed, while the second element is going to represent the age. Here the class may build the user-defined structure that will contain the data members of its own and also member functions that are utilized and used by creating the instance of that class which is a blueprint for an object.

There are some points about the class

  • Classes are created by the keyword class
  • Here the attributes are the variables which contain to a class
  • many attributes that are always might public and can be accessed using a .dot() operator like example Myclass.Myattribute

Class definition syntax

class  ClassName

# Statement-1

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# Statement-N

Defining the class

# Python3 program to

# demonstrate defining

# a class

class Breed Dog:


This example has the important keyword that is class termed as that we are creating a class which is followed by the name of the class(Dog during this case).

Class objects

The object is an instance of a class that is like a blueprint while an instance is a copy of the class with actual values. It’s not thought anymore but actual breed dog like breed pug who is seven years old. We are able to have many dogs when we create the instances but without the guidance of the sophistication class we may be lost will not be knowing any information which will be required.

Any object consists of

  • State- This has  the attributes of an object.It also has the properties of an object.
  • Behavior- It is given with method of an object.It is projected as the response of an object to other objects.
  • Identity- An individual is given a name to an object and highlights one object to interact with other objects.
python class

Declaring the objects(By instantiating a class)

The object of a class is made, and class is instantiated. All the instances that will share attributes and behavior of the class. Here the class values of those attributes during the state are unique for each object. A single class  will have any number of instances for example

python declaring an object

Declaring the object

# Python3 program to

# demonstrate instantiating

# a class

  class BreedDog:

    # A easy class

    # attribute

    attr1 = “animal”

    attr2 = “Bree1dog”

    # A sample method 

    def fun(self):

        print(“I’m a”, self.attr1)

        print(“I’m a”, self.attr2)

# Driver code

# Object instantiation

Rockey = Dog()

# Accessing class attributes

# and method through objects




I’m a animal

I’m a bree1dog

Consider the example above where an object will be made where the dog and a dog named Rockey. This class has two attributes that will tell that Rockey is a dog and an animal.

The Self

  • Methods of class should have additional parameter in the method definition.Otherwise it is not valued to the parameter during the call of the method,python will give it.
  • If we have a method that takes no arguments then we will have to have only one argument.This is same to this pointer in C++ reference in java.

when the object of any myobject.method(arg1,arg2) is transferred to by python object into MyClass.method(myobject,arg1,arg2)- which is self.


  1. What are Python classes? Explain with an example
  2. How a class is declared in python?

10 Responses

  1. 1) What are Python classes? Explain with an example
    A Python class is like an outline for creating a new object.
    An object is anything that you wish to manipulate or change while working through the code.
    We use the class keyword to create a class in Swift. For example,
    class ClassName:
    # class definition
    Here, we have created a class named ClassName.
    Let’s see an example,
    class Bike:
    name = “”
    gear = 0
    Bike – the name of the class
    name/gear – variables inside the class with default values “” and 0 respectively.

    2) How a class is declared in python?
    Classes are a blueprint for creating individual objects that contain the general characteristics of a defined object type. A modifier may or may not be used to declare a class.

  2. 1.What are Python classes? Explain with an example.
    A class is a user-defined blueprint or prototype from which objects are created. Classes provide a means of bundling data
    and functionality together. Creating a new class creates a new type of object, allowing new instances of that type to be made. Each class instance can have attributes attached to it for maintaining its state. Class instances can also have methods (defined by their class) for modifying their state.
    example :
    class MyClass:
    x = 5

    2.How a class is declared in python?
    – Classes are created by keyword class.
    – Attributes are the variables that belong to a class.
    – Attributes are always public and can be accessed using the dot (.) operator. Eg.: Myclass.Myattribute
    example: class MyClass:
    x = 5
    p1 = MyClass()

  3. A Python class is like an outline for creating a new object.
    An object is anything that you wish to manipulate or change while working through the code.
    We use the class keyword to create a class in Swift. For example,
    class ClassName:
    # class definition
    Here, we have created a class named ClassName.
    Let’s see an example,
    class Bike:

    Classes are a blueprint for creating individual objects that contain the general characteristics of a defined object type. A modifier may or may not be used to declare a class.
    name = “”
    gear = 0
    Bike – the name of the class
    name/gear – variables inside the class with default values “” and 0 respectively.

