Tips to Learning Java Quickly without Being a Genius

Tips to Learning Java Quickly without Being a Genius

Table of Contents

There have been a lot of misconceptions about Java. More often than not, you hear people advise that beginners should steer clear of Java when starting out their coding journey. This was because Java was difficult to learn. Is this really true? 

Well, Java may be ‘relatively’ harder to learn but it does not mean that it is a no-go area for beginners. When learning any programming language, it is more about the approach you use to learn rather than the language itself. In this article, you will discover some important tips to learn Java and learn it quickly. Hopefully, by the end of the article, you will be pumped to learn Java even as your first programming language. 

Meanwhile, to learn more about Java and how it works, you can search for Java classes you can join. A simple Java class near me search would be a good starting point. 

Let’s begin by understanding why you should learn Java in the first place.

Why should you learn Java? 

Java has managed to remain relevant over the years even amidst prophecies of doom. The reason is that Java is relatively easier. Yes, I said Java is earlier. Also, Java is robust. In other words, it can be used for different applications and use cases. Lastly, Java is fast. The speed of your code execution is fundamental especially when you are building large applications. This is why Java developers are highly coveted enterprise organizations. 

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One more thing. For those who want to hear the hard truth, it is a great idea to learn Java as your first programming language. Why is that? Well, Java gives you a rounded understanding of key programming concepts and lets you explicitly play around with them. 

For instance, you cannot write Java code without creating a class. In Python, on the other hand, you may not need to explicitly create them before running a code. This does not in any way mean classes are less important in Python. 

So here’s the thing. If you want to learn to code well, learn Java. And here are some tips for learning Java quickly. 

How to Learn Java as Quickly as Possible. 

  1. Start with the basics and Master it

This looks like a no-brainer but you’d be shocked how many skip the basics and just jump straight into writing codes. The good news is the instant gratification of being a programmer. The bad news is that not knowing the basics will hunt you as you progress. So just before you delve into writing long lines of codes, make sure you understand the basics. 

What are the basics? Well, at the very least, you need to understand:

  • Variables: Naming conventions, data types, default values, etc
  • Operators: Understand what each operator does and when they are used. 
  • Expressions, statements and blocks: Understand when to use different statements (if, else, for, etc). Master how you can write blocks of codes with different expressions, statements and operators, etc. 
  • Object oriented programming: This is slightly above the basics but it is a critical concept in programming in Java. You need to understand what an object is, what a class is, what it means to instantiate an object, what are parameters, arguments, etc. 

Take out time to read blogs on these concepts. You can read over and over again to correctly grasp these concepts before moving on. They will definitely prove helpful in the long run. 

  1. Write short codes first. 

Once you get really comfortable with the basics, the next step is to join the threads together by writing small codes. You can build code that does basic stuff. For instance, a basic calculator, a code that does a specified thing given a condition. All these would give you the opportunity to master key concepts like control flow, conditional statements, and so on. 

Note that the first few codes may be really short. Never mind. Start small and grow. Gradually, you can increase the difficulty of the programs and start learning how to Google Search your challenges. 

One thing I must point out. Even when you see solutions to your problems online, do not copy and paste it. Read the solution and type it yourself into your IDE. When typing, you take note of minute but important things such as lowercase/uppercase mistakes, when to use colon, curly braces, and so on. 

Remember, you learn better by active learning and not passive learning. Read codes, and type them yourself. 

  1. Start importing libraries/API and using them in your code.

Once you are comfortable with writing simple codes, you can take it a step further by importing libraries and using APIs in your codes. The goal here is not to build the logic behind APIs themselves but just get familiar with using them. You can begin by checking Java collections and Java IO. 

APIs allow you to perform certain tasks without you building from scratch. You’d be needing this often as a JAva developer. Some things you must master include:

  • How to take input from the user and work with it. 
  • Reading files and writing to files on your machine. 
  • Working with lists 
  • Create some searching and sort programs in a collection. 
  • Using HashMap to store key-value pairs, etc. 
  1. Get real. Build web applications and desktop applications. 

To prove your proficiency as a developer, it is best your portfolio speaks for you. Hiring managers would most likely want to know what you have built with Java than asking what a concept means. So now is the time to take up a project. 

You can decide to build a desktop application and a web application with Java. These are popular use cases of the language. 

Research on how to go about this. Ask more experienced programmers on the right methodology to go about. Read materials online about what you are about to do. Use Google a lot. In the end, you will be needing help from external sources. Your duty is not to cram and regurtite functions and their use case, it is rather to master when to use what. 

  1. Be active online. 

One way to get accountable, learn even more and connect with like minds is to get active online. Post about your journey on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. A popular hashtag you can use is the #100DaysofCode hashtag. Use it while you update people on what you have learned each day. 

In addition, try to post on forums. At your level, answer questions of other people. It could be on Stackoverflow, Twitter, GitHub, etc. Basically, leave good digital footprints. It is another way of showcasing your expertise to hiring managers. 

  1. Join an online Java training

I know it can be difficult for some to follow these steps on their own. That is why joining an online Java training is critical. You get to learn from industry experts, connect with like minds, have an experienced programmer on standby to answer your questions, and so on. To find a course, you can simple google search Java online classes near me

Wrapping up

In this article, you have learned how to become a Java developer fast. Remember, it does not end by knowing, you must take action. Start today by joining a community of Java developers or joining an online class. 

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