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Volume testing is a type of non functional testing where software is subjected to large volume of data to analyse the performance of the system. It is also called as Flood testing. With this type of testing the impact of response time and system behaviour can be determined.

The objective of volume testing is

  • It is used to check whether there is any loss of data
  • Used to check the response time
  • Data is stored correctly or not
  • Verify if the data is overwritten
  • Check all the warning messages and error messages
  • Check the high volume data has some effect on speed processing of the system

The challenges of volume testing are:

  • It is difficult to generate fragmentation of memory
  • Difficult for dynamic generation of keys.
  • Relational integrity of generated data

For example: If a volume test has to be done for the application with a specific database size we will expand the database application to that size then test the performance of it. Another example is if there is a requirement of an application to interact with the interface file which is reading or writing from file or to file. The database is stretched to the maximum threshold point and large volume of data is added and tested for system’s response.

The main characteristics of volume testing is

  • In development phase, small amount of data is tested
  • The performance of the software decreases over the time if there is enormous amount of data
  • Test cases are derived from design of documents
  • Test data is generated from a test  data generator
  • Test data need not be logically correct to assess the system’s performance

The difference between the volume testing and load testing:

Volume testing is performed on the varying data volumes in database and load testing is performed with varying number of users.

The benefits of volume testing are

  • By identifying the load issues a lot of money can be saved for application maintenance
  • It helps for quicker start for scalability plans
  • Easy to identify problems
  • It confirms the usability of the system in real world

Volume testing

volume testing
volume testing


  1. What is volume testing? Explain with the examples
  2. What is the difference between the volume testing and performance testing?

36 Responses

  1. Volume testing is a type of non functional testing where software is subjected to large volume of data to analyse the performance of the system. It is also called as Flood testing. With this type of testing the impact of response time and system behaviour can be determined,
    a,It is used to check whether there is any loss of data
    b.Used to check the response time
    c.Data is stored correctly or not
    d.Verify if the data is overwritten
    e.Check all the warning messages and error messages
    f.Check the high volume data has some effect on speed processing of the system
    Difference bet volume and load testing are :
    Volume testing is performed on the varying data volumes in database and load testing is performed with varying number of users.

  2. 1.Volume testing is a type of non functional testing where software is subjected to large volume of data to analyse the performance of the system. It is also called as Flood testing. With this type of testing the impact of response time and system behaviour can be determined.For example: If a volume test has to be done for the application with a specific database size we will expand the database application to that size then test the performance of it.
    2.volum testing – performing varyiting data volumes in database
    performance testing – . In this type of testing, speed or efficiency of the software is tested. Performance testing is a testing process where in the performance of software is tested with different factors like number of users, data, resources and usage of software.

  3. Volume Testing- is testing the performance of the software with different volume of data and thus identifying the maximum volume of data supported by the software. The server performance is tested against increased data. So the database is stretched to its threshold loading huge volume of data and then determines the response time received for every input of query. A simple example- consider a database with a specific size. We will test the database with a normal file and determine the response time taken for some queries. Then we can create a huge sized file and determine the response time taken for the same queries. Thus volume testing helps to determine the software performance with different volumes of data.

  4. 1.Volume testing: Volume testing is a type of non functional testing where software is subjected to large volume of data to analyze the performance of the system. It is also called as Flood testing. With this type of testing the impact of response time and system behavior can be determined.
    Example: If a volume test has to be done for the application with a specific database size we will expand the database application to that size then test the performance of it.
    2. Volume testing is performed on the varying data volumes in database whereas Performance testing is a process where the performance of the software is tested with different factors like number of users, data, resources and usage of software.

  5. Volume testing is a type of non functional testing where software is subjected to large volume of data to analyse the performance of the system. It is also called as Flood testing. With this type of testing the impact of response time and system behavior can be determined.
    By identifying load issues, a lot of money can be saved which otherwise will be spent on application maintenance.
    It helps in a quicker start for scalability plans.
    Early identification of bottlenecks
    It assures your system is now capable of real-world users
    For example, if you want to volume test your application with a specific database size, you will expand your database to that size and then test the application’s performance on it

  6. volume testing is performed under huge volume of data. Volume testing checks if the system behaves as expected for certain volume of data. Volume can be increasing size of the file. On the other hand, load tests checks the performance of the system when the load is increased.

    Software Performance testing is type of testing to determine the performance of system, validate or verify quality attributes of the system like responsiveness, Speed, Scalability, Stability under variety of load conditions.

  7. Volume testing is a type of non functional testing where software is subjected to large volume of data to analyse the performance of the system Eg:The performance of the software decreases over the time if there is enormous amount of data, speed decreases system crashes.

    Differece between volume testing and performance testing
    Volume testing is performed on the varying data volumes in database and load testing is performed with varying number of users.

