Just like every other programming language, “Java” has certain coding standards that every programmer must know and follow when writing codes. According to Java training, coding standards are based on Java coding conventions and they represent the best Java practices. Java programming has been in constant use over the years and has now become dominant in the programming world. This is because most other programming languages can not stand in today’s technology-driven world, but Java has remained relevant over the rapid advancements.
Java programming language is one of the best programming languages because it is used to develop a series of applications in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Virtual World, DevOps, and Mobile App Developments. While Java is now a major trend in the programming industry, Java programmers must learn basic coding standards that ensure Java coding best practices. This will make you stand out amongst thousands of programmers.
Here are the Top 10 Java coding standards you must know as a Java programmer;
Class Fields
During Java training, you will learn that making class fields inaccessible is a good java practice. A java developer should learn how to assign a private access modifier to help protect class fields. Furthermore, methods either belong to interfaces or class fields, and there is a high chance that developers can assign local variables the same name as class member variables.
However, the Java compiler can differentiate between these variables and can easily pick the right one from the scope. That said, every Java programmer should be able to differentiate between these variables to avoid any form of conflict. Conflicting variable names can affect the results of a coding program. So, make sure you understand how to assign class fields.
Memory Leaks
Java program developers do not have total control over memory management because Java manages the memory automatically. This can lead to memory leakage. To avoid this, Java developers need to implement some best java practices that involve using final blocks and releasing database connections after querying as often as possible. It also involves releasing instances stored in “Static Tables”. Implementing these practices will prevent memory leaks.
Strings Usage
Java strings are immutable objects that can be easily handled and extended. Java Strings are represented in “UTF-16 Coding Format” and they must be efficiently deployed to prevent access memory usage. When Strings are concatenated in a given loop, the concatenation operation will create new string objects in the loop which is a modification of the original string.
The intermediate string objects created might become inefficient because they are extraneous. This can be avoided to prevent memory wastage. So, whenever extensive string manipulation is needed, two string classes can be used; StringBuffer and StringBuilder. Enrolling in a java online course will provide more knowledge on these two companion string classes.
String objects can also pass through an instantiating process. During this process, the java coding standard requires that the use of constructors should be avoided to achieve the desired result.
Extensive Libraries
The Java programming language is one of the most used programming languages because of its extensive set of libraries. Java program developers have access to a new release of libraries from time to time. However, while Java’s extensive libraries are optimal, you need to know that they are not perfectly designed. So, as a knowledgeable java programmer with in-depth java training, you need to master how to implement the use of methods, classes, interfaces, and annotations from Java’s extensive libraries. The java online course will guide you on this.
Java releases newly updated libraries from time to time to upgrade and improve the existing libraries. So, if you understand how to use Java’s extensive libraries, it will help you reduce the time spent writing codes. Make sure you maximize the use of Java’s extensive libraries by using the tested features from the libraries rather than using features from an external library.
Naming Conventions
In Java training, good practice involves specifying a set of “naming conventions” before starting to write codes for a Java project. This means Java programmers must learn how to properly name code identifiers such as classes, variables, methods, interfaces, and constants, etc. These code identifiers must have certain characteristics that will make them easy to identify. This involves;
- Naming code identifiers to make them self-explanatory
- Naming code identifiers to make them easy to pronounce
- Naming code identifiers to provide meaningful distinctions
Make sure you write codes to make them readable and easy to understand by humans.
Boxing and Unboxing
As a Java developer, one of the things you will learn when you enroll in the best online java course is how to perform boxing and unboxing. Boxing in Java coding is a basic technique that involves the conversion of primitive types and corresponding wrapper classes. While unboxing involves reverting a boxing conversion. For instance, boxing involves converting “char to Character”, “int to Integer”, “double to Double”, “byte to Byte”, and “float to Float” etc. In this case, unboxing involves the reverse conversion of “Float to float”, “Integer to int”, “Double to double” and so on.
Test Cases
The Java coding process will not be complete without Testing. This is a Test-Driven Practice (TDD) in the Java programming world. Java developers must know how to perform TDD by using Java Standard Library and Junit Framework. This standard must be followed to ensure Java best practices. So, whether you are a beginner or expert Java programmer, you must learn how to write Test Cases with Java coding. You will get immediate feedback on the features under development if you implement the writing of Test Cases when writing Java codes.
Catch Blocks
In regards to Catch Blocks in Java programming, the standard is to ensure never to leave the blocks empty. This Java best practice is mostly implemented by elite-level developers to ensure exception handling. They write meaningful messages in catch blocks instead of leaving them empty. According to teachings from a java online course, the benefit of implementing this Java coding standard is to make debugging less difficult which can be time-consuming. All Java developers must write meaningful messages in catch blocks rather than leaving them empty.
Object Immutability
It is important to implement the concept of immutability when writing Java codes. According to Java training, if an object variable is mutable, it can be changed during its lifecycle. But immutable objects don’t change their internal state making them safe with no side effects.
If the classes designed by Java developers are made immutable, it’ll guarantee that they can be used everywhere without modification issues. A Java developer must identify those classes that are immutable because not all classes can be designed to make them immutable.
Redundant Initializations
It is important to avoid redundant initializations when writing Java codes. Initializing member variables with null and false values is a common practice in Java. So, Java developers need to identify default initialization values of member variables and avoid initializing variables redundantly. This Java coding standard is part of Java training that should never be ignored by Java developers.
As a beginner, learning the Java programming language should be a top priority. So, it is important to enroll in the best online Java course to get all the java training you need to excel in the field. Once you are a certified Java programmer, you then need to learn and implement Java coding standards that will ensure Java best practices. There’re many Java coding standards but we have discussed some of the best you need to focus on when coding for Java projects.