  4. Python Classes and Objects:

    What are Python classes? Explain with an example

    Classes are blueprints from which the individual objects are created by the keyword class. Then the classes will provide the piling of information and functionality together with the attributes that are publicly available for access using .dot() operator.
    For Example: let’s consider the library
    Class: Class : Library
    Attributes: Categories : fiction, non-fiction, children’s books and reference section
    Authors : Shakespeare, Wordsworth, G.B. Shaw

    How a class is declared in python?
    The object of a class is made, and class is instantiated. All the instances that will share attributes and behavior of the class. Here the class values of those attributes during the state are unique for each object. A single class will have any number of instances for example
    Class : Cars
    Attributes : seating, colors, braking style, drive type

  5. A.Class in python is a logical group of attributes and methods.
    Class is blueprint for creating instances.
    Class is basically used for code reusability.
    class Bike:
    name = “”
    gear = 0
    Bike – the name of the class
    name/gear – variables inside the class with default values “” and 0 respectively.
    BCreate a class to create a class,use the keyword class:
    Create object-Now we can use the class named Myclass to create objects.
    The self parameter
    Modify object properties
    Delete object properties
    Delete objects.

  6. python classes are considered as a user-defined prototype from the objects which are created. The classes will provide the piling of information and functionality together. Creating a new class creates a replacement of objects and also allows the advanced instances which are of that type to be made. Each class instance and attribute that’s attached to maintaining its state. The class instances may have methods for changing their state. When we understand the need for creating a class let’s consider the example as we wanted to quantify the number of dogs that can have various attributes like breed while the second element may show the age. It’s an inventory that used the first element that will be the dog’s breed, while the second element is going to represent the age. Here the class may build the user-defined structure that will contain the data members of its own and also member functions that are utilized and used by creating the instance of that class which is a blueprint for an object.

  7. a class is a user -defined blue print or prototype from which objects are created .classes provide a means of bundling data and functionality together. creating a new class creates a new type of objects, allowing new instances of that type to be made. each class instance can have attributes attached to it for maintaining its state. class instances can also have methods (defined by their classes) for modifying their state.
    classes creates a user-defined data structure, which holds its own data members and member functions, which can be accessed and used by creating an instant of that classes.
    Eg. person is a class ,class has an attribute , instance of a class is an object and object has a value eg. name mr. x, age 45
    classes are declared in python
    use the key word class
    use the class named MyClass to Create object

  8. 1. What are Python classes? Explain with an example

    • Any class will be considered as a user-defined prototype from the objects which are created. The classes will provide the piling of information and functionality together. Creating a new class creates a replacement of objects and also allows the advanced instances which are of that type to be made. Each class instance and attribute that’s attached to maintaining its state.
    Class definition syntax
    class ClassName
    # Statement-1
    # Statement-N
    Defining the class
    # Python3 program to
    # demonstrate defining
    # a class
    class Breed Dog:

    2. How a class is declared in python?

    The class instances may have methods for changing their state. Classes are created by the keyword class. The attributes are the variables which contain to a class. Many attributes that are always might public and can be accessed using a .dot() operator like example Myclass.Myattribute

  9. 1. Class is considered as a user-defined prototype from the objects which are created. Classes will provide the piling of information and functionality together. Creating a new class creates a replacement of objects and also allows the advanced instances which are of that type to be made. Example
    Declaring the object
    # Python3 program to
    # demonstrate instantiating
    # a class
    class BreedDog:
    # A easy class
    # attribute
    attr1 = “animal”
    attr2 = “Bree1dog”
    # A sample method
    def fun(self):
    print(“I’m a”, self.attr1)
    print(“I’m a”, self.attr2)
    # Driver code
    # Object instantiation
    Rockey = Dog()
    # Accessing class attributes
    # and method through objects

    2. Classes are created by the keyword class.

  10. 1) What are Python classes? Explain with an example
    A) Any class will be considered as a user-defined prototype from the objects which are created. The classes will provide the piling of information and functionality together. Creating a new class creates a replacement of objects and also allows the advanced instances which are of that type to be made. Each class instance and attribute that’s attached to maintaining its state. The class instances may have methods for changing their state.

    # Python3 program to
    # demonstrate instantiating
    # a class
    class BreedDog:
    # A easy class
    # attribute
    attr1 = “animal”
    attr2 = “Bree1dog”
    # A sample method
    def fun(self):
    print(“I’m a”, self.attr1)
    print(“I’m a”, self.attr2)
    # Driver code
    # Object instantiation
    Rockey = Dog()
    # Accessing class attributes
    and method through objects

    I’m a animal
    I’m a bree1dog

    2) How a class is declared in python?
    A) In Python, a class is declared using the “class” keyword followed by the class name, and then a colon (:).The body of the class can include class attributes (variables that are shared by all instances of the class) and class methods (functions that can be called on the class itself rather than on instances of the class).

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