  8. Volume testing: Volume testing is a type of non-functional testing where as we can test the performance of the software with different volume of data and identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software.It is also called flood testing.
    It is used to
    -check any loss of data
    -check the response time
    -check the data is stored correctly or not
    -verify the data is over written
    -check all the warning messages and error messages
    e.g: mobile phone: we download large number of games it will affect the volume of the data and can reduce the speed of the mobile phone.
    Volume testing: varying data volume in data base.
    Load testing: performed with varying number of users.

  9. Volume testing or flood testing is a test where software is subjected to large volumes of data to analyse the performance of the system. Impact of response time and system behavior is determined by this type of testing. It also tests for loss of data, correct data storage, overwritten data, warning and error messages and the overall speed processing of the system.

  10. Difference between Volume testing and Performance testing is:

    Performance testing is the testing which is performed to ascertain how the components of a system are performing under a particular given situation. Resource usage, scalability and reliability of the product are also validated.

    Volume testing is a subset of performance testing. This is a specific type of test where software is subjected to large volumes of data to analyse the performance of the system . Impact of response time and system behavior is determined by this type of testing. It also tests for loss of data, correct data storage, overwritten data, warning and error messages and the overall speed processing of the system.

  11. examples of volume testing are:
    1) retail shopping sites volume tested to handle black Friday sales volumes.
    2) Online test results for school websites for days when test scores are loaded.

  12. Volume testing is a type of non functional testing where software is subjected to large volume of data to analyse the performance of the system. It is also called as Flood testing. With this type of testing the impact of response time and system behaviour can be determined.
    For example: If a volume test has to be done for the application with a specific database size we will expand the database application to that size then test the performance of it.
    Difference between the volume testing and performance testing
    Where as volume testing is performed under huge volume of data. – Volume testing checks if the system behaves as expected for certain volume of data. Volume can be increasing size of the file. On the other hand, load tests checks the performance of the system when the load is increased.

  13. What is Volume testing? Explain with examples

    volume Testing is the testing of the performance of the system with different volume of data and trying to identify the maximum volume of data supported by the system.
    example – on a mobile phone we download music files, video files, games etc.
    It is also known as flood testing. The impact of response time and system behaviour can be determined by this test.
    Some Objectives of Volume testing are we can –
    VERIFY – if the data is lost, if the data is stored correctly or not , if the data is overwritten;
    CHECK – the response time, if the warning and error messages are displayed, if the high volume of data has any effect on the speed processing systems.
    Examples – a)to test the application with a specific database size we can expand the database size and test the system performance.
    b)if the requirement is that the application has to interact with the interface file. the database size is expanded to its maximum threshold and large amount of data is added and then the system is tested.

    what is the difference between volume testing and performance testing?
    volume Testing is the testing of the performance of the system with different volume of data and trying to identify the maximum volume of data supported by the system. The impact of response time and system behavior can be determined by this test. It is a type of performance testing.

    performance testing is testing to see efficiency/performance of the system. It can be done manually but it is usually done using tools /automated (example – HP Load Runner etc) Since it is difficult to test with large number of users, data, resources, usage.
    Types of performance testing
    a) Load testing
    b) Volume Testing
    c) Stress Testing
    d) Soak Testing

  14. What is volume testing? Explain with the examples

    Volume testing is a type of software testing where the software is subjected to a huge volume of data,.
    It is also referred to as flood testing. Volume testing is done to analyze the system performance by
    increasing the volume of data in the database. For example, testing the music site behavior when there
    are millions of user to download the song.
    .What is the difference between the volume testing and performance testing?

    In volume testing software is subjected to a large volume of data to analyze the performance of the system.
    Volume testing is used to check whether there is any loss of data, the response time, data is stored correctly or
    not, verify if the data is overwritten, check all the warning messages and error messages, and check the
    high volume of data has some effect on speed processing of the system.
    Performance testing is a type of software testing to ensure software applications will perform well under their
    expected workload. The focus of performance testing is to check the Speed(determines whether the application
    responds quickly), Scalability (determines maximum user load the software application can handle)
    and Stability(determines if the application is stable under varying loads).

  15. 1.Volume testing is a non functional testing method that checks for the performance of the system under varying volumes of data.

    Ex: Online shopping portal.
    volume testing helps to ensure the performance of the system if large number of users order the same product at the same time.

    2. Volume testing is a specific type of performance testing.

  16. -Volume testing refers to testing a software application with a certain amount of data. … For example, if you want to volume test your application with a specific database size, you will expand your database to that size and then test the application’s performance on it.
    -Volume can be increasing size of the file. On the other hand, load tests checks the performance of the system when the load is increased.

  17. 1. Volume testing is a type of non functional testing where software is subjected to large volume of data to analyze the performance of the system. With this type of testing, the impact of response time and system behavior can be determined. For example, if a volume test has to be done for the application with a specific database size, it will expand the database application to that size then test the performance of it.
    2. Volume testing checks if the system behaves as expected for certain volume of data. Load tests checks the performance of the system when the load is increased.

  18. The objective of volume testing is
    It is used to check whether there is any loss of data
    Used to check the response time
    Data is stored correctly or not
    Verify if the data is overwritten
    Check all the warning messages and error messages
    Check the high volume data has some effect on speed processing of the system
    The difference between the volume testing and performance testing: load testing is a type of performance testing.

  19. Volume Testing is a non functional testing/flood testing .we test the software by adding large amount of data and check the performance , in terms of database storage , Memory , speed of processing, an application interacting with interface file to file…etc .
    Example: generating monthly bank statements for millions of users and generating yearly statements for millions of users.
    Difference between volume testing and performance testing : volume testing is to test the application in terms of data and checking the performance . Performance testing is the process of determining the speed, responsiveness and stability of a computer, network, software program or device under a workload.

  20. 1)-Volume testing or flood testing is a test of non functional testing where software is subjected to large volumes of data to analyse the performance of the system. Impact of response time and system behavior is determined by this type of testing. It also tests for loss of data, correct data storage, overwritten data, warning and error messages and the overall speed processing of the system.
    eg: testing the music site behavior when there are millions of users to download the song.
    2)-What is the difference between the volume testing and performance testing?
    Performance testing, a non-functional testing technique performed to determine the system parameters in terms of responsiveness and stability under various workload. Performance testing measures the quality attributes of the system, such as scalability, reliability and resource usage.where as , Volume testing is a subset of performance testing. This is a specific type of test where software is subjected to large volumes of data to analyse the performance of the system . Impact of response time and system behavior is determined by this type of testing. It also tests for loss of data, correct data storage, overwritten data, warning and error messages and the overall speed processing of the system.

  21. (1) What is volume testing? Explain with the example
    Volume testing performing varying data volumes in database

    What is the difference between the volume testing and performance testing?
    Volume testing is performed on the varying data volumes in database and
    load testing is performed with varying number of users..
    Example:: On black Friday stores open their price list online or their less price on highly demand things.

    Volume testing :Volume testing is a type of non functional testing where we can test the performance of the software with different volume of data and identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software.
    (2) What is the difference between the volume testing and performance testing?

  22. Volume testing is a type of non functional testing where software is subjected to large volume of data to analyze the performance of the system. It is also called as Flood testing. Example of volume testing: downloading email in large amounts on the phone app.

    Difference between volume testing and load testing:
    Volume testing: varying data volume in data base.
    Load testing: performed with varying number of users.

  23. 1. Volume Testing:
    Volume testing is a type of non functional testing. it is also known as flood testing. Volume testing is used to test the performance if the software when it is subjected to large volume of data.
    – Social media applications where many users upload data.
    – attaching files with different amount of data.
    – creating a huge size file.
    2. Difference between Volume Testing and P{performance testing:
    Volume testing:
    – It is a type of Performance Testing where the software is subjected to large volume to test its performance.
    – Volume testing is perform on varying data volumes in data base.
    – Impact of response time and system behavior is determined.
    – The data base is stressed to maximum value.
    – eg: creating a huge size file.
    Performance Testing:
    – It si a non functional testing which is used to test speed, efficiency of the software.
    – Software is tested with different factors like number of users, data, resources, and usage.
    – The goal is to improve software’s performance and not to find bugs.
    – Eg: Checking the application could be loaded with many users at a time.

  24. Volume testing is a type of non functional testing where software is subjected to large volume of data to analyse the performance of the system it is also known as flood testing. Volume testing is used to test the performance of the software when it is subjected to large volume of data. Ex : Black Friday sale , Kohl’s site with deals.

    Difference between Volume testing and Performance testing :
    – Volume testing is done to test the application in terms of data and checking the performance .
    – Performance testing is the process of determining the speed, responsiveness and stability of a computer, network, software program or device under a workload.

  25. Volume testing testes the software performance with different volume of data and to identify maximum volume of data supported by the software.Volume testing determines impact of response time and system behaviour can be identified.
    eg: If we install too many application in any computer the performance of the computer decreases

    difference between volume and performance testing:
    Volume testing comes under the performance testing. It is performed on varying data volumes on database. easily identifies error with this testing.
    Performance testing tests the software application for to identify number of users,data load,resources and how the software behaves under continuous usage.

  26. 1.Volume testing: Volume testing is a type of non functional testing where software is subjected to large volume of data to analyze the performance of the system. It is also called as Flood testing. With this type of testing the impact of response time and system behavior can be determined.
    Example: If a volume test has to be done for the application with a specific database size we will expand the database application to that size then test the performance of it.
    2. Volume testing is performed on the varying data volumes in database whereas Performance testing is a process where the performance of the software is tested with different factors like number of users, data, resources and usage of software.

  27. volume testing : Volume testing is a type of non functional testing where software is subjected to large volume of data to analyse the performance of the system.
    example: files attachment with different amount of data

    difference between volume testing and performance testing:
    1)volume testing : load is huge volume of data, performance testing :customers’ expectations based.
    2)Volume testing makes the system capable of real world use. and performance testing makes the system capable according to end users.

  28. Volume testing is done to analyze the system performance by increasing the volume of data in the database so that the impact on response time and system behavior can be studied when exposed to a high volume of data. For example, the audible book site when there are high volume of users downloading a book.

    Volume testing checks system’s response time and makes the system capable of real world use. Load testing checks system’s performance and makes the system capable according to end users.

  29. Volume testing is when the performance of the system is tested under large volumes of data. Example – testing performance when there are millions of users on a music or movie streaming site downloading data, or when a car manufacturer tests the ability of its database to handle data of what it predicts the site would need to handle 5 years down the line.

    Performance testing is when the speed or efficiency of the software is tested whereas Volume testing is when the software is subjected to large volume of data to analyze the performance of the system. It is also called as Flood testing

  30. 1, Volume testing is a type of non functional testing where software is subjected to large volume of data to analyze the performance of the system. It is also called as Flood testing.
    Example: testing the music site behavior when there are millions of user to download the song
    2. Volume testing is a part of performance testing. Performance testing includes speed, scalability and stability of the software.

  31. 1.Volume testing means the test performance of a software with different volume of data & identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software and it is a non functional testing ,it is also called as flood testing
    eg: mobile games or YouTube videos
    2..Volume testing means the test performance of a software with different volume of data & identify the maximum volume of data supported by the software and it is a non functional testing ,it is also called as flood testing & this volume testing is type of performance testing
    It is used to check whether there is any loss of data
    Used to check the response time
    Data is stored correctly or not
    Verify if the data is overwritten
    Check all the warning messages and error messages
    Check the high volume data has some effect on speed processing of the system
    Performance testing is also a non functional testing,in this testing the speed/efficiency ,scalability& stability of a software is tested

  32. 1.Volume testing: Volume testing is a type of non functional testing where software is subjected to large volume of data to analyze the performance of the system. It is also called as Flood testing. With this type of testing the impact of response time and system behavior can be determined.
    ex: testing the music site behavior when there are millions of users to download the song
    2. In volume testing, the software is subjected to large volume of data to analyze the performance of the system whereas in a
    Performance testing the speed or efficiency of the software is tested.

  33. Volume testing is a type of non functional testing where software is subjected to large volume of data to analyse the performance of the system. It is also called as load testing.For Example: testing the music site behavior when there are millions of user to download the songs and also financial transaction, booking tickets etc
    2.Volume testing: It is a software testing performed to test the sytem under huge data load.It checkes system’s response time.
    Performance testing: It is process to determining the system’s performance that includes speed,reliability under varying load.It ckeck the behavior of the system under normal load.

  34. 1.Volume testing is a type of non functional testing where software is subjected to large volume of data to analyse the performance of the system. It is also called as Flood testing. With this type of testing the impact of response time and system behaviour can be determined.For example: If a volume test has to be done for the application with a specific database size we will expand the database application to that size then test the performance of it.
    2.volum testing – performing varyiting data volumes in database
    performance testing – . In this type of testing, speed or efficiency of the software is tested. Performance testing is a testing process where in the performance of software is tested with different factors like number of users, data, resources and usage of software.

  35. Volume testing, also called flood testing, is a kind of non-functional test to determine the amount of data the software can handle. This can be done by changing the size of the database application or interface file used.
    Volume testing specifically tests the amount of data that can be handled, and performance testing is the general testing of how well an application handles different amounts of users, data, resources, and usage times.

  36. Volume Testing:
    • Non-functional testing.
    • Also called Flood testing.
    • Software is tested with large volumes of data to analyze the performance of the system like system behavior and impact of response time.
    Banking Software: Database of the bank has large volumes of data storing Customer information, Transactions, Loans, Credit cards etc. Volume testing is done to see the response time if many users login at the same time and how system behaves with this large volume of data.
    Mobile Phones: Volume testing is done to check the response time if many applications are opened, how the system behaves that is, if the system slows down considerably or crashes if many applications are opened at the same time.
    Difference between the volume testing and performance testing:
    Volume Testing: Tests the performance of the software/system with different volumes of data and identifies the maximum volume of data supported by the software.
    Performance Testing: Tests the performance, speed, efficiency of the software. Goal is to improve the performance of the software/system not to find bugs.

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